Séminaire IPAG
The impact of stellar multiplicity on planet formation
jeudi 3 mars 2022 - 11h00
Nicolas Cuello - IPAG---
What is the impact of stellar multiplicity on planet formation? This question is motivated by the fact that the process of stellar formation leads to a very high fraction of multiplicity. On top of this, planet formation occurs early on around young stellar objects. This leads to an unavoidable conclusion: planetary cradles, a.k.a protoplanetary discs, are deeply affected by the presence of nearby stars. Here, we will explore disc dynamics and planet evolution around binary and triple stellar systems, as opposed to single stars. First, I will briefly review the recent theoretical works on this subject. This will be illustrated with some representative examples of observed multiple stellar systems with discs and planets (e.g. ALMA, VLT/SPHERE, TESS). Then, I will present our recent and ongoing modelling of protoplanetary discs in the presence of several stars, using 3D SPH simulations (Phantom) and radiative transfer calculations (mcfost). Finally, based on this comprehensive picture, we will discuss the open questions within the field of planet formation in multiple stellar systems.
Hôtes : Benoît Cerutti
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères