Séminaire IPAG
ESCAPE project: investigating active observing strategies and post-processing methods for exoplanet high-contrast imaging with future space missions
jeudi 28 mars 2024 - 11h00
Elodie Choquet - LAM---
The search for biosignatures in potentially habitable exoplanets is one of the major drivers for the coming decades, and the prime science case of the HWO NASA mission. Ahead of this, the RST mission will demonstrate critical technologies to reach 1e-8 contrast limits using active wavefront sensing and control (WFS&C) for the first time in space. Given the stringent constraints required to achieve the 1e-10 exoEarths contrast levels, observing strategies and post-processing techniques must also be optimized along with hardware and WFS&C technologies. The ESCAPE project aims at exploring how the wavefront sensor telemetry, deformable mirrors, and data accumulated over time can be used to optimize detection limits for space high-contrast imaging. In this presentation, I will introduce the ESCAPE project and detail the methodology adopted to investigate observing strategies and post-processing techniques for active space telescopes and advocate for an on-sky demonstration on the RST coronagraphic instrument.
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères