Séminaire IPAG
Leveraging EHT and Multi-wavelength Monitoring to Reveal Sgr A* and M87
jeudi 8 septembre 2022 - 11h00
Daryl Haggard - Mc Gill & IPAG---
It’s been a fantastic decade for black hole studies, highlighted by the 2017 and 2020 Nobel Prizes in Physics. Multiple Galactic Center research groups, the Event Horizon Telescope, and LIGO/Virgo continue to bring rapid-fire new observations to sharpen our understanding of these exotic objects. I will discuss Sgr A*’s unique variability alongside other time domain phenomena in the Galactic Center, traced out over more than 20 years of observations from coordinated multi-wavelength campaigns. I will compare these detailed studies of Sgr A* to equally impressive multi-wavelength observations of M87*. I will also briefly explore how we can continue to push the frontiers of black hole research with existing and next-generation observatories.
Hôtes : Maïca Clavel
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères