Séminaire IPAG

ALMA-IMF: Exploring the core population, kinematics, and chemistry towards 15 massive protoclusters

jeudi 14 septembre 2023 - 11h00
Nichol Cunningham - IPAG
To understand the mechanism of star formation, it is fundamental to investigate the distribution, morphology and kinematics of the gas and dust in cores, clumps and clusters. This requires probing a large homogeneous selection of protoclusters recently achieved within the ALMA-IMF Large program. I will present an overview of the ALMA-IMF Large Program (Motte et al., 2022), which covers a total non-contiguous area of 53 square parsecs towards 15 massive nearby (2 - 5.5 kpc) protoclusters that span a range of well-defined early evolutionary stages and masses (including W51-IRS2, W43). ALMA-IMF covers a wealth of molecular lines, such as DCN (3-2), N2H+ (1-0), N2D+ (3-2), DCO+ (3-2), C18O (2-1), 13CS (5-4), and SiO (5-4). I will present the first highlights from the ALMA-IMF survey, exploring the core population and core mass function (CMF), along with the kinematics, chemical and morphological differences across the 15 protoclusters in the survey. I will then present recent work utilizing the DCN (3-2) emission as a tracer of the gas and kinematics associated with continuum cores across the 15 protoclusters (Cunningham et al. 2023). DCN (3-2) traces a diversity of morphology and complex velocity structure, which tends to be more filamentary and widespread in evolved regions and is more compact in the young and intermediate-stage protoclusters, likely due to the time evolution of the temperature and density with protocluster evolution. Furthermore, I will present the initial results of a multi-line analysis towards two protoclusters from ALMA-IMF with different evolutionary classifications, which show marked differences in their chemistry, morphology and kinematics.
Hôtes : Frédérique Motte

Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères