The molecular emission from Supernova Remnants
Observing supernova remnants (SNRs) and modelling the shocks they are associated with is the best way to quantify the energy SNRs re-distribute back into the interstellar medium (ISM), and estimate the mass of the shocked component. In my talk, I will present recent observations, mostly from the APEX, SOFIA (CO), and Spitzer (H2) telescopes, of various SNRs , including W28, W44, 3C391, and IC443. I will then show how comparisons with shock models constitute a valuable tool to constrain both the shock characteristics and pre-shock conditions, leading to accurate estimates of shocked gas masses and related energetics. During this talk, I will focus on the F knot of the SNR W28, and present how our various IC443 observation programs will contribute to make this object a reliable template for the study of Galactic SNRs.