Séminaire IPAG
The Atmospheres of Hot Planets
jeudi 20 octobre 2022 - 11h00
Nicolas Cowan - Mc Gill & IPAG---
Three decades of planet hunting have taught us that short-period planets are abundant in the Galaxy. Since there are no such planets in the Solar System, it is hard to predict what they are like. Fortunately, observations from telescopes in space and on the ground are beginning to make a dent in our ignorance. I will present recent research highlights from my research group, the McGill Exoplanet Characterization Alliance, focusing on two classes of short-period planets: hot Jupiters and lava planets. These investigations include theory, numerical simulations, and observations with the Spitzer, Hubble, and Kepler space telescopes. If time allows, I will discuss the prospects for habitability of nearby temperate terrestrial planets orbiting red dwarf stars, predictions which will soon be tested with JWST.
Hôtes : Xavier Bonfils
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères