Séminaire IPAG

Winds from protoplanetary disks: observations, theory, and impact on planet formation

jeudi 7 septembre 2023 - 11h00
Sylvie Cabrit - LERMA
The assembly and architecture of planetary systems strongly depend on the physical processes governing the evolution and dispersal of protoplanetary disks. Over the last few years, new observations and theoretical insights have favored disk winds as being one of those key processes. This talk will provide a comprehensive review of recent observations probing outflowing gas launched over a range of disk radii for a wide range of evolutionary stages, enabling an empirical understanding of how winds evolve. In parallel, we review theoretical advancements in both magnetohydrodynamic and photoevaporative disk wind models, and predictions that can be confronted with observations. By linking theory and observations we critically assess the role of disk winds in the evolution and dispersal of protoplanetary disks. Finally, we explore the impact of disk winds on planet formation and evolution and highlight theoretical work, observations, and critical tests for future progress.
Hôtes : Catherine Dougados

Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères