The French space agency (Centre national d’études spatiales or CNES) is one of our major partners. CNES supports all types of scientific research linked to space, from the scientific exploitation of data from space-based observatories or probes to the preparation of future missions. CNES provides financial support, PhD and postdoctoral fellowships through yearly call for projects.
At IPAG, CNES supports projects using Gaia, XMM, Fermi, Mars Express, MRO, New Horizons, Rosetta, Hayabusa-2, the preparation of Mars2020, Europa Clipper, Juice, Exomars, Hera, AMICal Sat and ATISE, the development of new analysis techniques for returning samples (Cosmorbitrap) or for laboratory measurements of surface properties (Shadows/Shine), the study of new space-based instrumentation (radars for investigating Solar System bodies, high angular resolution imaging for exo-Earths). In the past, CNES has provided support for projects on Cassini, Herschel, Planck, SWARM, Corot, NEAT, etc.