Séminaire IPAG
Resolving the Sub-parsec Structure of AGN with VLTI/GRAVITY
jeudi 31 mars 2022 - 11h00
Taro Shimizu - MPE---
Near-infrared interferometry is a unique tool to study the inner sub-parsec structure of AGN which is inaccessible with current single dish telescopes. With VLTI/GRAVITY, we can now spatially resolve not just the hot dust continuum on milliarcsecond scales through imaging but also the broad-line region on microarcsecond scales through spectro-astrometry. In this seminar, I will review the latest results from our ESO Large Program where we have mapped the kinematics of the BLR in three nearby AGN, measured sizes of the hot dust for eight AGN, and reconstructed images for two AGN. BLR kinematics have allowed us to independently measure the BLR size and supermassive black hole mass where we find consistent results with reverberation mapping. The hot dust sizes are consistent with previous NIR interferometric results and show larger sizes compared to dust reverberation mapping with evidence for an evolving structure with AGN luminosity. Individual images suggest the hot dust traces a thin inner disk and resolve the sub-pc cloud structure. I will end with an outlook towards the GRAVITY+ upgrade which will greatly enhance the sensitivity and sky coverage of GRAVITY and allow for observations of AGN out to high redshift.
Hôtes : Ana Lopez Sepulcre
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères