Séminaire IPAG
What is wrong with supernova remnants ?
jeudi 17 mars 2022 - 11h00
Pierre Cristofari - IJCLab---
Supernova remnants have for long been thought to be prominent sources of Galactic cosmic rays. If it is commonly accepted that supernova remnants can indeed accelerate particles up to the very—high-energy domain through diffusive shock acceleration, most of the details of the physics involved are still missing: How efficient is the acceleration? What is the maximum energy of accelerated particles? What is the slope of particles accelerated and released in the interstellar medium? Understanding these quantities is of crucial importance to clarify the role played by supernova remnants in the origin of cosmic rays.
Hôtes : Maïca Clavel
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères