Séminaire IPAG
Emergence and inheritance of chemical complexity during star formation
jeudi 19 octobre 2023 - 11h00
Laure Bouscasse - IRAM---
During star formation the dense gas undergoes chemical evolution, where a large number of complex organic molecules (COMs) as well as unsaturated carbon chain molecules emerge providing pre-requisites for the emergence of life and for chemistry in planet-forming disks. Star formation processes are found to be at the initial stage of this increasing chemical complexity, therefore, it is crucial to answer the open questions: how the diverse and complex molecular complexity emerges, how does the environment impact the chemical complexity, how does the physical parameters of the central protostar influence the complexity of COMs? In this seminar, I will present our ongoing effort to study the evolution of chemistry and the influence of physical parameters as unveiled by various telescopes, such as APEX, ALMA, IRAM-30m and NOEMA. I will show that the chemical complexity is already present during the earliest stages of high-mass star formation with saturated COMs in the coldest stages. I will also present a new evolutionary stage prior to the emergence of hot cores, where molecular abundances of COMs are lower than that of hot cores and resemble more that of hot corinos. In a second step, I will show our complementary studies towards unsaturated complex molecules challenging our current view on the dichotomy between WCCC and hot corino chemical laboratories. All these studies will take us to the need for multi scale, statistical and broad band studies to reconcile the large scales and small scales, and the observations towards comets and star forming regions.
Hôtes : Romane Le Gal
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères