Séminaire IPAG
Ammonia isotopologues as a new planet formation tracer
jeudi 18 janvier 2024 - 11h00
Paul Mollière - MPIA---
Understanding the formation history of planets based on their atmospheric composition is a long-standing goal of the exoplanet community. It is becoming more clearly understood that using the often-cited C/O ratio is not enough to achieve this goal for any given planet. More formation tracers are needed and these must be measured for a population of planets. In this talk I will present our recent JWST MIRI discovery of 15NH3 in a cold exoplanet analog, the Y-type brown dwarf WISE J1828. I will talk about the implication of this detection and the resulting constraint on the atmospheric 14N/15N ratio for our understanding of planet formation. I will finish by discussing the expected 15NH3 detection yield in known cold directly imaged planets.
Hôtes : Mickael Bonnefoy
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères