School of Statistics for Astrophysics 2015 : clustering and classification
Ecole IPAG du 11 au 16 octobre 2015 - Les Houches (France)
This second session of the School of Statistics for Astrophysics is devoted to clustering and classification.
Grouping objects obtained from the astronomical observations into distinct categories has always been a necessity imposed by their vast diversity. This is the case for stars, galaxies, asteroids, supernova, active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts and many others. This clustering by similarities (unsupervised classification) is a prerequisite to any physical modelisation, and (supervised) classification a requirement for observations and databases.
The objective of the School of Astrostatistics 2015 is to train astronomers to the use of a large range of statistical and algorithmic approaches of unsupervised and supervised classification, from the most basic to the state-of-the-art ones, including the spatial clustering, the clustering of variables and the graphical methods.