Séminaire IPAG
Grenoble's MIAI Institute and AI projects in astrophysics and dynamical systems
jeudi 20 mars 2025 - 11h00
Sophie Achard, Christophe Prieur et Jocelyn Chanussot - UGA/INRIA/INP---
Three topics in one on local artificial intelligence projects developed here in Grenoble! First, Sophie Achard, Scientific Director of Grenoble's Institut pluridisciplinaire en intelligence artificielle (MIAI), will present the MIAI and the opportunities it offers on the campus. Next, two speakers will present projects highlighting AI techniques in the fields of astrophysics (planet detection) and control and observations problems. Data-driven observation and control strategies for uncertain systems Christophe Prieur (GIPSA-Lab), medaille d'argent CNRS 2024 In this talk, a brief overview of some control and observation problems is given. The preferred approach is based on the study of dynamic physical models and historical data. This approach enables us to adapt certain AI techniques and obtain optimal (or near-optimal) solutions to certain technical or industrial challenges.
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères