Let’s talk about science (But how ?)
Séminaire IPAG de Sibylle Anderl (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), jeudi 12 septembre 2019 à 11h00, IPAG seminar room
Today, we live in times when science seems increasingly under attack in public : Scientific expertise and the validity of scientific knowledge is being questioned by many holding populist views. At the same time, science is key for many of the central future-challenges we face as human beings. In this situation, scientific popularization seems particularly important and very much needed. But the intention to communicate scientific topics gives rise to many questions : Who should do the job (journalists / scientists / research institutions) ? How much simplification is allowed or necessary ? Which means of communication are most efficient ? What is the role of social media ? And how can we as communicators deal with the exponential growth of scientific publications ? I will talk about these and other questions based on my experiences as a science non-fiction author and a science editor working at “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, one of Germany’s major national newspapers, but also as former researcher in astrophysics.