For a complete and updated list of my publications click here.
- Cerutti, B., Figueiredo, E., and Dubus, G., "Synthetic pulsar lightcurves from global kinetic simulations and comparison with the Fermi-LAT catalog", Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2024). Link
- Bugli, M., Lopresti, E. F., Figueiredo, E., Mignone, A., Cerutti, B., Mattia, G., Del Zanna, L., Bodo, G., and Berta, V., "Relativistic reconnection with effective resistivity: I. Dynamics and reconnection rate", Astronomy and Astrophysics 693, A233 (2025). Link
- Vos, J., Cerutti, B., Moscibrodzka, M., and Parfrey, K., "Particle Acceleration in Collisionless Magnetically Arrested Disks", Submitted (2024). Link
- Figueiredo, E., Cerutti, B., Mehlhaff, J., and Scepi, N., "Composition-asymmetric and sheared relativistic magnetic reconnection", Astronomy and Astrophysics 690, A389 (2024). Link
- Soudais, A., Cerutti, B., and Contopoulos, I., "Scaling up global kinetic models of pulsar magnetospheres using a hybrid force-free-PIC numerical approach", Astronomy and Astrophysics 690, A170 (2024). Link
- Imbrogno, M., Meringolo, C., Servidio, S., Cruz-Osorio, A., Cerutti, B., and Pegoraro, F., "Long-living Equilibria in Kinetic Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 972, L5 (2024). Link
- Richard-Romei, V., and Cerutti, B., "Enhanced particle acceleration in a pulsar wind interacting with a companion", Astronomy and Astrophysics 689, A251 (2024). Link
- Vos, J., Olivares, H., Cerutti, B., and Moscibrodzka, M., "Plasmoid identification and statistics in two-dimensional Harris sheet and GRMHD simulations", MNRAS 531, 1554 (2024). Link
- Mehlhaff, J., Werner, G., Cerutti, B., Uzdensky, D., and Begelman, M., "Kinetic simulations and gamma-ray signatures of Klein-Nishina relativistic magnetic reconnection", MNRAS 527, 11587 (2024). Link
- Niv, I., Bromberg, O., Levinson, A., Cerutti, B., and Crinquand, B., "A kinetic study of black hole activation by local plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere", MNRAS 526, 2709 (2023). Link
- El Mellah, I., Cerutti, B., and Crinquand, B., "Reconnection-driven flares in 3D black hole magnetospheres -- A scenario for hot spots around Sagittarius A*", Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A67 (2023). Link
- Cerutti, B., and Giacinti, G., "Extreme ion acceleration at extragalactic jet termination shocks", Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A23 (2023). Link
- Crinquand, B., Cerutti, B., Dubus, G., Parfrey, K., and Philippov, A., "Images of magnetospheric reconnection-powered radiation around supermassive black holes", Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 205101 (2022). Link
- El Mellah, I., Cerutti, B., Crinquand, B., and Parfrey, K., "Spinning black holes magnetically connected to a Keplerian disk -- Magnetosphere, reconnection sheet, particle acceleration and coronal heating", Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A169 (2022). Link
- Andaç, I. C., Cerutti, B., Dubus, G., and Ekşi, K. Y., "Intra-pulse variability induced by plasmoid formation in pulsar magnetospheres", Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A130 (2022). Link
- Cerutti, B., and Giacinti, G., "Formation of giant plasmoids at the pulsar wind termination shock: A possible origin of the inner-ring knots in the Crab Nebula", Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A91 (2021). Link
- Crinquand, B., Cerutti, B., Dubus, G., Parfrey, K., and Philippov, A., "Synthetic gamma-ray lightcurves of Kerr black-hole magnetospheric activity from particle-in-cell simulations", Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A163 (2021). Link
- Cerutti, B., Philippov, A., and Dubus, G., "Dissipation of the striped pulsar wind and non-thermal particle acceleration: 3D PIC simulations", Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A204 (2020). Link
- Cerutti, B., and Giacinti, G., "A global model of particle acceleration at pulsar wind termination shocks", Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A123 (2020). Link
- Crinquand, B., Cerutti, B., Philippov, A., Parfrey, K., and Dubus, G., "Multi-dimensional simulations of ergospheric pair discharges around black holes", Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 145101 (2020). Link
- Guépin, C., Cerutti, B., and Kotera, K., "Proton acceleration in pulsar magnetospheres", Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A138 (2020). Link
- Philippov, A., Uzdensky, D. A., Spitkovsky, A., and Cerutti, B., "Pulsar Radio Emission Mechanism: Radio Nanoshots as a Low Frequency Afterglow of Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 876, L6 (2019). Link
- Crinquand, B., Cerutti, B., and Dubus, G., "Kinetic modeling of the electromagnetic precursor from an axisymmetric binary pulsar coalescence", Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, A161 (2019). Link
- Parfrey, K., Philippov, A., and Cerutti, B., "First-Principles Plasma Simulations of Black-Hole Jet Launching", Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 035101 (2019). Link
- Levinson, A., and Cerutti, B., "Particle-in-cell simulations of pair discharges in a starved magnetosphere of a Kerr black hole", Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, A184 (2018). Link
- Werner, G. R., Uzdensky, D. A., Begelman, M. C., Cerutti, B., and Nalewajko, K., "Nonthermal particle acceleration in collisionless relativistic electron-proton reconnection", MNRAS 473, 4840 (2018). Link
- Cerutti, B., and Philippov, A., "Dissipation of the striped pulsar wind", Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, A134 (2017). Link
- Sironi, L., and Cerutti, B., "Particle Acceleration in Pulsar Wind Nebulae: PIC modelling", Chapter in the book "Modelling Nebulae" edited by D. Torres for Springer (2017). Link
- Cerutti, B., and Beloborodov, A., "Electrodynamics of pulsar magnetospheres", Space Science Reviews, Chapter in ISSI book on "Jets and Winds in Pulsar Wind Nebulae and Gamma-ray Bursts" (2017). Link
- Cerutti, B., Mortier, J., and Philippov, A., "Polarized synchrotron emission from the equatorial current sheet in gamma-ray pulsars", MNRAS 463, L89 (2016). Link
- Cerutti, B., Philippov, A., and Spitkovsky, A., "Modeling high-energy pulsar lightcurves from first principles", MNRAS 457, 2401 (2016). Link
- Werner, G. R., Uzdensky, D. A., Cerutti, B., Nalewajko, K., and Begelman, M. C., "The extent of power-law energy spectra in collisionless relativistic magnetic reconnection in pair plasmas", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 816, L8 (2016). Link
- Philippov, A., Cerutti, B., Tchekhovskoy, A., and Spitkovsky, A., "Ab-initio pulsar magnetosphere: the role of general relativity", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 815, L19 (2015). Link
- Nalewajko, K., Uzdensky, D. A., Cerutti, B., Werner, G. R., and Begelman, M. C.,"On the distribution of particle acceleration sites in plasmoid-dominated relativistic magnetic reconnection", The Astrophysical Journal 815, 101 (2015). Link
- Kargaltsev, O., Cerutti, B., Lyubarsky, Y., and Striani, E., "Pulsar-Wind Nebulae: Recent Progress in Observations and Theory", Space Science Reviews, Chapter in ISSI book on "The Strongest Magnetic Fields in the Universe" (2015). Link
- Philippov, A., Spitkovsky, A., and Cerutti, B., "Ab-initio pulsar magnetosphere: three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of oblique pulsars", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 801, L19 (2015). Link
- Cerutti, B., Philippov, A., Parfrey, K., and Spitkovsky, A., "Particle acceleration in axisymmetric pulsar current sheets", MNRAS 448, 606 (2015). Link
- Kagan, D., Sironi, L., Cerutti, B., and Giannios, D., "Relativistic magnetic reconnection in pair plasmas and its astrophysical applications", Space Science Reviews, Chapter in ISSI book on "The Strongest Magnetic Fields in the Universe" (2015). Link
- Cerutti, B., Werner, G. R., Uzdensky, D. A., and Begelman, M. C., "Gamma-ray flares in the Crab Nebula: A case of relativistic reconnection?", Invited paper in the annual Special Issue of Physics of Plasmas 21, 056501 (2014). Link
- Cerutti, B., Werner, G. R., Uzdensky, D. A., and Begelman, M. C., "Three-dimensional relativistic pair plasma reconnection with radiative feedback in the Crab Nebula", The Astrophysical Journal 782, 104 (2014). Link
- Dubus, G., and Cerutti, B., "What caused the GeV flare of PSR B1259-63?", Astronomy and Astrophysics 557, A127 (2013). Link
- Cerutti, B., Werner, G. R., Uzdensky, D. A., and Begelman, M. C., "Simulations of Particle Acceleration beyond the Classical Synchrotron Burnoff Limit in Magnetic Reconnection: An Explanation of the Crab Flares", The Astrophysical Journal 770, 147 (2013). Link
- Nalewajko, K., Begelman, M. C., Cerutti, B., Uzdensky, D. A., and Sikora, M.,"Energetic constraints on a rapid gamma-ray flare in PKS 1222+216", MNRAS 425, 2519-2529 (2012). Link
- Cerutti, B., Werner, G. R., Uzdensky, D. A., and Begelman, M. C., "Beaming and rapid variability of high-energy radiation from relativistic pair plasma reconnection", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 754, L33 (2012). Link
- Zdziarski, A. A., Sikora, M., Dubus, G., Yuan, F., Cerutti, B., and Ogorzalek, A., "The gamma-ray emitting region of the jet in Cyg X-3", MNRAS 421, 2956-2968 (2012). Link
- Cerutti, B., Uzdensky, D. A., and Begelman, M. C., "Extreme particle acceleration in magnetic reconnection layers: Application to the gamma-ray flares in the Crab Nebula", The Astrophysical Journal 746, 148 (2012). Link
- Uzdensky, D. A., Cerutti, B., and Begelman, M. C., "Reconnection-powered Linear Accelerator and Gamma-Ray Flares in the Crab Nebula", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 737, L40 (2011). Link
- Cerutti, B., Dubus, G., Malzac, J., Szostek, A., Belmont, R., Zdziarski, A. A., and Henri, G.,"Absorption of high-energy gamma rays in Cygnus X-3", Astronomy and Astrophysics 529, A120 (2011). Link
- Cerutti, B., Malzac, J., Dubus, G., and Henri, G.,"Modeling the three-dimensional pair cascade in binaries. Application to LS 5039", Astronomy and Astrophysics 519, A81 (2010). Link
- Dubus, G., Cerutti, B., and Henri, G.,"Relativistic Doppler-boosted emission in gamma-ray binaries", Astronomy and Astrophysics 516, A18 (2010). Link
- Dubus, G., Cerutti, B., and Henri, G.,"The relativistic jet of Cygnus X-3 in gamma rays", MNRAS Letters 404, L55-L59 (2010). Link
- Cerutti, B., Dubus, G., and Henri, G.,"One-dimensional pair cascade emission in gamma-ray binaries. An upper-limit to cascade emission at superior conjunction in LS 5039", Astronomy and Astrophysics 507, 1217-1224 (2009). Link
- Cerutti, B., Dubus, G., and Henri, G.,"Spectral signature of a free pulsar wind in the gamma-ray binaries LS 5039 and LSI +61o303", Astronomy and Astrophysics 488, 37-46 (2008). Link
- Dubus, G., Cerutti, B., and Henri, G., "The modulation of the gamma-ray emission from the binary LS 5039", Astronomy and Astrophysics 477, 691-700 (2008). Link