Archives Conférences et workshops 2016-2017

Astrochemistry : from Space to Earth


Ecole IPAG du 29 aout au 9 septembre 2016 - Grenoble (France)

The "Astrochemistry : from Space to Earth" international school is organized at IPAG, from Aug 29th to Sep 9th. It will take place in the Forestini conference room, and in the three meeting rooms "Chartreuse", "Belledonne", and "Vercors". More information, and especially the program and lecturers, is available on the school webpage. Thank you for your comprehension and hospitality.

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Ecole "Des laboratoires à l’astrophysique : l’univers en expansion de la physique des plasmas"


Ecole IPAG du 2 au 12 mai 2017 - Les Houches (France)

Plasma physics plays a central role in many natural and man-made systems, from the vicinity of black holes to fusion experiments. This area of research is in fast development thanks to the strong interplay between experimental, theoretical, and numerical approaches. Long-standing challenges such as magnetic reconnection, turbulence, shocks, dynamo processes, or particle acceleration can now be tackled directly by a combination of these techniques. The goal of this school is to gather (…)

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