Séminaire IPAG

Toward all-sky, high-sensibility, high-contrast interferometry with GRAVITY+ at the VLTI

jeudi 5 octobre 2023 - 11h00
Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin - IPAG
GRAVITY+ is a transformative upgrade of the Paranal Observatory. It will boost the efficiency of the VLTI by a large number (new Kband limiting mag >20). It will multiply its sky coverage by several orders of magnitude and unlock many types of object previously impossible to reach with optical interferometry (e.g high-redshift galaxies). And it should unveil several exoplanets as close as <100mas thanks to the “interferometric differential imaging” capability provided by the coherent nature of the four beams. This is achieved by implementing high order (40x40), laser-assisted Adaptive Optics into each of the four Unit Telescopes of Paranal observatory, and reviving the “dual-beam” facility of VLTI. The implementation phase of GRAVITY+ has started in 2022 and will conclude in 2025.

Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères