Members of the Odyssey team

Name Status Research theme
Evelyne Alecian CNRS Researcher
Jérôme Bouvier CNRS Senior researcher
Nicolas Cuello UGA Junior Professorship
Catherine Dougados CNRS Senior researcher
Gaspard Duchêne UGA Associate Astronomer
Isabelle Joncour UGA Senior lecturer
Sébastien Maret CNRS Researcher
François Ménard CNRS Senior researcher
Jean-Louis Monin UGA Professor
Estelle Moraux UGA Senior lecturer
Pedro P. Poblete CNRS Postdoctoral fellow
Alana Sousa CNRS Postdoctoral fellow
Mario Sucerquia Areiza UGA Postdoctoral fellow
Ryo Tazaki CNES Postdoctoral fellow
Benjamin Thomasson CNRS Postdoctoral fellow
Antoine Alaguero UGA PhD student
Benjamin Amblard UGA PhD student
Yann Bernard UGA PhD student
Valentin Delabrosse UGA PhD student
Dorian Demars UGA PhD student
Lisa Drouglazet UGA PhD student
Laurine Martinien UGA PhD student
Tamara Rom UGA PhD student
Maxime Roumesy UGA PhD student
Sylvie Cabrit CNRS Associate Researcher
Christophe Pinte CNRS Associate Researcher