Members of the Sherpas team

Name Status Research topics
Benoît Cerutti CNRS Researcher High energies, compact objects, numerical simulations, particle acceleration
Maïca Clavel CNRS Researcher Galactic center, diffuse emission, binaries, compact objects, XMM, Chandra
Guillaume Dubus CNRS Senior researcher High energies, accretion, binaries, Fermi, CTA
Jonathan Ferreira UGA Professor Accretion-ejection, compact objects, young stellar objects
Didier Fraix-Burnet CNRS Researcher Astrostatistics, evolution, galaxies
Gilles Henri UGA Professor High energies, compact objects, jets, CTA
Geoffroy Lesur CNRS Senior researcher Accretion-ejection, young stellar objects, numerical simulations, turbulence
Pierre-Yves Longaretti CNRS Researcher Quantum mechanics, rings dynamics, plasmas instability, sustainable development
Pierre-Olivier Petrucci CNRS Senior researcher High energies, binaries, compact objects, XMM, CTA
John Mehlhaff CNRS Postdoctoral fellow Radiation processes in relativistic plasmas, compact objects, jets
Nicolas Scepi CNRS Postdoctoral fellow Accretion-ejection, compact objects, radiative transfer
Gaylord Wafflard-Fernandez CNRS Postdoctoral fellow Planet-disc wind interaction
Hugo Chambon UGA PhD student Astrostatistiscs, evolution, galaxies
Dilruwan Dehiwalage Don UGA PhD student Galactic center, diffuse emission, XMM
Enzo Figueiredo UGA PhD student High energies, compact objects, numerical simulations, particle acceleration
Vittoria Gianolli UGA - Roma Tre PhD student High energies, AGN, winds
Jonah Mauxion UGA PhD student Young stellar objects, winds MHD, numerical simulations
Maxime Parra UGA - Roma Tre PhD student High energies, X binaries, winds
Valentina Richard Romei UGA PhD student Electrodynamics of magnetospheric particles in binary systems of compact objects
Adrien Soudais UGA PhD student Compact objects, relativistic magnetospheres, numerical simulations
Marc vanden Bossche UGA PhD student Accretion, compact objects, MHD
Nathan Zimniak UGA PhD student Accretion-ejection, compact objects, young stellar objects