Organic chemical evolution in small bodies. Soluble organic compounds of carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous chondrites
Séminaire IPAG de Junko Isa (IPAG), jeudi 10 octobre 2019 à 11h00, IPAG seminar room
The origin of the solar system and subsequent processes governing the production and evolution of organic matter are still not well understood. The fact that the vast majority of organic compounds are subject to reactions that lead to synthesis, degradation, and alteration confuses the overall distribution and diversity of organics. Among the complex organic compounds in the universe, soluble organic compounds, SOCs, such as the ones that are essential for life have been identified in meteorites. SOCs are of great interest to the origin of life in the universe. Targeted analyses have successfully identified a wide variety of abiotic organic compounds in meteorites. However, these targeted analyses might lead to a biased perception of the pattern of SOCs existing in meteorites. In order to comprehensively study SOCs in meteorites, we have applied non-targeted analyses on the solvent extracts from several chondrites. We have measured the solvent extracts by using nano-ESI, direct infusion with a high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometer. We have found that the mass spectra of methanol extracts vary according to the redox conditions and thermal history of the extracted rocks. I will present similarities and differences in organic compound distributions amongst the different chondritic meteorite groups.