
- Refereed publications (first author): 19
- Refereed publications (second or third authors with students/postdocs): 38
- Total refereed papers: 182
- Total citations (refereed papers): 8700
- h-index (refereed): 50
- More than 20 Press Releases (ESO, CNRS)
- More than 20 invited reviews to international colloquia, 30 communications & 26 seminars
Refereed publications
Hunziker, S., Schmid, H. M., Ma, J., Menard, F., Avenhaus, H., Boccaletti, A., Beuzit, J. L., Chauvin, G., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Engler, N., Ginski, C., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Langlois, M., Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Tschudi, C., van Holstein, R. G., & Vigan, A. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics HD 142527: quantitative disk polarimetry with SPHERE
Petrus, S., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Charnay, B., Marleau, G. -D., Gratton, R., Lagrange, A. -M., Rameau, J., Mordasini, C., Nowak, M., Delorme, P., Boccaletti, A., Carlotti, A., Houllé, M., Vigan, A., Allard, F., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Hoeijmakers, H. J., Wyttenbach, A., & Lavie, B. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics Medium-resolution spectrum of the exoplanet HIP 65426 b
van Holstein, R. G., Stolker, T., Jensen-Clem, R., Ginski, C., Milli, J., de Boer, J., Girard, J. H., Wahhaj, Z., Bohn, A. J., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Benisty, M., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Hinkley, S., Keller, C. U., Keppler, M., Langlois, M., Marino, S., Ménard, F., Perrot, C., Schmidt, T. O. B., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., & Snik, F. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics A survey of the linear polarization of directly imaged exoplanets and brown dwarf companions with SPHERE-IRDIS. First polarimetric detections revealing disks around DH Tau B and GSC 6214-210 B
Janson, Markus, Squicciarini, Vito, Delorme, Philippe, Gratton, Raffaele, Bonnefoy, Mickaël, Reffert, Sabine, Mamajek, Eric E., Eriksson, Simon C., Vigan, Arthur, Langlois, Maud, Engler, Natalia, Chauvin, Gaël, Desidera, Silvano, Mayer, Lucio, Marleau, Gabriel-Dominique, Bohn, Alexander J., Samland, Matthias, Meyer, Michael, d'Orazi, Valentina, Henning, Thomas, Quanz, Sascha, Kenworthy, Matthew, & Carson, Joseph C. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics BEAST begins: sample characteristics and survey performance of the B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study
Gratton, R., D'Orazi, V., Pacheco, T. A., Zurlo, A., Desidera, S., Meléndez, J., Mesa, D., Claudi, R., Janson, M., Langlois, M., Rickman, E., Samland, M., Moulin, T., Soenke, C., Cascone, E., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Avenhaus, H., Beuzit, J. L., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Chauvin, G., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Desgrange, C., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Fontanive, C., Galicher, R., Garufi, A., Gasparri, D., Ginski, C., Girard, J., Hagelberg, J., Hunziker, S., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Lombart, M., Maire, A. -L., Mayer, M. R., Mazevet, S., Ménard, F., Mouillet, D., Perrot, C., Peretti, S., Petrus, S., Potier, A., Rouan, D., Schmid, H. M., Schmidt, T. O. B., Sissa, E., Stolker, T., Salter, G., Vigan, A., & Wildi, F. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics Investigating three Sirius-like systems with SPHERE
Lagrange, A. M., Rubini, P., Nowak, M., Lacour, S., Grandjean, A., Boccaletti, A., Langlois, M., Delorme, P., Gratton, R., Wang, J., Flasseur, O., Galicher, R., Kral, Q., Meunier, N., Beust, H., Babusiaux, C., Le Coroller, H., Thebault, P., Kervella, P., Zurlo, A., Maire, A. -L., Wahhaj, Z., Amorim, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Benisty, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Charnay, B., Chauvin, G., Choquet, E., Clénet, Y., Christiaens, V., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Desidera, S., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Galland, F., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J., Hagelberg, J., Haubois, X., Henning, T., Heissel, G., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Janson, M., Kammerer, J., Kenworthy, M., Keppler, M., Kreidberg, L., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J. -B., Léna, P., Mérand, A., Messina, S., Mollière, P., Monnier, J. D., Ott, T., Otten, G., Paumard, T., Paladini, C., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pueyo, L., Pfuhl, O., Rodet, L., Rodriguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Samland, M., Shangguan, J., Schmidt, T., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Vincent, F., Widmann, F., Woillez, J., & Gravity Collaboration 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics Unveiling the β Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, interferometric, and radial velocity data
Lazzoni, C., Zurlo, A., Desidera, S., Mesa, D., Fontanive, C., Bonavita, M., Ertel, S., Rice, K., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Gratton, R., Houllé, M., Maire, A. L., Meyer, M., Rickman, E., Spalding, E. A., Asensio-Torres, R., Langlois, M., Müller, A., Baudino, J. -L., Beuzit, J. -L., Biller, B., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Janson, M., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Lannier, J., LeCoroller, H., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., & Wildi, F. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics The search for disks or planetary objects around directly imaged companions: a candidate around DH Tauri B
Le Coroller, H., Nowak, M., Delorme, P., Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Devinat, M., Bec-Canet, J., Schneeberger, A., Estevez, D., Arnold, L., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Boccaletti, A., Desgrange, C., Desidera, S., Galicher, R., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Maire, A. L., Menard, F., Vernazza, P., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Fenouillet, T., Lambert, J. C., Bonavita, M., Cheetham, A., D'orazi, V., Feldt, M., Janson, M., Ligi, R., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Beuzit, J. -L., Dohlen, K., Fusco, T., Le Mignant, D., Mouillet, D., Ramos, J., Rochat, S., & Sauvage, J. F. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics K-Stacker: an algorithm to hack the orbital parameters of planets hidden in high-contrast imaging. First applications to VLT/SPHERE multi-epoch observations
Keppler, M., Penzlin, A., Benisty, M., van Boekel, R., Henning, T., van Holstein, R. G., Kley, W., Garufi, A., Ginski, C., Brandner, W., Bertrang, G. H. -M., Boccaletti, A., de Boer, J., Bonavita, M., Brown Sevilla, S., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Janson, M., Langlois, M., Lodato, G., Maire, A. -L., Ménard, F., Pantin, E., Pinte, C., Stolker, T., Szulágyi, J., Thebault, P., Villenave, M., Zurlo, A., Rabou, P., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Madec, F., & Wildi, F. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics Gap, shadows, spirals, and streamers: SPHERE observations of binary-disk interactions in GG Tauri A
Lombart, M., Chauvin, G., Rojo, P., Lagadec, E., Delorme, P., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Galicher, R., Gratton, R., Mesa, D., Bonavita, M., Allard, F., Bayo, A., Boccaletti, A., Desidera, S., Girard, J., Jenkins, J. S., Klahr, H., Laibe, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Lazzoni, C., Marleau, G. -D., Minniti, D., & Mordasini, C. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics VLT/SPHERE survey for exoplanets around young early-type stars, including systems with multi-belt architectures
Maire, A. -L., Molaverdikhani, K., Desidera, S., Trifonov, T., Mollière, P., D'Orazi, V., Frankel, N., Baudino, J. -L., Messina, S., Müller, A., Charnay, B., Cheetham, A. C., Delorme, P., Ligi, R., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Mesa, D., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Biller, B. A., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A. -M., Lavie, B., Rickman, E., Ségransan, D., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Meyer, M. R., Beuzit, J. -L., Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Lazzoni, C., Perrot, C., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Gluck, L., Pragt, J., Ramos, J., Roelfsema, R., Roux, A., & Sauvage, J. -F. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics Orbital and spectral characterization of the benchmark T-type brown dwarf HD 19467B
Gratton, R., Zurlo, A., Le Coroller, H., Damasso, M., Del Sordo, F., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Milli, J., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Hagelberg, J., Lagadec, E., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Brown, S., Cantalloube, F., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Janson, M., Kervella, P., Lagrange, A. -M., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Maire, A. -L., Ménard, F., Meyer, M., Mugnier, L., Potier, A., Rickman, E. L., Rodet, L., Romero, C., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Sozzetti, A., Szulágyi, J., Wahhaj, Z., Antichi, J., Fusco, T., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., & Wildi, F. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics Searching for the near-infrared counterpart of Proxima c using multi-epoch high-contrast SPHERE data at VLT
Alcalá, J. M., Majidi, F. Z., Desidera, S., Frasca, A., Manara, C. F., Rigliaco, E., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Covino, E., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R., D'Orazi, V., Langlois, M., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Schlieder, J. E., & Vigan, A. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics 2MASS J15491331-3539118: a new low-mass wide companion of the GQ Lup system
Muro-Arena, G. A., Benisty, M., Ginski, C., Dominik, C., Facchini, S., Villenave, M., van Boekel, R., Chauvin, G., Garufi, A., Henning, T., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Matter, A., Ménard, F., Stolker, T., Zurlo, A., Blanchard, P., Maurel, D., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Petit, C., Roux, A., Sevin, A., & Wildi, F. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics Shadowing and multiple rings in the protoplanetary disk of HD 139614
Engler, N., Lazzoni, C., Gratton, R., Milli, J., Schmid, H. M., Chauvin, G., Kral, Q., Pawellek, N., Thébault, P., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brown, S., Buey, T., Cantalloube, F., Carle, M., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Ginski, C., Gisler, D., Henning, Th., Hunziker, S., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Meyer, M. R., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Olofsson, J., Petit, C., Petrus, S., Quanz, S. P., Rickman, E., Stadler, E., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Wildi, F., & Zurlo, A. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics HD 117214 debris disk: scattered-light images and constraints on the presence of planets
Hunziker, S., Schmid, H. M., Mouillet, D., Milli, J., Zurlo, A., Delorme, P., Abe, L., Avenhaus, H., Baruffolo, A., Bazzon, A., Boccaletti, A., Baudoz, P., Beuzit, J. L., Carbillet, M., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Daban, J. -B., Desidera, S., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Downing, M., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Ginski, C., Gisler, D., Girard, J. H., Gratton, R., Henning, Th., Hubin, N., Kasper, M., Keller, C. U., Langlois, M., Lagadec, E., Martinez, P., Maire, A. L., Menard, F., Meyer, M. R., Pavlov, A., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Quanz, S. P., Rickman, E., Roelfsema, R., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Siebenmorgen, R., Sissa, E., Snik, F., Suarez, M., Szulágyi, J., Thalmann, Ch., Turatto, M., Udry, S., van Holstein, R. G., Vigan, A., & Wildi, F. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics RefPlanets: Search for reflected light from extrasolar planets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL
Maire, A. -L., Baudino, J. -L., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Brandner, W., Godoy, N., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Bonnefoy, M., Hagelberg, J., Olofsson, J., Absil, O., Chauvin, G., Henning, T., & Langlois, M. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics A dusty benchmark brown dwarf near the ice line of HD 72946
Petrus, S., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Babusiaux, C., Delorme, P., Lagrange, A. -M., Florent, N., Bayo, A., Janson, M., Biller, B., Manjavacas, E., Marleau, G. -D., & Kopytova, T. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics A new take on the low-mass brown dwarf companions on wide orbits in Upper-Scorpius
van Holstein, R. G., Girard, J. H., de Boer, J., Snik, F., Milli, J., Stam, D. M., Ginski, C., Mouillet, D., Wahhaj, Z., Schmid, H. M., Keller, C. U., Langlois, M., Dohlen, K., Vigan, A., Pohl, A., Carbillet, M., Fantinel, D., Maurel, D., Origné, A., Petit, C., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Sevin, A., Boccaletti, A., Le Coroller, H., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Lagadec, E., Ménard, F., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M., & Beuzit, J. -L. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. II. Characterization and correction of instrumental polarization effects
de Boer, J., Langlois, M., van Holstein, R. G., Girard, J. H., Mouillet, D., Vigan, A., Dohlen, K., Snik, F., Keller, C. U., Ginski, C., Stam, D. M., Milli, J., Wahhaj, Z., Kasper, M., Schmid, H. M., Rabou, P., Gluck, L., Hugot, E., Perret, D., Martinez, P., Weber, L., Pragt, J., Sauvage, J. -F., Boccaletti, A., Le Coroller, H., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Lagadec, E., Ménard, F., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M., & Beuzit, J. -L. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. I. Description, data reduction, and observing strategy
Grandjean, A., Lagrange, A. -M., Keppler, M., Meunier, N., Mignon, L., Borgniet, S., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Galland, F., Messina, S., Sterzik, M., Pantoja, B., Rodet, L., & Zicher, N. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics A HARPS RV search for planets around young nearby stars
Mesa, D., Keppler, M., Cantalloube, F., Rodet, L., Charnay, B., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Vigan, A., Flasseur, O., Bae, J., Benisty, M., Chauvin, G., de Boer, J., Desidera, S., Henning, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Meyer, M., Milli, J., Müller, A., Pairet, B., Zurlo, A., Antoniucci, S., Baudino, J. -L., Brown Sevilla, S., Cascone, E., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R. U., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Lagadec, E., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Maire, A. -L., Martinez, P., Menard, F., Meunier, N., Perrot, C., Petrus, S., Pinte, C., Rickman, E. L., Rochat, S., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmidt, T., Udry, S., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics VLT/SPHERE exploration of the young multiplanetary system PDS70
Beuzit, J. -L., Vigan, A., Mouillet, D., Dohlen, K., Gratton, R., Boccaletti, A., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmid, H. M., Langlois, M., Petit, C., Baruffolo, A., Feldt, M., Milli, J., Wahhaj, Z., Abe, L., Anselmi, U., Antichi, J., Barette, R., Baudrand, J., Baudoz, P., Bazzon, A., Bernardi, P., Blanchard, P., Brast, R., Bruno, P., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Chapron, F., Charton, J., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R., Costille, A., De Caprio, V., de Boer, J., Delboulbé, A., Desidera, S., Dominik, C., Downing, M., Dupuis, O., Fabron, C., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Feautrier, P., Fedrigo, E., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Ginski, C., Girard, J., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Henning, T., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Incorvaia, S., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Lagadec, E., Lagrange, A. -M., Le Coroller, H., Le Mignant, D., Le Ruyet, B., Lessio, G., Lizon, J. -L., Llored, M., Lundin, L., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Marteaud, M., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Ménard, F., Mesa, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Moulin, T., Moutou, C., Origné, A., Parisot, J., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Reess, J. -M., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Saisse, M., Salasnich, B., Santambrogio, E., Scuderi, S., Segransan, D., Sevin, A., Siebenmorgen, R., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Tiphène, D., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Waters, L. B. F. M., Weber, L., Wildi, F., Zins, G., & Zurlo, A. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics SPHERE: the exoplanet imager for the Very Large Telescope
Peretti, S., Ségransan, D., Lavie, B., Desidera, S., Maire, A. -L., D'Orazi, V., Vigan, A., Baudino, J. -L., Cheetham, A., Janson, M., Chauvin, G., Hagelberg, J., Menard, F., Heng, Kevin, Udry, S., Boccaletti, A., Daemgen, S., Le Coroller, H., Mesa, D., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Bonnefoy, M., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Meyer, M., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., De Caprio, V., Gluck, L., Hugot, E., Magnard, Y., Moulin, T., Pavlov, A., Pragt, J., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rousset, G., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Orbital and spectral analysis of the benchmark brown dwarf HD 4747B
Garufi, A., Podio, L., Bacciotti, F., Antoniucci, S., Boccaletti, A., Codella, C., Dougados, C., Ménard, F., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Nisini, B., Schmid, H. M., Stolker, T., Baudino, J. L., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Grandjean, A., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., Maire, A. L., Perrot, C., Rickman, E., Schmidt, T., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Delboulbé, A., Le Mignant, D., Fantinel, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Weber, L., & Sauvage, J. -F. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics SPHERE view of the jet and the envelope of RY Tauri
Janson, Markus, Asensio-Torres, Ruben, André, Damien, Bonnefoy, Mickaël, Delorme, Philippe, Reffert, Sabine, Desidera, Silvano, Langlois, Maud, Chauvin, Gaël, Gratton, Raffaele, Bohn, Alexander J., Eriksson, Simon C., Marleau, Gabriel-Dominique, Mamajek, Eric E., Vigan, Arthur, & Carson, Joseph C. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics The B-Star Exoplanet Abundance Study: a co-moving 16-25 M<SUB>Jup</SUB> companion to the young binary system HIP 79098
Perrot, Clément, Thebault, Philippe, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Boccaletti, Anthony, Vigan, Arthur, Desidera, Silvano, Augereau, Jean-Charles, Bonnefoy, Mickael, Choquet, Élodie, Kral, Quentin, Loh, Alan, Maire, Anne-Lise, Ménard, François, Messina, Sergio, Olofsson, Johan, Gratton, Raffaele, Biller, Beth, Brandner, Wolfgang, Buenzli, Esther, Chauvin, Gaël, Cheetham, Anthony, Daemgen, Sebastien, Delorme, Philippe, Feldt, Markus, Lagadec, Eric, Langlois, Maud, Lannier, Justine, Mesa, Dino, Mouillet, David, Peretti, Sébastien, Janin-Potiron, Pierre, Salter, Graeme, Sissa, Elena, Roux, Alain, Llored, Marc, Buey, Jean-Tristan, Pavlov, Alexei, Weber, Luc, & Petit, Cyril 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics First resolved observations of a highly asymmetric debris disc around HD 160305 with VLT/SPHERE
Milli, J., Engler, N., Schmid, H. M., Olofsson, J., Ménard, F., Kral, Q., Boccaletti, A., Thébault, P., Choquet, E., Mouillet, D., Lagrange, A. -M., Augereau, J. -C., Pinte, C., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Perrot, C., Zurlo, A., Henning, T., Beuzit, J. -L., Avenhaus, H., Bazzon, A., Moulin, T., Llored, M., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Roelfsema, R., & Pragt, J. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Optical polarised phase function of the HR 4796A dust ring
Boccaletti, A., Thébault, P., Pawellek, N., Lagrange, A. -M., Galicher, R., Desidera, S., Milli, J., Kral, Q., Bonnefoy, M., Augereau, J. -C., Maire, A. L., Henning, T., Beust, H., Rodet, L., Avenhaus, H., Bhowmik, T., Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Langlois, M., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Vigan, A., Rickman, E., Magnard, Y., Maurel, D., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Perret, D., & Sauvage, J. -F. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Two cold belts in the debris disk around the G-type star NZ Lupi
Maire, A. -L., Rodet, L., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Brandner, W., Messina, S., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Melnick, D., Carson, J., Samland, M., Biller, B. A., Boccaletti, A., Wahhaj, Z., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Henning, T., Janson, M., Olofsson, J., Rouan, D., Ménard, F., Lagrange, A. -M., Gratton, R., Vigan, A., Meyer, M. R., Cheetham, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Dohlen, K., Avenhaus, H., Bonavita, M., Claudi, R., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., D'Orazi, V., Fontanive, C., Hagelberg, J., Le Coroller, H., Perrot, C., Rickman, E., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Udry, S., Zurlo, A., Abe, L., Origné, A., Rigal, F., Rousset, G., Roux, A., & Weber, L. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Hint of curvature in the orbital motion of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b using 3 yr of VLT/SPHERE monitoring
Mesa, D., Bonnefoy, M., Gratton, R., Van Der Plas, G., D'Orazi, V., Sissa, E., Zurlo, A., Rigliaco, E., Schmidt, T., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Ubeira Gabellini, M. G., Desidera, S., Antoniucci, S., Barbieri, M., Benisty, M., Boccaletti, A., Claudi, R., Fedele, D., Gasparri, D., Henning, T., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Lazzoni, C., Lodato, G., Maire, A. -L., Manara, C. F., Meyer, M., Reggiani, M., Samland, M., Van den Ancker, M., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Feldt, M., Hugot, E., Janson, M., Ligi, R., Möller-Nilsson, O., Petit, C., Rickman, E. L., Rigal, F., & Wildi, F. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Exploring the R CrA environment with SPHERE. Discovery of a new stellar companion
Gratton, R., Ligi, R., Sissa, E., Desidera, S., Mesa, D., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Feldt, M., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Meyer, M., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Janson, M., Lazzoni, C., Zurlo, A., De Boer, J., Henning, T., D'Orazi, V., Gluck, L., Madec, F., Jaquet, M., Baudoz, P., Fantinel, D., Pavlov, A., & Wildi, F. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Blobs, spiral arms, and a possible planet around HD 169142
Cugno, G., Quanz, S. P., Hunziker, S., Stolker, T., Schmid, H. M., Avenhaus, H., Baudoz, P., Bohn, A. J., Bonnefoy, M., Buenzli, E., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., Dominik, C., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Ginski, C., Girard, J. H., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Hugot, E., Janson, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Magnard, Y., Maire, A. -L., Menard, F., Meyer, M., Milli, J., Mordasini, C., Pinte, C., Pragt, J., Roelfsema, R., Rigal, F., Szulágyi, J., van Boekel, R., van der Plas, G., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z., & Zurlo, A. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics A search for accreting young companions embedded in circumstellar disks. High-contrast Hα imaging with VLT/SPHERE
Claudi, R., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Cheetham, A., Fontanive, C., Gratton, R., Zurlo, A., Avenhaus, H., Bhowmik, T., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Delboulbé, A., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Flammini Dotti, F., Girard, J. H., Giro, E., Janson, M., Hagelberg, J., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lacour, S., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Le Coroller, H., Menard, F., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Millward, M., Olofsson, J., Pavlov, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Pinte, C., Pragt, J., Ramos, J., Rochat, S., Rodet, L., Roelfsema, R., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Thebault, P., Udry, S., & Vigan, A. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics SPHERE dynamical and spectroscopic characterization of HD 142527B
Cheetham, A. C., Samland, M., Brems, S. S., Launhardt, R., Chauvin, G., Ségransan, D., Henning, T., Quirrenbach, A., Avenhaus, H., Cugno, G., Girard, J., Godoy, N., Kennedy, G. M., Maire, A. -L., Metchev, S., Müller, A., Musso Barcucci, A., Olofsson, J., Pepe, F., Quanz, S. P., Queloz, D., Reffert, S., Rickman, E., van Boekel, R., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Charnay, B., Delorme, P., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Lazzoni, C., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Udry, S., & Zurlo, A. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Spectral and orbital characterisation of the directly imaged giant planet HIP 65426 b
Lagrange, A. -M., Boccaletti, A., Langlois, M., Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Beust, H., Desidera, S., Milli, J., Bonnefoy, M., Cheetham, A., Feldt, M., Meyer, M., Vigan, A., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Baudino, J. -L., Cantalloube, F., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Girard, J., Fontanive, C., Hagelberg, J., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Koypitova, T., Galicher, R., Lannier, J., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Müeller, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Zurlo, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Mouillet, D., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Lagadec, E., Ménard, F., Schmid, H. -M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Bohn, A. J., Charnay, B., Gomez Gonzales, C. A., Gry, C., Kenworthy, M., Kral, Q., Mordasini, C., Moutou, C., van der Plas, G., Schlieder, J. E., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Blanchard, P., Bazzon, A., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Charton, J., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Deboulbe, A., De Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignant, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Llored, M., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Szulagyi, J., & Wildi, F. 2019, Astronomy and Astrophysics Post-conjunction detection of β Pictoris b with VLT/SPHERE
Sissa, E., Gratton, R., Garufi, A., Rigliaco, E., Zurlo, A., Mesa, D., Langlois, M., de Boer, J., Desidera, S., Ginski, C., Lagrange, A. -M., Maire, A. -L., Vigan, A., Dima, M., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Bazzon, A., Benisty, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Bruno, P., Buenzli, E., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R. U., Cudel, M., De Caprio, V., Dominik, C., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Feldt, M., Fontanive, C., Galicher, R., Giro, E., Hagelberg, J., Incorvaia, S., Janson, M., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lagadec, E., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., LeCoroller, H., Lessio, L., Ligi, R., Marzari, F., Menard, F., Meyer, M. R., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Potiron, P. J., Rouan, D., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Scuderi, S., & Wildi, F. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics High-contrast study of the candidate planets and protoplanetary disk around HD 100546
Schmid, H. M., Bazzon, A., Roelfsema, R., Mouillet, D., Milli, J., Menard, F., Gisler, D., Hunziker, S., Pragt, J., Dominik, C., Boccaletti, A., Ginski, C., Abe, L., Antoniucci, S., Avenhaus, H., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Beuzit, J. L., Carbillet, M., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Daban, J. -B., de Haan, M., Desidera, S., Dohlen, K., Downing, M., Elswijk, E., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Girard, J. H., Gratton, R., Hanenburg, H., Henning, Th., Hubin, N., Joos, F., Kasper, M., Keller, C. U., Langlois, M., Lagadec, E., Martinez, P., Mulder, E., Pavlov, A., Podio, L., Puget, P., Quanz, S. P., Rigal, F., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Schuil, M., Siebenmorgen, R., Sissa, E., Snik, F., Suarez, M., Thalmann, Ch., Turatto, M., Udry, S., van Duin, A., van Holstein, R. G., Vigan, A., & Wildi, F. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics SPHERE/ZIMPOL high resolution polarimetric imager. I. System overview, PSF parameters, coronagraphy, and polarimetry
Bonnefoy, M., Perraut, K., Lagrange, A. -M., Delorme, P., Vigan, A., Line, M., Rodet, L., Ginski, C., Mourard, D., Marleau, G. -D., Samland, M., Tremblin, P., Ligi, R., Cantalloube, F., Mollière, P., Charnay, B., Kuzuhara, M., Janson, M., Morley, C., Homeier, D., D'Orazi, V., Klahr, H., Mordasini, C., Lavie, B., Baudino, J. -L., Beust, H., Peretti, S., Musso Bartucci, A., Mesa, D., Bézard, B., Boccaletti, A., Galicher, R., Hagelberg, J., Desidera, S., Biller, B., Maire, A. -L., Allard, F., Borgniet, S., Lannier, J., Meunier, N., Desort, M., Alecian, E., Chauvin, G., Langlois, M., Henning, T., Mugnier, L., Mouillet, D., Gratton, R., Brandt, T., Mc Elwain, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Tamura, M., Hori, Y., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Meyer, M., Perrot, C., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Zurlo, A., Wildi, F., Blanchard, P., De Caprio, V., Delboulbé, A., Maurel, D., Moulin, T., Pavlov, A., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Stadler, E., Rigal, F., & Weber, L. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics The GJ 504 system revisited. Combining interferometric, radial velocity, and high contrast imaging data
Rodet, L., Bonnefoy, M., Durkan, S., Beust, H., Lagrange, A. -M., Schlieder, J. E., Janson, M., Grandjean, A., Chauvin, G., Messina, S., Maire, A. -L., Brandner, W., Girard, J., Delorme, P., Biller, B., Bergfors, C., Lacour, S., Feldt, M., Henning, T., Boccaletti, A., Le Bouquin, J. -B., Berger, J. -P., Monin, J. -L., Udry, S., Peretti, S., Segransan, D., Allard, F., Homeier, D., Vigan, A., Langlois, M., Hagelberg, J., Menard, F., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Delboulbé, A., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Lannier, J., Ligi, R., Maurel, D., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Pavlov, A., Ramos, J., Rigal, R., Roelfsema, R., Salter, G., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Stadler, E., & Weber, L. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Dynamical masses of M-dwarf binaries in young moving groups. I. The case of TWA 22 and GJ 2060
Hoeijmakers, H. J., Schwarz, H., Snellen, I. A. G., de Kok, R. J., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. M., & Girard, J. H. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Medium-resolution integral-field spectroscopy for high-contrast exoplanet imaging. Molecule maps of the β Pictoris system with SINFONI
Müller, A., Keppler, M., Henning, Th., Samland, M., Chauvin, G., Beust, H., Maire, A. -L., Molaverdikhani, K., van Boekel, R., Benisty, M., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Charnay, B., Baudino, J. -L., Gennaro, M., Long, Z. C., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Girard, J., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Janson, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Ménard, F., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Mollière, P., Mordasini, C., Moulin, T., Pavlov, A., Pawellek, N., Quanz, S. P., Ramos, J., Rouan, D., Sissa, E., Stadler, E., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z., Weber, L., & Zurlo, A. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Orbital and atmospheric characterization of the planet within the gap of the PDS 70 transition disk
Olofsson, J., van Holstein, R. G., Boccaletti, A., Janson, M., Thébault, P., Gratton, R., Lazzoni, C., Kral, Q., Bayo, A., Canovas, H., Caceres, C., Ginski, C., Pinte, C., Asensio-Torres, R., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Henning, Th., Langlois, M., Milli, J., Schlieder, J. E., Schreiber, M. R., Augereau, J. -C., Bonnefoy, M., Buenzli, E., Brandner, W., Durkan, S., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Godoy, N., Grady, C., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A. -M., Lannier, J., Ligi, R., Maire, A. -L., Mawet, D., Ménard, F., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Thalmann, C., Vigan, A., Abe, L., Feautrier, P., Le Mignant, D., Moulin, T., Pavlov, A., Rabou, P., Rousset, G., & Roux, A. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Resolving faint structures in the debris disk around TWA 7. Tentative detections of an outer belt, a spiral arm, and a dusty cloud
Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Lagrange, A. -M., de Boer, J., Vigan, A., Beust, H., Lazzoni, C., Boccaletti, A., Galicher, R., Desidera, S., Delorme, P., Keppler, M., Lannier, J., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Meunier, N., Kral, Q., Henning, T., Menard, F., Moor, A., Avenhaus, H., Bazzon, A., Janson, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Bhowmik, T., Bonavita, M., Borgniet, S., Brandner, W., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Fontanive, C., Ginski, C., Hagelberg, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Lagadec, E., Langlois, M., Le Coroller, H., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rodet, L., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Olofsson, J., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Milli, J., van Boekel, R., Quanz, S., Feautrier, P., Le Mignant, D., Perret, D., Ramos, J., & Rochat, S. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Investigating the young solar system analog HD 95086. A combined HARPS and SPHERE exploration
Keppler, M., Benisty, M., Müller, A., Henning, Th., van Boekel, R., Cantalloube, F., Ginski, C., van Holstein, R. G., Maire, A. -L., Pohl, A., Samland, M., Avenhaus, H., Baudino, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., de Boer, J., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Lazzoni, C., Marleau, G. -D., Mordasini, C., Pawellek, N., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Birnstiel, T., Brandner, W., Feldt, M., Flock, M., Girard, J., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Isella, A., Janson, M., Juhasz, A., Kemmer, J., Kral, Q., Lagrange, A. -M., Launhardt, R., Matter, A., Ménard, F., Milli, J., Mollière, P., Olofsson, J., Pérez, L., Pinilla, P., Pinte, C., Quanz, S. P., Schmidt, T., Udry, S., Wahhaj, Z., Williams, J. P., Buenzli, E., Cudel, M., Dominik, C., Galicher, R., Kasper, M., Lannier, J., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., Sissa, E., Wildi, F., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Augereau, J. -C., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Blanchard, P., Brems, S. S., Buey, T., De Caprio, V., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Delboulbé, A., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Giro, E., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Le Mignant, D., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Meyer, M., Möller-Nilsson, O., Moulin, T., Mugnier, L., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Turatto, M., & Weber, L. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Discovery of a planetary-mass companion within the gap of the transition disk around PDS 70
Ginski, C., Benisty, M., van Holstein, R. G., Juhász, A., Schmidt, T. O. B., Chauvin, G., de Boer, J., Wilby, M., Manara, C. F., Delorme, P., Ménard, F., Pinilla, P., Birnstiel, T., Flock, M., Keller, C., Kenworthy, M., Milli, J., Olofsson, J., Pérez, L., Snik, F., & Vogt, N. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics First direct detection of a polarized companion outside a resolved circumbinary disk around CS Chamaeleonis
Cheetham, A., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Schmidt, T., Olofsson, J., Chauvin, G., Klahr, H., Gratton, R., D'Orazi, V., Henning, T., Janson, M., Biller, B., Peretti, S., Hagelberg, J., Ségransan, D., Udry, S., Mesa, D., Sissa, E., Kral, Q., Schlieder, J., Maire, A. -L., Mordasini, C., Menard, F., Zurlo, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Feldt, M., Mouillet, D., Meyer, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Boccaletti, A., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Ligi, R., Rouan, D., Le Coroller, H., Dominik, C., Lagadec, E., Turatto, M., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Blanchard, P., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Delboulbé, A., De Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Giro, E., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignant, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892
Maire, A. -L., Rodet, L., Lazzoni, C., Boccaletti, A., Brandner, W., Galicher, R., Cantalloube, F., Mesa, D., Klahr, H., Beust, H., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Olofsson, J., Augereau, J. -C., Daemgen, S., Henning, T., Thébault, P., Bonnefoy, M., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Meyer, M. R., Vigan, A., D'Orazi, V., Hagelberg, J., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Udry, S., Zurlo, A., Abe, L., Carle, M., Delboulbé, A., Feautrier, P., Magnard, Y., Maurel, D., Moulin, T., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Ramos, J. R., Rigal, F., Roux, A., & Weber, L. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics VLT/SPHERE astrometric confirmation and orbital analysis of the brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B
Galicher, R., Boccaletti, A., Mesa, D., Delorme, P., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Maire, A. -L., Le Coroller, H., Chauvin, G., Biller, B., Cantalloube, F., Janson, M., Lagadec, E., Meunier, N., Vigan, A., Hagelberg, J., Bonnefoy, M., Zurlo, A., Rocha, S., Maurel, D., Jaquet, M., Buey, T., & Weber, L. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrometric and photometric accuracies in high contrast imaging: The SPHERE speckle calibration tool (SpeCal)
Langlois, M., Pohl, A., Lagrange, A. -M., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Boccaletti, A., Gratton, R., Denneulin, L., Klahr, H., Vigan, A., Benisty, M., Dominik, C., Bonnefoy, M., Menard, F., Avenhaus, H., Cheetham, A., Van Boekel, R., de Boer, J., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Ginski, C., Girard, J. H., Henning, T., Janson, M., Kopytova, T., Kral, Q., Ligi, R., Messina, S., Peretti, S., Pinte, C., Sissa, E., Stolker, T., Zurlo, A., Magnard, Y., Blanchard, P., Buey, T., Suarez, M., Cascone, E., Moller-Nilsson, O., Weber, L., Petit, C., & Pragt, J. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics First scattered light detection of a nearly edge-on transition disk around the T Tauri star RY Lupi
Boccaletti, A., Sezestre, E., Lagrange, A. -M., Thébault, P., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Thalmann, C., Janson, M., Delorme, P., Augereau, J. -C., Schneider, G., Milli, J., Grady, C., Debes, J., Kral, Q., Olofsson, J., Carson, J., Maire, A. L., Henning, T., Wisniewski, J., Schlieder, J., Dominik, C., Desidera, S., Ginski, C., Hines, D., Ménard, F., Mouillet, D., Pawellek, N., Vigan, A., Lagadec, E., Avenhaus, H., Beuzit, J. -L., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Gry, C., Daemgen, S., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Girard, J., Hagelberg, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Kasper, M., Le Coroller, H., Mesa, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Wildi, F., Zurlo, A., Rochat, S., Stadler, E., Gluck, L., Origné, A., Llored, M., Baudoz, P., Rousset, G., Martinez, P., & Rigal, F. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Observations of fast-moving features in the debris disk of AU Mic on a three-year timescale: Confirmation and new discoveries
Sissa, E., Olofsson, J., Vigan, A., Augereau, J. C., D'Orazi, V., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Rigliaco, E., Boccaletti, A., Kral, Q., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Sezestre, E., Thébault, P., Zurlo, A., Bhowmik, T., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A. -M., Janson, M., Maire, A. -L., Ménard, F., Schlieder, J., Schmidt, T., Szulágyi, J., Stadler, E., Maurel, D., Delboulbé, A., Feautrier, P., Ramos, J., & Rigal, F. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics New disk discovered with VLT/SPHERE around the M star GSC 07396-00759
Huélamo, N., Chauvin, G., Schmid, H. M., Quanz, S. P., Whelan, E., Lillo-Box, J., Barrado, D., Montesinos, B., Alcalá, J. M., Benisty, M., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Mendigutía, I., Bouy, H., Merín, B., de Boer, J., Garufi, A., & Pantin, E. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Searching for H<SUB>α</SUB> emitting sources around MWC 758. SPHERE/ZIMPOL high-contrast imaging
Lagrange, A. -M., Keppler, M., Meunier, N., Lannier, J., Beust, H., Milli, J., Bonnavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Borgniet, S., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Galland, F., Iglesias, D., Kiefer, F., Messina, S., Vidal-Madjar, A., & Wilson, P. A. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Full exploration of the giant planet population around β Pictoris
Mesa, D., Baudino, J. -L., Charnay, B., D'Orazi, V., Desidera, S., Boccaletti, A., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Delorme, P., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Maire, A. -L., Janson, M., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Bruno, P., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R. U., De Caprio, V., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Feldt, M., Giro, E., Hagelberg, J., Incorvaia, S., Lagadec, E., Lagrange, A. -M., Lazzoni, C., Lessio, L., Salasnich, B., Scuderi, S., Sissa, E., & Turatto, M. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics New spectro-photometric characterization of the substellar object HR 2562 B using SPHERE
Lazzoni, C., Desidera, S., Marzari, F., Boccaletti, A., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Gratton, R., Kral, Q., Pawellek, N., Olofsson, J., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. M., Vigan, A., Sissa, E., Antichi, J., Avenhaus, H., Baruffolo, A., Baudino, J. L., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J. L., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Brandner, W., Bruno, P., Buenzli, E., Cantalloube, F., Cascone, E., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R. U., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., De Caprio, V., Delorme, P., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Ginski, C., Girard, J., Giro, E., Janson, M., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Incorvaia, S., Kasper, M., Kopytova, T., LeCoroller, H., Lessio, L., Ligi, R., Maire, A. L., Ménard, F., Meyer, M., Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Scuderi, S., Sezestre, E., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Wildi, F., & Zurlo, A. 2018, Astronomy and Astrophysics Dynamical models to explain observations with SPHERE in planetary systems with double debris belts
Bonavita, M., D'Orazi, V., Mesa, D., Fontanive, C., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Daemgen, S., Gratton, R., Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Zurlo, A., Antichi, J., Avenhaus, H., Baruffolo, A., Baudino, J. L., Beuzit, J. L., Boccaletti, A., Bruno, P., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R. U., De Caprio, V., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Giro, E., Gry, C., Hagelberg, J., Incorvaia, S., Janson, M., Jaquet, M., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Le Coroller, H., Lessio, L., Ligi, R., Maire, A. L., Meyer, M., Menard, F., Perrot, C., Peretti, S., Petit, C., Ramos, J., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Samland, M., Scuderi, S., Schlieder, J., Surez, M., Turatto, M., & Weber, L. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Orbiting a binary. SPHERE characterisation of the HD 284149 system
Delorme, P., Schmidt, T., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Ginski, C., Charnay, B., Lazzoni, C., Christiaens, V., Messina, S., D'Orazi, V., Milli, J., Schlieder, J. E., Gratton, R., Rodet, L., Lagrange, A. -M., Absil, O., Vigan, A., Galicher, R., Hagelberg, J., Bonavita, M., Lavie, B., Zurlo, A., Olofsson, J., Boccaletti, A., Cantalloube, F., Mouillet, D., Chauvin, G., Hambsch, F. -J., Langlois, M., Udry, S., Henning, T., Beuzit, J. -L., Mordasini, C., Lucas, P., Marocco, F., Biller, B., Carson, J., Cheetham, A., Covino, E., De Caprio, V., Delboulbe, A., Feldt, M., Girard, J., Hubin, N., Maire, A. -L., Pavlov, A., Petit, C., Rouan, D., Roelfsema, R., & Wildi, F. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD 206893B
Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Lagrange, A. -M., Vigan, A., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Bonnefoy, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Feldt, M., Mouillet, D., Meyer, M., Cheetham, A., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., D'Orazi, V., Galicher, R., Hagelberg, J., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Olofsson, J., Samland, M., Schmidt, T. O. B., Sissa, E., Bonavita, M., Charnay, B., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Janin-Potiron, P., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Marleau, G. D., Messina, S., Mollière, P., Mordasini, C., Müller, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rodet, L., Rouan, D., Zurlo, A., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Menard, F., Schmid, H. -M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Blanchard, P., Bazzon, A., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Charton, J., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Deboulbe, A., De Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignant, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Llored, M., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, R., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L., Wildi, F., Antoniucci, S., Augereau, J. -C., Baudino, J. -L., Brandner, W., Engler, N., Girard, J., Gry, C., Kral, Q., Kopytova, T., Lagadec, E., Milli, J., Moutou, C., Schlieder, J., Szulágyi, J., Thalmann, C., & Wahhaj, Z. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP 65426
Pohl, A., Sissa, E., Langlois, M., Müller, A., Ginski, C., van Holstein, R. G., Vigan, A., Mesa, D., Maire, A. -L., Henning, Th., Gratton, R., Olofsson, J., van Boekel, R., Benisty, M., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Daemgen, S., de Boer, J., Desidera, S., Dominik, C., Garufi, A., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Ménard, F., Pinte, C., Stolker, T., Szulágyi, J., Zurlo, A., Bonnefoy, M., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Perrot, C., & Wildi, F. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics New constraints on the disk characteristics and companion candidates around T Chamaeleontis with VLT/SPHERE
Samland, M., Mollière, P., Bonnefoy, M., Maire, A. -L., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A. C., Mesa, D., Gratton, R., Biller, B. A., Wahhaj, Z., Bouwman, J., Brandner, W., Melnick, D., Carson, J., Janson, M., Henning, T., Homeier, D., Mordasini, C., Langlois, M., Quanz, S. P., van Boekel, R., Zurlo, A., Schlieder, J. E., Avenhaus, H., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R., Cudel, M., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Galicher, R., Kopytova, T. G., Lagrange, A. -M., Le Coroller, H., Martinez, P., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Mugnier, L. M., Perrot, C., Sevin, A., Sissa, E., Vigan, A., & Weber, L. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Spectral and atmospheric characterization of 51 Eridani b using VLT/SPHERE
Lannier, J., Lagrange, A. M., Bonavita, M., Borgniet, S., Delorme, P., Meunier, N., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Chauvin, G., & Keppler, M. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Combining direct imaging and radial velocity data towards a full exploration of the giant planet population. I. Method and first results
Vigan, A., Bonavita, M., Biller, B., Forgan, D., Rice, K., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Meunier, J. -C., Delorme, P., Schlieder, J. E., Bonnefoy, M., Carson, J., Covino, E., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Janson, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Quanz, S. P., Zurlo, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Buenzli, E., Feldt, M., Girard, J. H. V., Gratton, R., Kasper, M., Le Coroller, H., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Montagnier, G., Mordasini, C., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Reggiani, M., Segransan, D., & Thalmann, C. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. IV. Gravitational instability rarely forms wide, giant planets
Maire, A. -L., Stolker, T., Messina, S., Müller, A., Biller, B. A., Currie, T., Dominik, C., Grady, C. A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Galicher, R., Millward, M., Pohl, A., Brandner, W., Henning, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Meyer, M. R., Quanz, S. P., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., van Boekel, R., Buenzli, E., Buey, T., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Ginski, C., Giro, E., Gratton, R., Hubin, N., Lannier, J., Le Mignant, D., Mesa, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Ramos, J. R., Salter, G., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Stadler, E., Thalmann, C., Udry, S., & Weber, L. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Testing giant planet formation in the transitional disk of SAO 206462 using deep VLT/SPHERE imaging
Feldt, M., Olofsson, J., Boccaletti, A., Maire, A. L., Milli, J., Vigan, A., Langlois, M., Henning, Th., Moor, A., Bonnefoy, M., Wahhaj, Z., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Kóspál, Á., Abraham, P., Menard, F., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. M., Mesa, D., Salter, G., Buenzli, E., Lannier, J., Perrot, C., Peretti, S., & Sissa, E. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics SPHERE/SHINE reveals concentric rings in the debris disk of HIP 73145
Milli, J., Vigan, A., Mouillet, D., Lagrange, A. -M., Augereau, J. -C., Pinte, C., Mawet, D., Schmid, H. M., Boccaletti, A., Matrà, L., Kral, Q., Ertel, S., Chauvin, G., Bazzon, A., Ménard, F., Beuzit, J. -L., Thalmann, C., Dominik, C., Feldt, M., Henning, T., Min, M., Girard, J. H., Galicher, R., Bonnefoy, M., Fusco, T., de Boer, J., Janson, M., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Schlieder, J. E., & Sphere Consortium 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Near-infrared scattered light properties of the HR 4796 A dust ring. A measured scattering phase function from 13.6° to 166.6°
Bonnefoy, M., Milli, J., Ménard, F., Vigan, A., Lagrange, A. -M., Delorme, P., Boccaletti, A., Lazzoni, C., Galicher, R., Desidera, S., Chauvin, G., Augereau, J. C., Mouillet, D., Pinte, C., van der Plas, G., Gratton, R., Beust, H., & Beuzit, J. L. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Belt(s) of debris resolved around the Sco-Cen star HIP 67497
Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Dougados, C., Kóspál, Á., Benisty, M., Duchêne, G., Bouvier, J., Garcia, P. J. V., Whelan, E., Antoniucci, S., & Podio, L. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics The 2008 outburst in the young stellar system Z CMa. III. Multi-epoch high-angular resolution images and spectra of the components in near-infrared
Benisty, M., Stolker, T., Pohl, A., de Boer, J., Lesur, G., Dominik, C., Dullemond, C. P., Langlois, M., Min, M., Wagner, K., Henning, T., Juhasz, A., Pinilla, P., Facchini, S., Apai, D., van Boekel, R., Garufi, A., Ginski, C., Ménard, F., Pinte, C., Quanz, S. P., Zurlo, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Beuzit, J. L., Chauvin, G., Cudel, M., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Fontanive, C., Gratton, R., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., LeCoroller, H., Mouillet, D., Mesa, D., Sissa, E., Vigan, A., Antichi, J., Buey, T., Fusco, T., Gisler, D., Llored, M., Magnard, Y., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Pragt, J., Roelfsema, R., Sauvage, J. -F., & Wildi, F. 2017, Astronomy and Astrophysics Shadows and spirals in the protoplanetary disk HD 100453
Lannier, J., Delorme, P., Lagrange, A. M., Borgniet, S., Rameau, J., Schlieder, J. E., Gagné, J., Bonavita, M. A., Malo, L., Chauvin, G., Bonnefoy, M., & Girard, J. H. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics MASSIVE: A Bayesian analysis of giant planet populations around low-mass stars
de Boer, J., Salter, G., Benisty, M., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Pinilla, P., Ginski, C., Juhasz, A., Maire, A. -L., Messina, S., Desidera, S., Cheetham, A., Girard, J. H., Wahhaj, Z., Langlois, M., Bonnefoy, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Buenzli, E., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Isella, A., Janson, M., Keller, C. U., Lagrange, A. -M., Lannier, J., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Mugrauer, M., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Sissa, E., Snik, F., Vogt, N., Zurlo, A., & SPHERE Consortium 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics Multiple rings in the transition disk and companion candidates around RX J1615.3-3255. High contrast imaging with VLT/SPHERE
Ginski, C., Stolker, T., Pinilla, P., Dominik, C., Boccaletti, A., de Boer, J., Benisty, M., Biller, B., Feldt, M., Garufi, A., Keller, C. U., Kenworthy, M., Maire, A. L., Ménard, F., Mesa, D., Milli, J., Min, M., Pinte, C., Quanz, S. P., van Boekel, R., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Girard, J. H. V., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Rouan, D., & Vigan, A. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics Direct detection of scattered light gaps in the transitional disk around HD 97048 with VLT/SPHERE
Mesa, D., Vigan, A., D'Orazi, V., Ginski, C., Desidera, S., Bonnefoy, M., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Marzari, F., Messina, S., Antichi, J., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R. U., Curtis, I., Fantinel, D., Feldt, M., Garufi, A., Galicher, R., Henning, Th., Incorvaia, S., Lagrange, A. -M., Millward, M., Perrot, C., Salasnich, B., Scuderi, S., Sissa, E., Wahhaj, Z., & Zurlo, A. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics Characterizing HR 3549 B using SPHERE
Antoniucci, S., Podio, L., Nisini, B., Bacciotti, F., Lagadec, E., Sissa, E., La Camera, A., Giannini, T., Schmid, H. M., Gratton, R., Turatto, M., Desidera, S., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Dougados, C., Bazzon, A., Thalmann, C., & Langlois, M. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics Sub-0.1'' optical imaging of the Z CMa jets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL
Bonavita, M., Desidera, S., Thalmann, C., Janson, M., Vigan, A., Chauvin, G., & Lannier, J. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics SPOTS: The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars. II. First constraints on the frequency of sub-stellar companions on wide circumbinary orbits
Olofsson, J., Samland, M., Avenhaus, H., Caceres, C., Henning, Th., Moór, A., Milli, J., Canovas, H., Quanz, S. P., Schreiber, M. R., Augereau, J. -C., Bayo, A., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Buenzli, E., Casassus, S., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Janson, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Pinte, C., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Thalmann, C., & Vigan, A. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics Azimuthal asymmetries in the debris disk around HD 61005. A massive collision of planetesimals?
Perrot, C., Boccaletti, A., Pantin, E., Augereau, J. -C., Lagrange, A. -M., Galicher, R., Maire, A. -L., Mazoyer, J., Milli, J., Rousset, G., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Mesa, D., Peretti, S., Salter, G., Sissa, E., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Vigan, A., Di Folco, E., Dutrey, A., Péricaud, J., Baudoz, P., Benisty, M., De Boer, J., Garufi, A., Girard, J. H., Menard, F., Olofsson, J., Quanz, S. P., Mouillet, D., Christiaens, V., Casassus, S., Beuzit, J. -L., Blanchard, P., Carle, M., Fusco, T., Giro, E., Hubin, N., Maurel, D., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Sevin, A., & Weber, L. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics Discovery of concentric broken rings at sub-arcsec separations in the HD 141569A gas-rich, debris disk with VLT/SPHERE
Lacour, S., Biller, B., Cheetham, A., Greenbaum, A., Pearce, T., Marino, S., Tuthill, P., Pueyo, L., Mamajek, E. E., Girard, J. H., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Baraffe, I., Chauvin, G., Olofsson, J., Juhasz, A., Benisty, M., Pott, J. -U., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Henning, T., Cardwell, A., Goodsell, S., Graham, J. R., Hibon, P., Ingraham, P., Konopacky, Q., Macintosh, B., Oppenheimer, R., Perrin, M., Rantakyrö, F., Sadakuni, N., & Thomas, S. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics An M-dwarf star in the transition disk of Herbig HD 142527. Physical parameters and orbital elements
Garufi, A., Quanz, S. P., Schmid, H. M., Mulders, G. D., Avenhaus, H., Boccaletti, A., Ginski, C., Langlois, M., Stolker, T., Augereau, J. -C., Benisty, M., Lopez, B., Dominik, C., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Janson, M., Ménard, F., Meyer, M. R., Pinte, C., Sissa, E., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Bazzon, A., Buenzli, E., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Lannier, J., Maire, A. L., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., & Wildi, F. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics The SPHERE view of the planet-forming disk around HD 100546
Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Maire, A. -L., Ehrenreich, D., Lagrange, A. -M., & Chauvin, G. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics Orbital fitting of imaged planetary companions with high eccentricities and unbound orbits. Their application to Fomalhaut b and PZ Telecopii B
Bonnefoy, M., Zurlo, A., Baudino, J. L., Lucas, P., Mesa, D., Maire, A. -L., Vigan, A., Galicher, R., Homeier, D., Marocco, F., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Allard, F., Desidera, S., Kasper, M., Moutou, C., Lagrange, A. -M., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudrand, J., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Cantalloube, F., Carbillet, M., Charton, J., Claudi, R. U., Costille, A., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Girard, J. H., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Henning, T., Janson, M., Langlois, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Maurel, D., Mawet, D., Meyer, M. R., Milli, J., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Pujet, P., Quanz, S. P., Rochat, S., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmid, H. M., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Wahhaj, Z., & Wildi, F. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. IV. Physical and chemical properties of the planets around HR8799
Zurlo, A., Vigan, A., Galicher, R., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Kasper, M., Moutou, C., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Abe, L., Apai, D., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Beuzit, J. -L., Blancard, P., Boccaletti, A., Cantalloube, F., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Charton, J., Claudi, R. U., Costille, A., de Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Girard, J. H., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Henning, T., Hugot, E., Janson, M., Jaquet, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Mawet, D., Meyer, M. R., Milli, J., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Petit, C., Puget, P., Quanz, S. P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmid, H. M., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Wahhaj, Z., Wildi, F., & Antichi, J. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. III. New spectrophotometry and astrometry of the HR 8799 exoplanetary system
Maire, A. -L., Bonnefoy, M., Ginski, C., Vigan, A., Messina, S., Mesa, D., Galicher, R., Gratton, R., Desidera, S., Kopytova, T. G., Millward, M., Thalmann, C., Claudi, R. U., Ehrenreich, D., Zurlo, A., Chauvin, G., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Blanchard, P., Boccaletti, A., de Boer, J., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Costille, A., De Caprio, V., Delboulbé, A., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Girard, J. H., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Henning, T., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Le Mignant, D., Llored, M., Madec, F., Martinez, P., Mawet, D., Milli, J., Möller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Moulin, T., Moutou, C., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Ramos, J., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmid, H. M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Wahhaj, Z., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. II. The physical properties and the architecture of the young systems PZ Telescopii and HD 1160 revisited
Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Ginski, C., Beust, H., Galicher, R., Janson, M., Baudino, J. -L., Buenzli, E., Hagelberg, J., D'Orazi, V., Desidera, S., Maire, A. -L., Gratton, R., Sauvage, J. -F., Chauvin, G., Thalmann, C., Malo, L., Salter, G., Zurlo, A., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Blanchard, P., Boccaletti, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Carle, M., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Delboulbé, A., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Gluck, L., Girard, J., Giro, E., Gry, C., Henning, T., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Le Mignant, D., Llored, M., Madec, F., Martinez, P., Mawet, D., Mesa, D., Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Moulin, T., Moutou, C., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Salasnich, B., Schmid, H. -M., Sevin, A., Siebenmorgen, R., Smette, A., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Wahhaj, Z., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. I. Detection and characterization of the substellar companion GJ 758 B
Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Gratton, R., Maire, A. -L., Milli, J., Olofsson, J., Vigan, A., Bailey, V., Mesa, D., Chauvin, G., Boccaletti, A., Galicher, R., Girard, J. H., Bonnefoy, M., Samland, M., Menard, F., Henning, T., Kenworthy, M., Thalmann, C., Beust, H., Beuzit, J. -L., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Cheetham, A., Janson, M., le Coroller, H., Lannier, J., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., Sissa, E., Wahhaj, Z., Abe, L., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Madec, F., Perret, D., Petit, C., Rabou, P., Soenke, C., & Weber, L. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics A narrow, edge-on disk resolved around HD 106906 with SPHERE
Reggiani, M., Meyer, M. R., Chauvin, G., Vigan, A., Quanz, S. P., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Desidera, S., Delorme, P., Hagelberg, J., Maire, A. -L., Boccaletti, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Buenzli, E., Carson, J., Covino, E., Feldt, M., Girard, J., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Montagnier, G., Mordasini, C., Mouillet, D., Schlieder, J. E., Segransan, D., Thalmann, C., & Zurlo, A. 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits . III. The frequency of brown dwarfs and giant planets as companions to solar-type stars
Cantalloube, F., Mouillet, D., Mugnier, L. M., Milli, J., Absil, O., Gomez Gonzalez, C. A., Chauvin, G., Beuzit, J. -L., & Cornia, A. 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics Direct exoplanet detection and characterization using the ANDROMEDA method: Performance on VLT/NaCo data
Rameau, J., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Maire, A. -L., Boccaletti, A., & Bonnefoy, M. 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics Detection limits with spectral differential imaging data
Elliott, P., Huélamo, N., Bouy, H., Bayo, A., Melo, C. H. F., Torres, C. A. O., Sterzik, M. F., Quast, G. R., Chauvin, G., & Barrado, D. 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VI. Is multiplicity universal? Stellar multiplicity in the range 3-1000 au from adaptive-optics observations
Benisty, M., Juhasz, A., Boccaletti, A., Avenhaus, H., Milli, J., Thalmann, C., Dominik, C., Pinilla, P., Buenzli, E., Pohl, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Birnstiel, T., de Boer, J., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Christiaens, V., Garufi, A., Grady, C., Henning, T., Huelamo, N., Isella, A., Langlois, M., Ménard, F., Mouillet, D., Olofsson, J., Pantin, E., Pinte, C., & Pueyo, L. 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics Asymmetric features in the protoplanetary disk MWC 758
Chauvin, G., Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Bonavita, M., Mesa, D., Boccaletti, A., Buenzli, E., Carson, J., Delorme, P., Hagelberg, J., Montagnier, G., Mordasini, C., Quanz, S. P., Segransan, D., Thalmann, C., Beuzit, J. -L., Biller, B., Covino, E., Feldt, M., Girard, J., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Reggiani, M., Schlieder, J. E., & Zurlo, A. 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. II. Survey description, results, and performances
Desidera, S., Covino, E., Messina, S., Carson, J., Hagelberg, J., Schlieder, J. E., Biazzo, K., Alcalá, J. M., Chauvin, G., Vigan, A., Beuzit, J. L., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Esposito, M., Feldt, M., Girardi, L., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Lagrange, A. M., Lanzafame, A. C., Launhardt, R., Marmier, M., Melo, C., Meyer, M., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Segransan, D., Udry, S., & Zaidi, C. M. 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs in wide orbits. I. Sample definition and characterization
Bonnefoy, M., Marleau, G. -D., Galicher, R., Beust, H., Lagrange, A. -M., Baudino, J. -L., Chauvin, G., Borgniet, S., Meunier, N., Rameau, J., Boccaletti, A., Cumming, A., Helling, C., Homeier, D., Allard, F., & Delorme, P. 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physical and orbital properties of β Pictoris b
Maire, A. -L., Boccaletti, A., Rameau, J., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Sylvestre, M., Baudoz, P., Galicher, R., & Mouillet, D. 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics Search for cool giant exoplanets around young and nearby stars. VLT/NaCo near-infrared phase-coronagraphic and differential imaging
Milli, J., Lagrange, A. -M., Mawet, D., Absil, O., Augereau, J. -C., Mouillet, D., Boccaletti, A., Girard, J. H., & Chauvin, G. 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics Very deep images of the innermost regions of the β Pictoris debris disc at L'
Galicher, R., Rameau, J., Bonnefoy, M., Baudino, J. -L., Currie, T., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., & Marois, C. 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics Near-infrared detection and characterization of the exoplanet HD 95086 b with the Gemini Planet Imager
Manjavacas, E., Bonnefoy, M., Schlieder, J. E., Allard, F., Rojo, P., Goldman, B., Chauvin, G., Homeier, D., Lodieu, N., & Henning, T. 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics New constraints on the formation and settling of dust in the atmospheres of young M and L dwarfs
Ducourant, C., Teixeira, R., Galli, P. A. B., Le Campion, J. F., Krone-Martins, A., Zuckerman, B., Chauvin, G., & Song, I. 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics The TW Hydrae association: trigonometric parallaxes and kinematic analysis
Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Rojo, P., Allard, F., Pinte, C., Dumas, C., & Homeier, D. 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics A library of near-infrared integral field spectra of young M-L dwarfs
Absil, O., Milli, J., Mawet, D., Lagrange, A. -M., Girard, J., Chauvin, G., Boccaletti, A., Delacroix, C., & Surdej, J. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics Searching for companions down to 2 AU from β Pictoris using the L'-band AGPM coronagraph on VLT/NACO
Lagrange, A. -M., Meunier, N., Chauvin, G., Sterzik, M., Galland, F., Lo Curto, G., Rameau, J., & Sosnowska, D. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics Planets around stars in young nearby associations. Radial velocity searches: a feasibility study and first results
Joergens, V., Bonnefoy, M., Liu, Y., Bayo, A., Wolf, S., Chauvin, G., & Rojo, P. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics OTS 44: Disk and accretion at the planetary border
Bonnefoy, M., Boccaletti, A., Lagrange, A. -M., Allard, F., Mordasini, C., Beust, H., Chauvin, G., Girard, J. H. V., Homeier, D., Apai, D., Lacour, S., & Rouan, D. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics The near-infrared spectral energy distribution of β Pictoris b
Zurlo, A., Vigan, A., Hagelberg, J., Desidera, S., Chauvin, G., Almenara, J. M., Biazzo, K., Bonnefoy, M., Carson, J. C., Covino, E., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Gratton, R., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Moutou, C., Segransan, D., Turatto, M., Udry, S., & Wildi, F. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysical false positives in direct imaging for exoplanets: a white dwarf close to a rejuvenated star
Delorme, P., Gagné, J., Girard, J. H., Lagrange, A. M., Chauvin, G., Naud, M. -E., Lafrenière, D., Doyon, R., Riedel, A., Bonnefoy, M., & Malo, L. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics Direct-imaging discovery of a 12-14 Jupiter-mass object orbiting a young binary system of very low-mass stars
Rameau, J., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Klahr, H., Bonnefoy, M., Mordasini, C., Bonavita, M., Desidera, S., Dumas, C., & Girard, J. H. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics A survey of young, nearby, and dusty stars conducted to understand the formation of wide-orbit giant planets. VLT/NaCo adaptive optics thermal and angular differential imaging
Boccaletti, A., Lagrange, A. -M., Bonnefoy, M., Galicher, R., & Chauvin, G. 2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics Independent confirmation of β Pictoris b imaging with NICI
Chauvin, G., Faherty, J., Boccaletti, A., Cruz, K., Lagrange, A. -M., Zuckerman, B., Bessell, M. S., Beuzit, J. -L., Bonnefoy, M., Dumas, C., Lowrance, P., Mouillet, D., & Song, I. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics Deep search for companions to probable young brown dwarfs. VLT/NACO adaptive optics imaging using IR wavefront sensing
Lagrange, A. -M., Milli, J., Boccaletti, A., Lacour, S., Thebault, P., Chauvin, G., Mouillet, D., Augereau, J. C., Bonnefoy, M., Ehrenreich, D., & Kral, Q. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics An insight in the surroundings of HR 4796
Rameau, J., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Thébault, P., Milli, J., Girard, J. H., & Bonnefoy, M. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics High-contrast imaging of the close environment of HD 142527. VLT/NaCo adaptive optics thermal and angular differential imaging
Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Lagrange, A. -M., Boccaletti, A., Mawet, D., Chauvin, G., & Bonnefoy, M. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics Impact of angular differential imaging on circumstellar disk images
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Boccaletti, A., Apai, D., Allard, F., Ehrenreich, D., Girard, J. H. V., Mouillet, D., & Rouan, D. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics Orbital characterization of the β Pictoris b giant planet
Lagrange, A. -M., Boccaletti, A., Milli, J., Chauvin, G., Bonnefoy, M., Mouillet, D., Augereau, J. C., Girard, J. H., Lacour, S., & Apai, D. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics The position of β Pictoris b position relative to the debris disk
Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Moutou, C., & Montagnier, G. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics High-contrast spectroscopy of SCR J1845-6357 B
Delorme, P., Lagrange, A. M., Chauvin, G., Bonavita, M., Lacour, S., Bonnefoy, M., Ehrenreich, D., & Beust, H. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics High-resolution imaging of young M-type stars of the solar neighbourhood: probing for companions down to the mass of Jupiter
Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Janson, M., Beuzit, J. L., Kasper, M., & Mordasini, C. 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics MESS (multi-purpose exoplanet simulation system). A Monte Carlo tool for the statistical analysis and prediction of exoplanet search results
Absil, O., Le Bouquin, J. -B., Berger, J. -P., Lagrange, A. -M., Chauvin, G., Lazareff, B., Zins, G., Haguenauer, P., Jocou, L., Kern, P., Millan-Gabet, R., Rochat, S., & Traub, W. 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics Searching for faint companions with VLTI/PIONIER. I. Method and first results
Mesa, D., Gratton, R., Berton, A., Antichi, J., Verinaud, C., Boccaletti, A., Kasper, M., Claudi, R. U., Desidera, S., Giro, E., Beuzit, J. -L., Dohlen, K., Feldt, M., Mouillet, D., Chauvin, G., & Vigan, A. 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics Simulation of planet detection with the SPHERE integral field spectrograph
Bonnefoy, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Apai, D., Allard, F., Ehrenreich, D., Girard, J. H. V., Mouillet, D., Rouan, D., Gratadour, D., & Kasper, M. 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics High angular resolution detection of β Pictoris b at 2.18 μm
Huélamo, N., Lacour, S., Tuthill, P., Ireland, M., Kraus, A., & Chauvin, G. 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics A companion candidate in the gap of the T Chamaeleontis transitional disk
Chauvin, G., Beust, H., Lagrange, A. -M., & Eggenberger, A. 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics Planetary systems in close binary stars: the case of HD 196885. Combined astrometric and radial velocity study
Buenzli, E., Thalmann, C., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Augereau, J. C., Meyer, M. R., Ménard, F., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Henning, T., Carson, J., Montagnier, G., Beuzit, J. L., Bonavita, M., Eggenberger, A., Lagrange, A. M., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., & Quanz, S. P. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics Dissecting the Moth: discovery of an off-centered ring in the HD 61005 debris disk with high-resolution imaging
Ehrenreich, D., Lagrange, A. -M., Montagnier, G., Chauvin, G., Galland, F., Beuzit, J. -L., & Rameau, J. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics Deep infrared imaging of close companions to austral A- and F-type stars
Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Boccaletti, A., Pietu, V., Baudoz, P., Beuzit, J. L., Dutrey, A., Guilloteau, S., Lagrange, A. M., Mouillet, D., & Niccolini, G. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics Searching for the sub-stellar companions in the LkCa15 proto-planetary disk
Huélamo, N., Nürnberger, D. E. A., Ivanov, V. D., Chauvin, G., Carraro, G., Sterzik, M. F., Melo, C. H. F., Bonnefoy, M., Hartung, M., Haubois, X., & Foellmi, C. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics A brown dwarf companion to the intermediate-mass star HR 6037
Absil, O., Le Bouquin, J. -B., Lebreton, J., Augereau, J. -C., Benisty, M., Chauvin, G., Hanot, C., Mérand, A., & Montagnier, G. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics Deep near-infrared interferometric search for low-mass companions around β Pictoris
Benisty, M., Malbet, F., Dougados, C., Natta, A., Le Bouquin, J. B., Massi, F., Bonnefoy, M., Bouvier, J., Chauvin, G., Chesneau, O., Garcia, P. J. V., Grankin, K., Isella, A., Ratzka, T., Tatulli, E., Testi, L., Weigelt, G., & Whelan, E. T. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics The 2008 outburst in the young stellar system Z CMa. I. Evidence of an enhanced bipolar wind on the AU-scale
Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Rojo, P., Allard, F., Lagrange, A. -M., Homeier, D., Dumas, C., & Beuzit, J. -L. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics Near-infrared integral-field spectra of the planet/brown dwarf companion AB Pictoris b
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Bonavita, M., Zuckerman, B., Dumas, C., Bessell, M. S., Beuzit, J. -L., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Farihi, J., Lowrance, P., Mouillet, D., & Song, I. 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics Deep imaging survey of young, nearby austral stars . VLT/NACO near-infrared Lyot-coronographic observations
Lagrange, A. -M., Kasper, M., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Gratadour, D., Fusco, T., Ehrenreich, D., Apai, D., Mouillet, D., & Rouan, D. 2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics Constraining the orbit of the possible companion to β Pictoris. New deep imaging observations
Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Dumas, C., Lagrange, A. -M., Beust, H., Desort, M., Teixeira, R., Ducourant, C., Beuzit, J. -L., & Song, I. 2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics The young, tight, and low-mass binary TWA22AB: a new calibrator for evolutionary models?. Orbit, spectral types, and temperature
Huélamo, N., Vaz, L. P. R., Torres, C. A. O., Bergeron, P., Melo, C. H. F., Quast, G. R., Barrado y Navascués, D., Sterzik, M. F., Chauvin, G., Bouy, H., & Landin, N. R. 2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics The triple system HIP 96515: a low-mass eclipsing binary with a DB white dwarf companion
Teixeira, R., Ducourant, C., Chauvin, G., Krone-Martins, A., Bonnefoy, M., & Song, I. 2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics Kinematic analysis and membership status of TWA22 AB
Lagrange, A. -M., Gratadour, D., Chauvin, G., Fusco, T., Ehrenreich, D., Mouillet, D., Rousset, G., Rouan, D., Allard, F., Gendron, É., Charton, J., Mugnier, L., Rabou, P., Montri, J., & Lacombe, F. 2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics A probable giant planet imaged in the β Pictoris disk. VLT/NaCo deep L'-band imaging
Teixeira, R., Ducourant, C., Chauvin, G., Krone-Martins, A., Song, I., & Zuckerman, B. 2008, Astronomy and Astrophysics SSSPM J1102-3431 brown dwarf characterization from accurate proper motion and trigonometric parallax
Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Baudoz, P., & Beuzit, J. -L. 2008, Astronomy and Astrophysics Coronagraphic near-IR photometry of AB Doradus C
Geißler, K., Chauvin, G., & Sterzik, M. F. 2008, Astronomy and Astrophysics Mid-infrared imaging of brown dwarfs in binary systems
Ducourant, C., Teixeira, R., Chauvin, G., Daigne, G., Le Campion, J. -F., Song, I., & Zuckerman, B. 2008, Astronomy and Astrophysics An accurate distance to 2M1207Ab
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Udry, S., & Mayor, M. 2007, Astronomy and Astrophysics Characterization of the long-period companions of the exoplanet host stars: HD 196885, HD 1237 and HD 27442. VLT/NACO and SINFONI near-infrared, follow-up imaging and spectroscopy
Eggenberger, A., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Beuzit, J. -L., Lagrange, A. -M., Ségransan, D., & Mayor, M. 2007, Astronomy and Astrophysics The impact of stellar duplicity on planet occurrence and properties. I. Observational results of a VLT/NACO search for stellar companions to 130 nearby stars with and without planets
Montagnier, G., Ségransan, D., Beuzit, J. -L., Forveille, T., Delorme, P., Delfosse, X., Perrier, C., Udry, S., Mayor, M., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Mouillet, D., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., & Stadler, E. 2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics Five new very low mass binaries
Lagrange, A. -M., Beust, H., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., & Mayor, M. 2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics New constrains on Gliese 86 B. VLT near infrared coronographic imaging survey of planetary hosts
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Udry, S., Fusco, T., Galland, F., Naef, D., Beuzit, J. -L., & Mayor, M. 2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics Probing long-period companions to planetary hosts. VLT and CFHT near infrared coronographic imaging surveys
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Zuckerman, B., Dumas, C., Mouillet, D., Song, I., Beuzit, J. -L., Lowrance, P., & Bessell, M. S. 2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics A companion to AB Pic at the planet/brown dwarf boundary
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Dumas, C., Zuckerman, B., Mouillet, D., Song, I., Beuzit, J. -L., & Lowrance, P. 2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics Giant planet companion to 2MASSW J1207334-393254
Forveille, T., Beuzit, J. -L., Delorme, P., Ségransan, D., Delfosse, X., Chauvin, G., Fusco, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Mayor, M., Montagnier, G., Mouillet, D., Perrier, C., Udry, S., Charton, J., Gigan, P., Conan, J. -M., Kern, P., & Michet, G. 2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics LP 349-25: A new tight M8V binary
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Lacombe, F., Dumas, C., Mouillet, D., Zuckerman, B., Gendron, E., Song, I., Beuzit, J. -L., Lowrance, P., & Fusco, T. 2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrometric and spectroscopic confirmation of a brown dwarf companion to GSC 08047-00232. VLT/NACO deep imaging and spectroscopic observations
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Dumas, C., Zuckerman, B., Mouillet, D., Song, I., Beuzit, J. -L., & Lowrance, P. 2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics A giant planet candidate near a young brown dwarf. Direct VLT/NACO observations using IR wavefront sensing
Lagrange, A. -M., Chauvin, G., Rouan, D., Gendron, E., Beuzit, J. -L., Lacombe, F., Rousset, G., Dougados, C., Fusco, T., Mouillet, D., Conan, J. -M., Stadler, E., Deleglise, J., & Perrier, C. 2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics The environment of the very red object Orion n. A possible low mass companion?
Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., & Marchis, F. 2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics Near-IR coronagraphic imaging of the companion to HR 7672
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Beust, H., Fusco, T., Mouillet, D., Lacombe, F., Pujet, P., Rousset, G., Gendron, E., Conan, J. -M., Bauduin, D., Rouan, D., Brandner, W., Lenzen, R., Hubin, N., & Hartung, M. 2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics VLT/NACO adaptive optics imaging of the TY CrA system. A fourth stellar component candidate detected
Chauvin, G., Thomson, M., Dumas, C., Beuzit, J. -L., Lowrance, P., Fusco, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Zuckerman, B., & Mouillet, D. 2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics Adaptive optics imaging survey of the Tucana-Horologium association
Chauvin, G., Ménard, F., Fusco, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Beuzit, J. -L., Mouillet, D., & Augereau, J. -C. 2002, Astronomy and Astrophysics Adaptive optics imaging of the MBM 12 association. Seven binaries and an edge-on disk in a quadruple system
Chauvin, G., Fusco, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Mouillet, D., Beuzit, J. -L., Thomson, M., Augereau, J. -C., Marchis, F., Dumas, C., & Lowrance, P. 2002, Astronomy and Astrophysics No disk needed around HD 199143 B
Non-refereed publications
Hunziker, S., Schmid, H. M., Ma, J., Menard, F., Avenhaus, H., Boccaletti, A., Beuzit, J. L., Chauvin, G., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Engler, N., Ginski, C., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Langlois, M., Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Tschudi, C., van Holstein, R. G., & Vigan, A. 2021, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD142527 SPHERE polarimetric images (Hunziker+, 2021)
Wilcomb, Kielan, Konopacky, Quinn, Perrin, Marshall, Barman, Travis Stuart, Bonnefoy, Mickael, Chauvin, Gael, D'Orazi, Valentina, De Rosa, Robert J., Girard, Julien, Gonzales, Eileen, Luna, Jessica L., Macintosh, Bruce A., Morley, Caroline, Petrus, Simon, Rameau, Julien, Ren, Bin, Rickman, Emily, Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste, Theissen, Christopher, & Ward-Duong, Kimberly 2021, JWST Proposal. Cycle 1 Direct Imaging Spectroscopy of two Jovian Exoplanets: Characterization of the TYC 8998-760-1 Multi-Planetary System
Bonavita, M., Gratton, R., Desidera, S., Squicciarini, V., D'Orazi, V., Zurlo, A., Biller, B., Chauvin, G., Fontanive, C., Janson, M., Messina, S., Menard, F., Meyer, M., Vigan, A., Avenhaus, H., Asensio Torres, R., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Desgrange, C., Dominik, C., Engler, N., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Garufi, A., Gasparri, D., Ginski, C., Girard, J., Grandjean, A., Hagelberg, J., Henning, Th., Hunziker, S., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Lagadec, E., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Lombart, M., Maire, A. -L., Mazevet, S., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Muller, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Petrus, S., Potier, A., Ramos, J., Rickman, E., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Stolker, T., Szulagyil, J., Udry, S., & Wildi, F. 2021, arXiv e-prints New binaries from the SHINE survey
Maire, A. -L., Chauvin, G., Vigan, A., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Girard, J. H., Kenworthy, M. A., Pott, J. -U., Henning, T., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Rickman, E. L., Boccaletti, A., Delorme, P., Meyer, M. R., Nowak, M., Quanz, S. P., & Zurlo, A. 2021, arXiv e-prints High-precision astrometric studies in direct imaging with SPHERE
Asensio-Torres, R., Henning, Th., Cantalloube, F., Pinilla, P., Mesa, D., Garufi, A., Jorquera, S., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Szulagyi, J., van Boekel, R., Dong, R., Marleau, G. -D., Benisty, M., Villenave, M., Bergez-Casalou, C., Desgrange, C., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Langlois, M., Menard, F., Rickman, E., Stolker, T., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Gluck, L., Pavlov, A., & Ramos, J. 2021, arXiv e-prints Perturbers: SPHERE detection limits to planetary-mass companions in protoplanetary disks
Desidera, S., Chauvin, G., Bonavita, M., Messina, S., LeCoroller, H., Schmidt, T., Gratton, R., Lazzoni, C., Meyer, M., Schlieder, J., Cheetham, A., Hagelberg, J., Bonnefoy, M., Feldt, M., Lagrange, A-M., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Tan, T. G., Hambsch, F. -J., Millward, M., Alcala, J., Benatti, S., Brandner, W., Carson, J., Covino, E., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Janson, M., Rigliaco, E., Beuzit, J. -L., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Dominik, C., Cantalloube, F., Fontaniv, C., Galicher, R., Henning, Th., Lagadec, E., Ligi, R., Maire, A-L., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Muller, A., Samland, M., Schmid, H. M., Sissa, E., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Asensio-Torres, A. Zurlo R., Kopytova, T., Rickman, E., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Blanchard, P., Bazzon, A., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Charton, J., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Deboulbe, A., De Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignant, D., Moller-Nilsson, O., Llored, M., Moulin, T., Origne, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramon, J., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2021, arXiv e-prints The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE)- I Sample definition and target characterization
Langlois, M., Gratton, R., Lagrange, A. -M., Delorme, P., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Vigan, A., Cheetham, A., Hagelberg, J., Feldt, M., Meyer, M., Rubini, P., Le Coroller, H., Cantalloube, F., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Bhowmik, T., Brandner, W., Daemgen, S., D'Orazi, V., Flasseur, O., Fontanive, C., Galicher, R., Girard, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lagadec, E., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Meunier, N., Perreti, A., Perrot, C., Rodet, L., Romero, C., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Salter, G., Sissa, E., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Mouillet, D., Denis, L., Thiebaut, E., Milli, J., Wahhaj, Z., Beuzit, J. -L., Dominik, C., Henning, Th., Menard, F., Muller, A., Schmid, H. M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Allard, F., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Bazzon, A., Blanchard, P., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Charton, J., Claudi, R., Costille, A., De Caprio, V., Delboulbe, A., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Le Mignant, D., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Messina, S., Moller-Nilsson, O., Mugnier, L., Moulin, T., Origne, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L., Wildi, F., & Rickman, E. 2021, arXiv e-prints The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE) -- II. Observations, Data reduction and analysis Detection performances and early-results
Kasper, M., Cerpa Urra, N., Pathak, P., Bonse, M., Nousiainen, J., Engler, B., Heritier, C. T., Kammerer, J., Leveratto, S., Rajani, C., Bristow, P., Le Louarn, M., Madec, P. -Y., Ströbele, S., Verinaud, C., Glauser, A., Quanz, S. P., Helin, T., Keller, C., Snik, F., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Mouillet, D., Kulcsár, C., & Raynaud, H. -F. 2021, The Messenger PCS — A Roadmap for Exoearth Imaging with the ELT
Ciliegi, P., Agapito, G., Aliverti, M., Annibali, F., Arcidiacono, C., Balestra, A., Baruffolo, A., Bergomi, M., Bianco, A., Bonaglia, M., Busoni, L., Cantiello, M., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Chinellato, S., Cianniello, V., Correia, J. -J., Cosentino, G., Dall'Ora, M., De Caprio, V., Devaney, N., Di Antonio, I., Di Cianno, A., Di Giammatteo, U., D'Orazi, V., Di Rico, G., Dolci, M., Doutè, S., Eredia, C., Farinato, J., Esposito, S., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Foppiani, I., Giro, E., Gluck, L., Golden, A., Goncharov, A., Grani, P., Gullieuszik, M., Haguenauer, P., Hénault, F., Hubert, Z., Le Louran, M., Magrin, D., Maiorano, E., Mannucci, F., Malone, D., Marafatto, L., Moraux, E., Munari, M., Oberti, S., Pariani, G., Pettazzi, L., Plantet, C., Podio, L., Portaluri, E., Puglisi, A., Ragazzoni, R., Rakich, A., Rabou, P., Redaelli, E., Redman, M., Riva, M., Rochat, S., Rodeghiero, G., Salasnich, B., Saracco, P., Sordo, R., Spavone, M., Sztefek, M. -H., Valentini, A., Vanzella, E., Verinaud, C., Xompero, M., & Zaggia, S. 2021, The Messenger MAORY: A Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY for ELT
Mesa, D., Marino, S., Bonavita, M., Lazzoni, C., Fontanive, C., Perez, S., D'Orazi, V., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Engler, N., Henning, T., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Langlois, M., Messina, S., Milli, J., Pawellek, N., Perrot, C., Rigliaco, E., Rickman, E., Squicciarini, V., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z., Zurlo, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., De Caprio, V., Feldt, M., Gluck, L., Hagelberg, J., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Launhardt, R., Maire, A. -L., Meyer, M., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Pavlov, A., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., & Weber, L. 2021, arXiv e-prints Limits on the presence of planets in systems with debris disks: HD 92945 and HD 107146
LIFE collaboration, Quanz, S. P., Ottiger, M., Fontanet, E., Kammerer, J., Menti, F., Dannert, F., Gheorghe, A., Absil, O., Airapetian, V. S., Alei, E., Allart, R., Angerhausen, D., Blumenthal, S., Cabrera, J., Carrión-González, Ó., Chauvin, G., Danchi, W. C., Dandumont, C., Defrère, D., Dorn, C., Ehrenreich, D., Ertel, S., Fridlund, M., García Muñoz, A., Gascón, C., Glauser, A., Grenfell, J. L., Guidi, G., Hagelberg, J., Helled, R., Ireland, M. J., Kopparapu, R. K., Korth, J., Kraus, S., Léger, A., Leedjärv, L., Lichtenberg, T., Lillo-Box, J., Linz, H., Liseau, R., Loicq, J., Mahendra, V., Malbet, F., Mathew, J., Mennesson, B., Meyer, M. R., Mishra, L., Molaverdikhani, K., Noack, L., Oza, A. V., Pallé, E., Parviainen, H., Quirrenbach, A., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Rice, M., Romagnolo, A., Rugheimer, S., Schwieterman, E. W., Serabyn, E., Sharma, S., Stassun, K. G., Szulágyi, J., Wang, H. S., Wunderlich, F., & Wyatt, M. C. 2021, arXiv e-prints Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE): I. Improved exoplanet detection yield estimates for a large mid-infrared space-interferometer mission
Betti, S., Follette, K., Jorquera, S., Bonnefoy, M., Perez, L., Chauvin, G., Boccaletti, A., & Buenzli, E. 2021, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts Mapping Icy Grains in AB Aur: Constraining Composition, Growth, and Filtration
Lacour, S., Wang, J. J., Nowak, M., Pueyo, L., Eisenhauer, F., Lagrange, A. -M., Mollière, P., Abuter, R., Amorin, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Bauböck, M., Benisty, M., Berger, J. P., Beust, H., Blunt, S., Boccaletti, A., Bohn, A., Bonnefoy, M., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Caselli, P., Charnay, B., Chauvin, G., Choquet, E., Christiaens, V., Clénet, Y., Cridland, A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dembet, R., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gardner, T., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J. H., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hinkley, S., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Houllé, M., Hubert, Z., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kammerer, J., Keppler, M., Kervella, P., Kreidberg, L., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J. -B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Maire, A. -L., Mérand, A., Monnier, J. D., Mouillet, D., Muller, A., Nasedkin, E., Ott, T., Otten, G. P. P. L., Paladini, C., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rameau, J., Rodet, L., Rodriguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Stolker, T., van Dishoeck, E. F., Vigan, A., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Ward-Duong, K., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., & Woillez, J. 2020, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series The ExoGRAVITY project: using single mode interferometry to characterize exoplanets
Janson, M., Squicciarini, V., Delorme, P., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Reffert, S., Mamajek, E. E., Eriksson, S. C., Vigan, A., Langlois, M., Engler, N., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Mayer, L., Marleau, G. -D., Bohn, A. J., Samland, M., Meyer, M., D'Orazi, V., Henning, T., Quanz, S., Kenworthy, M., & Carson, J. C. 2020, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: BEAST sample properties (Janson+, 2021)
de Boer, J., Ginski, C., Chauvin, G., Menard, F., Benisty, M., Dominik, C., Maaskant, K., Girard, J. H., van der Plas, G., Garufi, A., Perrot, C., Stolker, T., Avenhaus, H., Bohn, A., Delboulbe, A., Jaquet, M., Buey, T., Moller-Nilsson, O., Pragt, J., & Fusco, T. 2020, arXiv e-prints A single-armed spiral in the protoplanetary disk around HD34282 ?
Vigan, A., Fontanive, C., Meyer, M., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Feldt, M., Desidera, S., Marleau, G. -D., Emsenhuber, A., Galicher, R., Rice, K., Forgan, D., Mordasini, C., Gratton, R., Le Coroller, H., Maire, A. -L., Cantalloube, F., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Bonnefoy, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., D'Orazi, V., Delorme, P., Dominik, C., Henning, Th., Janson, M., Lagadec, E., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Moutou, C., Müller, A., Perrot, C., Samland, M., Schmid, H. M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Zurlo, A., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Asensio-Torres, R., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Bazzon, A., Blanchard, P., Bohn, A. J., Brown Sevilla, S., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Charton, J., Claudi, R., Costille, A., De Caprio, V., Delboulbé, A., Dohlen, K., Engler, N., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Girard, J. H., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Le Mignant, D., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rickman, E. L., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Wahhaj, Z., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2020, arXiv e-prints The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). III. The demographics of young giant exoplanets below 300 au with SPHERE
Maire, A. -L., Molaverdikhani, K., Desidera, S., Trifonov, T., Molliere, P., D'Orazi, V., Frankel, N., Baudino, J. -L., Messina, S., Mueller, A., Charnay, B., Cheetham, A. C., Delorme, P., Ligi, R., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Mesa, D., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Biller, B. A., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A. -M., Lavie, B., Rickman, E., Segransan, D., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Meyer, M. R., Beuzit, J. -L., Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Lazzoni, C., Perrot, C., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Gluck, L., Pragt, J., Ramos, J., Roelfsema, R., Roux, A., & Sauvage, J. -F. 2020, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: SPHERE and NaCo images of HD 19467B (Maire+, 2020)
Gratton, R., Zurlo, A., Le Coroller, H., Damasso, M., Del Sordo, F., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Milli, J., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Hagelberg, J., Lagadec, E., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Brown, S., Cantalloube, F., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Janson, M., Kervella, P., Lagrange, A. -M., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Maire, A. -L., Menard, F., Meyer, M., Mugnier, L., Potier, A., Rickman, E. L., Rodet, L., Romero, C., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Sozzetti, A., Szulagyi, J., Wahhaj, Z., Antichi, J., Fusco, T., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., & Wildi, F. 2020, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: SPHERE maps around Proxima Cen (Gratton+, 2020)
van Holstein, R. G., Girard, J. H., de Boer, J., Snik, F., Milli, J., Stam, D. M., Ginski, C., Mouillet, D., Wahhaj, Z., Schmid, H. M., Keller, C. U., Langlois, M., Dohlen, K., Vigan, A., Pohl, A., Carbillet, M., Fantinel, D., Maurel, D., Origné, A., Petit, C. Ramos, Rigal, F., Sevin, A., Boccaletti, A., Le Coroller, H., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Lagadec, E., Ménard, F., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M., & Beuzit, J. -L. 2020, Astrophysics Source Code Library IRDAP: SPHERE-IRDIS polarimetric data reduction pipeline
Chauvin, Gael & Encrenaz, Thérèse 2020, Planets 2020 Planetary systems at the Era of the ELT
Chauvin, Gael, Keppler, Miriam, Muller, André, Boer, Jos de, Haffert, Sebastian, Mesa, Dino, Benisty, Myriam, & Isella, André 2020, Planets 2020 PDS70, witnessing a young solar system analog in formation with SPHERE/ALMA
Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Mouillet, D., Absil, O., Allard, F., Antoniucci, S., Augereau, J. -C., Barge, P., Baruffolo, A., Baudino, J. -L., Baudoz, P., Beaulieu, M., Benisty, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Bianco, A., Biller, B., Bonavita, B., Bonnefoy, M., Bos, S., Bouret, J. -C., Brandner, W., Buchschache, N., Carry, B., Cantalloube, F., Cascone, E., Carlotti, A., Charnay, B., Chiavassa, A., Choquet, E., Clenet, Y., Crida, A., De Boer, J., De Caprio, V., Desidera, S., Desert, J. -M., Delisle, J. -B., Delorme, P., Dohlen, K., Doelman, D., Dominik, C., Orazi, V. D, Dougados, C., Doute, S., Fedele, D., Feldt, M., Ferreira, F., Fontanive, C., Fusco, T., Galicher, R., Garufi, A., Gendron, E., Ghedina, A., Ginski, C., Gonzalez, J. -F., Gratadour, D., Gratton, R., Guillot, T., Haffert, S., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Huby, E., Janson, M., Kamp, I., Keller, C., Kenworthy, M., Kervella, P., Kral, Q., Kuhn, J., Lagadec, E., Laibe, G., Langlois, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Launhardt, R., Leboulleux, L., Le Coroller, H., Li Causi, G., Loupias, M., Maire, A. L., Marleau, G., Martinache, F., Martinez, P., Mary, D., Mattioli, M., Mazoyer, J., Meheut, H., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Meunier, N., Miguel, Y., Milli, J., Min, M., Molliere, P., Mordasini, C., Moretto, G., Mugnier, L., Muro Arena, G., Nardetto, N., Diaye, M. N, Nesvadba, N., Pedichini, F., Pinilla, P., Por, E., Potier, A., Quanz, S., Rameau, J., Roelfsema, R., Rouan, D., Rigliaco, E., Salasnich, B., Samland, M., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmid, H. -M., Segransan, D., Snellen, I., Snik, F., Soulez, F., Stadler, E., Stam, D., Tallon, M., Thebault, P., Thiebaut, E., Tschudi, C., Udry, S., van Holstein, R., Vernazza, P., Vidal, F., Vigan, A., Waters, R., Wildi, F., Willson, M., Zanutta, A., Zavagno, A., & Zurlo, A. 2020, arXiv e-prints SPHERE+: Imaging young Jupiters down to the snowline
Muro-Arena, G. A., Benisty, M., Ginski, C., Dominik, C., Facchini, S., Villenave, M., van Boekel, R., Chauvin, G., Garufi, A., Henning, T., Janson, K., Keppler, M., Matter, A., Menard, F., Stolker, T., Zurlo, A., Blanchard, P., Maurel, D., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Petit, C., Roux, A., Sevin, A., & Wildi, F. 2020, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD 139614 polarization Stokes Q and U images (Muro-Arena+, 2020)
Engler, N., Lazzoni, C., Gratton, R., Milli, J., Schmid, H. M., Chauvin, G., Kral, Q., Pawellek, N., Thebault, P., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brown, S., Buey, T., Cantalloube, F., Carle, M., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Ginski, C., Gisler, D., Henning, Th., Hunziker, S., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Meyer, M. R., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Olofsson, J., Petit, C., Petrus, S., Quanz, S. P., Rickman, E., Stadler, E., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Wildi, F., & Zurlo, A. 2020, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD 117214 debris disk polarization images (Engler+, 2020)
Douté, S., Feautrier, F., Chauvin, G., & Moraux, E. 2019, SF2A-2019: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics The Multi conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY for MICADO
Carlotti, A., Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Houlé, M., Chauvin, G., Choquet, E., Rameau, J., & Thatte, N. 2019, SF2A-2019: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Spectroimaging of young planets with ELT-HARMONI
Charnay, B., Bonnefoy, M., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Lacour, S., & Nowak, M. 2019, SF2A-2019: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres with VLT-SPHERE
Bayo, A., Joergens, V., Liu, Y., Brauer, R., Olofsson, J., Arancibia, J., Pinilla, P., Wolf, S., Ruge, J. P., Henning, T., Natta, A., Johnston, K. G., Bonnefoy, M., Beuther, H., & Chauvin, G. 2019, Frontier Research in Astrophysics - III. 28 May - 2 June 2018. Mondello (Palermo Modeling of the Disk around a Young, Isolated, Planetary-mass Object
Grandjean, A., Larange, A. -M., Kepler, M., Meunier, N., Mignon, L., Borgniet, S., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Galland, F., Messina, S., Sterzik, M., Pantoja, B., Rodet, L., & Zicher, N. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HARPS Young Nearby Stars - YNS (Grandjean+, 2020)
Mesa, D., Keppler, M., Cantalloube, F., Rodet, L., Charnay, B., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Vigan, A., Flasseur, O., Bae, J., Benisty, M., Chauvin, G., de Boer, J., Desidera, S., Henning, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Meyer, M., Milli, J., Mueller, A., Pairet, B., Zurlo, A., Antoniucci, S., Baudino, J. -L., Brown Sevilla, S., Cascone, E., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R. U., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Lagadec, E., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Maire, A. -L., Martinez, P., Menard, F., Meunier, N., Perrot, C., Petrus, S., Pinte, C., Rickman, E. L., Rochat, S., Rouan, D., Samland, M., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmidt, T., Udry, S., Weber, L., & Wildi, F. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: PDS70 VLT/SPHERE images (Mesa+, 2019)
Brown Sevilla, Samantha B., Cantalloube, Faustine, Brandner, Wolfgang, Feldt, Markus, Henning, Thomas, Maire, Anne-Lise, Schlieder, Joshua, Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Gratton, R., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., & Vigan, A. 2019, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society High-contrast Imaging Study on the Candidate Companions Around the Star AH Lep
Garufi, A., Podio, L., Bacciotti, F., Antoniucci, S., Boccaletti, A., Codella, C., Dougados, C., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Nisini, B., Schmid, H. M., Stolker, T., Baudino, J. L., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Grandjean, A., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., Maire, A. L., Perrot, C., Rickman, E., Schmidt, T., A. Vigan, Zurlo, A., Delboulbe, A., Le Mignant, D., Fantinel, D., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Weber, L., & Sauvage, J. -F. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: SPHERE image of RY Tau (Garufi+, 2019)
Milli, J., Engler, N., Schmid, H. M., Olofsson, J., Menard, F., Kral, Q., Boccaletti, A., Thebault, P., Choquet, E., Mouillet, D., Lagrange, A. -M., Augereau, J. -C., Pinte, C., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Perrot, C., Zurlo, A., Henning, T., Beuzit, J. -L., Avenhaus, H., Bazzon, A., Moulin, T., Llored, M., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Roelfsema, R., & Pragt, J. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HR4796A dust ring Stokes images (Milli+, 2019)
Perrot, C., Thebault, P., Lagrange, A. -M., Boccaletti, A., Vigan, A., Desidera, S., Augereau, J. -C., Bonnefoy, M., Choquet, E., Kral, Q., Loh, A., Menard, F., Messina, S., Olofsson, J., Gratton, R., Biller, B., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Feldt, M., Lagadec, E., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Janin-Potiron, P., Salter, G., Sissa, E., Roux, A., Llored, M., Buey, J. -T., Pavlov, A., Weber, L., & Petit, C. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD160305 images with SPHERE (Perrot+, 2019)
Boccaletti, A., Thebault, P., Pawellek, N., Lagrange, A. -M., Galicher, R., Desidera, S., Milli, J., Kral, Q., Bonnefoy, M., Augereau, J. -C., Maire, A. L., Henning, T., Beust, H., Rodet, L., Avenhaus, H., Bhowmik, K., Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Halbergerg, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Langlois, M., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Vigan, A., Rickman, E., Magnard, Y., Maurel, D., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Perret, D., & Sauvage, J. -F. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: High contrast images of NZ Lup (Boccaletti+, 2019)
Maire, A. -L., Rodet, L., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Brandner, W., Messina, S., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Melnick, D., Carson, J., Samland, M., Biller, B. A., Boccaletti, A., Wahhaj, Z., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Langlois, M., Henning, T., Janson, M., Olofsson, J., Rouan, D., Menard, F., Lagrange, A. -M., Gratton, R., Vigan, A., Meyer, M. R., Cheetham, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Dohlen, K., Avenhaus, H., Bonavita, M., Claudi, R., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., D'Orazi, V., Fontanive, C., Hagelberg, J., Le Coroller, H., Perrot, C., Rickman, E., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Udry, S., Zurlo, A., Abe, L., Origne, A., Rigal, F., Rousset, G., Roux, A., & Weber, L. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: Fitted orbits and parameters of 51 Eridani b (Maire+, 2019)
Gratton, R., Ligi, R., Sissa, E., Desidera, S., Mesa, D., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Feldt, M., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Meyer, M., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Janson, M., Lazzoni, C., Zurlo, A., de Boer, J., Henning, T., D'Orazi, V., Gluck, L., Madec, F., Jaquet, M., Baudoz, P., Fantinel, D., Pavlov, A., & Wildi, F. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD169142 SPHERE images (Gratton+, 2019)
Mesa, D., Bonnefoy, M., Gratton, R., van der Plas, G., D'Orazi, V., Sissa, E., Zurlo, A., Rigliaco, E., Schmidt, T., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Ubeira Gabellini, M. G., Desidera, S., Antoniucci, S., Barbieri, M., Benisty, M., Boccaletti, A., Claudi, R., Fedele, D., Gasparri, D., Henning, T., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Lazzoni, C., Lodato, G., Maire, A. -L., Manara, C. F., Meyer, M., Reggiani, M., Samland, M., van den Ancker, M., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Feldt, M., Hugot, E., Janson, M., Ligi, R., Moller-Nilsson, O., Petit, C., Rickman, E. L., Rigal, F., & Wildi, F. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: R CrA SPHERE and SINFONI images (Mesa+, 2019)
Cugno, G., Quanz, S. P., Hunziker, S., Stolker, T., Schmid, H. M., Avenhaus, H., Baudoz, P., Bohn, A. J., Bonnefoy, M., Buenzli, E., Chauvin, G., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., Dominik, C., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Ginski, C., Girard, J. H., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Hugot, E., Janson, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Magnard, Y., Maire, A. -L., Menard, F., Meyer, M., Milli, J., Mordasini, C., Pinte, C., Pragt, J., Roelfsema, R., Rigal, F., Szulagyi, J., van Boekel, R., van der Plas, G., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z., & Zurlo, A. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: A search for accreting young companions (Cugno+, 2019)
Claudi, R., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Cheetham, A., Fontanive, C., Gratton, R., Zurlo, A., Avenhaus, H., Bhowmik, T., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Delboulbe, A., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Flammini Dotti, F., Girard, J. H., Giro, E., Janson, M., Hagelberg, J., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lacour, S., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Le Coroller, H., Menard, F., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Millward, M., Olofsson, J., Pavlov, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Pinte, C., Pragt, J., Ramos, J., Rochat, S., Rodet, L., Roelfsema, R., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Thebault, P., Udry, S., & Vigan, A. 2019, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD142527B images with SPHERE (Claudi+, 2019)
Chauvin, G. 2018, arXiv e-prints Direct Imaging of Exoplanets at the Era of the Extremely Large Telescopes
Huélamo, Nuria, Chauvin, G., & Schmidt, H. M. 2018, Diversis Mundi: The Solar System in an Exoplanetary Context Searching for Halpha Emitting Sources around MWC758: SPHERE/ZIMPOL High Contrast Imaging
Schreiber, Laura, Feautrier, Philippe, Stadler, Eric, Rabou, Patrick, Correia, Jean-Jacques, Glück, Laurence, Rochat, Sylvain, Jocou, Laurent, Magnard, Yves, Moulin, Thibaut, Delboulbé, Alain, Douté, Sylvain, Chauvin, Gaël., Moraux, Estelle, Oberti, Sylvain, Verinaud, Christophe, Cortecchia, Fausto, Arcidiacono, Carmelo, Diolaiti, Emiliano, Ciliegi, Paolo, Bellazzini, Michele, Esposito, Simone, Busoni, Lorenzo, & Ragazzoni, Roberto 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI The MAORY laser guide star wavefront sensor: design status
Mouillet, D., Milli, J., Sauvage, J. -F., Fusco, T., Beuzit, J. -L., Vigan, A., Albert, D., Boccaletti, A., Cantalloube, F., Chauvin, G., Correia, C., Delorme, P., Dohlen, K., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Meunier, N., & Pannetier, C. 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI Statistical analysis and lessons learned of SPHERE adaptive optics performance
Chauvin, G. 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI Two decades of exoplanetary science with adaptive optics
Carlotti, Alexis, Hénault, François, Dohlen, Kjetil, Sauvage, Jean-François, Rabou, Patrick, Magnard, Yves, Vigan, Arthur, Mouillet, David, Chauvin, Gael, Vola, Pascal, Bonnefoy, Mickael, Fusco, Thierry, El Hadi, Kacem, Thatte, Niranjan, Clarke, Fraser, Tecza, Matthias, Bryson, Ian, Schnetler, Hermine, & Vérinaud, Christophe 2018, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII System analysis and expected performance of a high-contrast module for HARMONI
Hénault, F., Carlotti, A., Rabou, P., Magnard, Y., Sradler, E., Mouillet, D., Chauvin, G., Bonnefoy, M., Sauvage, J. F., Dohlen, K., Vigan, A., Fusco, T., El Hadi, K., Vola, P., Clarke, F., Thatte, N., Bryson, I., Schnetler, H., Tecza, M., & Vérinaud, C. 2018, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII Opto-mechanical design of a High Contrast Module (HCM) for HARMONI
Huelamo, N., Chauvin, G., Schmid, H. M., Quanz, S. P., Whelan, E., Lillo-Box, J., Barrado, D., Montesinos, B., Alcala, J. M., Benisty, M., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Mendigutia, I., Bouy, H., Merin, B., de Boer, J., Garufi, A., & Pantin, E. 2018, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: Hα emitting sources around MWC758 (Huelamo+, 2018)
Ginski, C., van Holstein, R., Juhász, A., Benisty, M., Schmidt, T., Chauvin, G., de Boer, J., Wilby, M., Manara, C. F., Delorme, P., Ménard, F., Muro-Arena, G., Pinilla, P., Birnstiel, T., Flock, M., Keller, C., Kenworthy, M., Milli, J., Olofsson, J., Pérez, L., Snik, F., & Vogt, N. 2018, The Messenger A Planet with a Disc? A Surprising Detection in Polarised Light with VLT/SPHERE
Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Lagrange, A. -M., de Boer, J., Vigan, A., Beust, H., Lazzoni, C., Boccaletti, A., Galicher, R., Desidera, S., Delorme, P., Keppler, M., Lannier, J., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Meunier, N., Kral, Q., Henning, T., Menard, F., Moor, A., Avenhaus, H., Bazzon, A., Janson, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Bhowmik, T., Bonavita, M., Borgniet, S., Brandner, W., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Fontanive, C., Ginski, C., Hagelberg, J., Janin-Potiron, P., Lagadec, E., Langlois, M., Le Coroller, H., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rodet, L., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Olofsson, J., Salter, G., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Milli, J., van Boekel, R., Quanz, S., Wilson, P. A., Feautrier, P., Le Mignant, D., Perret, D., Ramos, J., & Rochat, S. 2018, arXiv e-prints Investigating the young Solar System analog HD95086
Delorme, P., Meunier, N., Albert, D., Lagadec, E., Le Coroller, H., Galicher, R., Mouillet, D., Boccaletti, A., Mesa, D., Meunier, J. -C., Beuzit, J. -L., Lagrange, A. -M., Chauvin, G., Sapone, A., Langlois, M., Maire, A. -L., Montargès, M., Gratton, R., Vigan, A., & Surace, C. 2017, SF2A-2017: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics The SPHERE Data Center: a reference for high contrast imaging processing
Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Lagrange, A. -M., Vigan, A., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Cheetham, A., Bonnefoy, M., & Meyer, M. 2017, SF2A-2017: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics SHINE, The SpHere INfrared survey for Exoplanets
Fiorentino, G., Bellazzini, M., Ciliegi, P., Chauvin, G., Douté, S., D'Orazi, V., Maiorano, E., Mannucci, F., Mapelli, M., Podio, L., Saracco, P., & Spavone, M. 2017, arXiv e-prints MAORY science cases white book
Bonavita, M., D'Orazi, V., Mesa, D., Fontanive, C., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Daemgen, S., Gratton, R., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Antichi, J., Avenhaus, H., Baruffolo, A., Baudino, J. L., Beuzit, J. L., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Bruno, P., Cascone, E., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R. U., de Caprio, V., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Giro, E., Gry, C., Hagelberg, J., Incorvaia, S., Janson, M., Jaquet, M., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Le Coroller, H., Lessio, L., Ligi, R., Maire, A. L., Meyer, M., Menard, F., Perrot, C., Peretti, S., Petit, C., Ramos, J., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Samland, M., Scuderi, S., Schlieder, J., Surez, M., Turatto, M., & Weber, L. 2017, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD 284149 SPHERE/IFS spectrum (Bonavita+, 2017)
Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Lagrange, A. -M., Vigan, A., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Bonnefoy, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Feldt, M., Mouillet, D., Meyer, M., Cheetham, A., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., D'Orazi, V., Galicher, R., Hagelberg, J., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Olofsson, J., Samland, M., Schmidt, T. O. B., Sissa, E., Bonavita, M., Charnay, B., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Janin-Potiron, P., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Marleau, G. D., Messina, S., Molliere, P., Mordasini, C., Muller, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Rodet, L., Rouan, D., Zurlo, A., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Menard, F., Schmid, H. -M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Blanchard, P., Bazzon, A., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Charton, J., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Deboulbe, A., de Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignan!, T. D., Mol Ler-Nilsson, O., Llored, M., Moulin, T., Origne, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, R., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L., Wildi, F., Antoniucci, S., Augereau, J. -C., Baudino, J. -L., Brandner, W., Engler, N., Girard, J., Gry, C., Kral, Q., Kopytova, T., Lagadec, E., Milli, J., Moutou, C., Schlieder, J., Szulagyi, J., Thalmann, C., & Wahhaj, Z. 2017, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: NIR spectrum of exoplanet HIP 65426b (Chauvin+, 2017)
Garufi, A., Benisty, M., Stolker, T., Avenhaus, H., de Boer, J. ., Pohl, A., Quanz, S. P., Dominik, C., Ginski, C., Thalmann, C., van Boekel, R., Boccaletti, A., Henning, T., Janson, M., Salter, G., Schmid, H. M., Sissa, E., Langlois, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Chauvin, G., Mouillet, D., Augereau, J. -C., Bazzon, A., Biller, B., Bonnefoy, M., Buenzli, E., Cheetham, A., Daemgen, S., Desidera, S., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Girard, J., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Keller, C., Keppler, M., Kenworthy, M., Kral, Q., Lopez, B., Maire, A. -L., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Meyer, M. R., Milli, J., Min, M., Muller, A., Olofsson, J., Pawellek, N., Pinte, C., Szulagyi, J., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z., Waters, R., & Zurlo, A. 2017, The Messenger Three Years of SPHERE: The Latest View of the Morphology and Evolution of Protoplanetary Discs
Samland, M., Molliere, P., Bonnefoy, M., Maire, A. -L., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A. C., Mesa, D., Gratton, R., Biller, B. A., Wahhaj, Z., Brandner, W., Carson, J., Janson, M., Henning, T., Homeier, D., Mordasini, C., Langlois, M., Bouwman, J., Quanz, S. P., Zurlo, A., Schlieder, J. E., Avenhaus, H., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R., Cudel, M., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Galicher, R., Kopytova, T. G., Lagrange, A. -M., Le Coroller, H., Martinez, P., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Mugnier, L. M., Perrot, C., Sevin, A., Sissa, E., Vigan, A., & Weber, L. 2017, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: 51 Eri b SPHERE/IFS spectra & atmosphere models (Samland+, 2017)
Vigan, A., Bonavita, M., Biller, B., Forgan, D., Rice, K., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Meunier, J. -C., Delorme, P., Schlieder, J. E., Bonnefoy, M., Carson, J., Covino, E., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Janson, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Quanz, S. P., Zurlo, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Buenzli, E., Feldt, M., Girard, J. H. V., Gratton, R., Kasper, M., Le Coroller, H., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Montagnier, G., Mordasini, C., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Reggiani, M., Segransan, D., & Thalmann, C. 2017, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: VLT/NaCo Large program. IV. Statistical analysis (Vigan+, 2017)
Bonavita, M., Desidera, S., Thalmann, C., Janson, M., Vigan, A., Chauvin, G., & Lannier, J. 2016, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: SPOTS II. Planets Orbiting Two Stars (Bonavita+, 2016)
Claudi, R., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Bruno, P., Cascone, E., DeCaprio, V., DePascale, M., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Giro, E., Gratton, R., Lessio, L., Maire, A. L., Mesa, D., Salasnich, B., Scuderi, S., Sissa, E., Turatto, M., Zurlo, A., Beuzit, JL, Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Dohlen, K., Finger, G., Girard, J. H., Kasper, M., Hubin, N., Langlois, M., Lizon, J. L., Mouillet, D., Puget, P., & Wildi, F. 2016, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI Pushing down with the contrast: scientific performances with SPHERE-IFS
Maire, Anne-Lise, Langlois, Maud, Dohlen, Kjetil, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Gratton, Raffaele, Chauvin, Gaël., Desidera, Silvano, Girard, Julien H., Milli, Julien, Vigan, Arthur, Zins, Gerard, Delorme, Philippe, Beuzit, Jean-Luc, Claudi, Riccardo U., Feldt, Markus, Mouillet, David, Puget, Pascal, Turatto, Massimo, & Wildi, François 2016, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI SPHERE IRDIS and IFS astrometric strategy and calibration
Olofsson, J., Samland, M., Avenhaus, H., Caceres, C., Henning, T., Moor, A., Milli, J., Canovas, H., Quanz, S. P., Schreiber, M. R., Augereau, J. -C., Bayo, A., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Boccaletti, A., Buenzli, E., Casassus, S., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Gratton, R., Janson, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Pinte, C., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Thalmann, C., & Vigan, A. 2016, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HD61005 SPHERE H and Ks images (Olofsson+, 2016)
Chauvin, G. 2016, Young Stars & Planets Near the Sun Direct Imaging of Exoplanets Living an Exciting Life
Bonavita, Mariangela, Thalmann, Christian, Desidera, Silvano, Vigan, Arthur, Chauvin, Gael, & Biller, Beth 2015, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts Constraints on the frequency of circumbinary planets in wide orbits
Zurlo, A., Vigan, A., Galicher, R., Maire, A. -L., Mesa, D., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Kasper, M., Moutou, C., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Abe, L., Apai, D., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Beuzit, J. -L., Blancard, P., Boccaletti, A., Cantalloube, F., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Charton, J., Claudi, R. U., Costille, A., de Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Girard, J. H., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Henning, T., Hugot, E., Janson, M., Jaquet, M., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Mawet, D., Meyer, M. R., Milli, J., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Origne, A., Pavlov, A., Petit, C., Puget, P., Quanz, S. P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Salter, G., Sauvage, J. -F., Schmid, H. M., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Vakili, F., Wahhaj, Z., Wildi, F., & Antichi, J. 2015, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: HR 8799e and HR 8799d spectra (Zurlo+, 2016)
Elliott, P., Huelamo, N., Bouy, H., Bayo, A., Melo, C. H. F., Torres, C. A. O., Sterzik, M. F., Quast, G. R., Chauvin, G., & Barrado, D. 2015, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: Stellar multiplicity in 3-1000AU (Elliott+, 2015)
Benisty, M., Juhasz, A., Boccaletti, A., Avenhaus, H., Milli, J., Thalmann, C., Dominik, C., Pinilla, P., Buenzli, E., Pohl, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Birnstiel, T., de Boer, J., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Christiaens, V., Garufi, A., Grady, C., Henning, T., Huelamo, N., Isella, A., Langlois, M., Menard, F., Mouillet, D., Olofsson, J., Pantin, E., Pinte, C., & Pueyo, L. 2015, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: Polarized images of MWC758 (Benisty+, 2015)
Desidera, S., Covino, E., Messina, S., Carson, J., Hagelberg, J., Schlieder, J. E., Biazzo, K., Alcala, J., Chauvin, G., Vigan, A., Beuzit, J. L., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Esposito, M., Feldt, M., Girardi, L., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Lagrange, A. M., Lanzafame, A. C., Launhardt, R., Marmier, M., Melo, C., Meyer, M., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Segransan, D., Udry, S., & Zaidi, C. M. 2014, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: VLT/NaCo Large program I. Sample (Desidera+, 2015)
Teixeira, R., Ducourant, C., Galli, P. A. B., Le Campion, J. F., Zuckerman, B., Krone-Martins, A. G. O., Chauvin, G., & Song, I. 2014, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series Revisiting TW Hydrae in light of new astrometric data
Clénet, Yann, Buey, Tristan M., Rousset, Gérard, Cohen, Mathieu, Feautrier, Philippe, Gendron, Eric, Hubert, Zoltan, Chemla, Fanny, Gratadour, Damien, Baudoz, Pierre, Lacour, Sylvestre, Boccaletti, Anthony, Sevin, Arnaud, Vidal, Fabrice, Galicher, Raphaël., Perret, Denis, Le Ruyet, Bertrand, Chapron, Frédéric, Stadler, Eric, Rabou, Patrick, Jocou, Laurent, Rochat, Sylvain, Chauvin, Gaël., & Davies, Richard 2014, Adaptive Optics Systems IV Overview of the MICADO SCAO system
Choquet, Élodie, Vigan, Arthur, Soummer, Rémi, Chauvin, Gaël., Pueyo, Laurent, Perrin, Marshall D., & Hines, Dean C. 2014, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V A format standard for efficient interchange of high-contrast direct imaging science products
Zimmer, J., Chauvin, G., & Stommel, M. 2014, Proceedings of PPS-29: The 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society - Conference Papers FE-simulation and validation of liquid-bi-orientation-
Manjavacas, E., Bonnefoy, M., Schlieder, J. E., Allard, F., Rojo, P., Goldman, B., Chauvin, G., Homeier, D., Lodieu, N., & Henning, T. 2014, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: 1.1-2.4um spectra of 7 young M and L dwarfs (Manjavacas+, 2014)
Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Rojo, P., Allard, F., Pinte, C., Dumas, C., & Homeier, D. 2014, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: Near-IR integral field spectra of 15 M-L dwarfs (Bonnefoy+, 2014)
Manjavacas, E., Bonnefoy, M., Schlieder, J. E., Allard, F., Rojo, P., Goldman, B., Chauvin, G., Homeier, D., Lodieu, N., & Henning, T. 2014, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana New constraints on the formation and settling of dust in the atmospheres of young M and L dwarfs .
Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Gilardy, Hugo, Beust, Herve, Chauvin, Gael, Rameau, Julien, Boccaletti, Anthony, Girard, Julien, & Bonnefoy, Mickael 2014, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems β Pictoris b Orbital Properties
Bonnefoy, Mickaël, Boccaletti, Anthony, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Allard, France, Mordasini, Christoph, Beust, Hervé, Chauvin, Gaël, Girard, Julien H. V., Homeier, Derek, Apai, Daniel, Lacour, Sylvestre, Rouan, Daniel, Rameau, Julien, & Klahr, Hubert 2014, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems Properties of the young gas giant planet β Pictoris b
Rameau, Julien, Chauvin, Gaël, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Delorme, Philippe, & Lannier, Justine 2014, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems Giant planets around AF and M stars
Mawet, D., Absil, O., Milli, J., Baudoz, P., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Delacroix, C., Girard, J. H., Lagrange, A. M., O'Neal, J., Bourget, P., Forsberg, P., Gonte, F., Habraken, S., Hanot, C., Karlsson, M., Kasper, M., Lizon, J. -L., Muzic, K., Olivier, R., Peña, E., Slusarenko, N., Tacconi-Garman, L. E., & Surdej, J. 2014, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems Companion search around β Pictoris with the newly commissioned L'-band vector vortex coronagraph on VLT/NACO
Maire, Anne-Lise, Boccaletti, Anthony, Rameau, Julien, Chauvin, Gaël, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Bonnefoy, Mickaël, Desidera, Silvano, Sylvestre, Mélody, Baudoz, Pierre, Galicher, Raphaël, & Mouillet, David 2014, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems Search for cool extrasolar giant planets combining coronagraphy, spectral and angular differential imaging
Vigan, A., Chauvin, G., Bonavita, M., Desidera, S., Bonnefoy, M., Mesa, D., Beuzit, J. -L., Augereau, J. -C., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Brugaletta, E., Buenzli, E., Carson, J., Covino, E., Delorme, P., Eggenberger, A., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Lanzafame, A., Ménard, F., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Montagnier, G., Mordasini, C., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Mugnier, L., Quanz, S. P., Reggiani, M., Ségransan, D., Thalmann, C., Waters, R., & Zurlo, A. 2014, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems Results of the NaCo Large Program: probing the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbit
Currie, Thayne M., Rameau, J., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A., Boccaletti, A., Meshkat, T., Quanz, S., Girard, J., Bonnefoy, M., & Kenworthy, M. A. 2014, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223 A Confirmed Directly Imaged Planet Orbiting a Nearby Young, Dusty Star
Schlieder, Joshua E., Bonnefoy, M., Deacon, N., Herbst, T., Johnston, K., Lepine, S., Olofsson, J., Rice, E. L., Berger, E., Skemer, A., Hinz, P., Chauvin, G., Bergfors, C., Henning, T., & Gaidos, E. 2014, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223 The CASTOFFS Survey: Pursuit of Young M Dwarfs Adrift in the Solar Neighborhood
Chauvin, Gael 2013, Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference The EELT's View of Circumstellar Environments
Rameau, J., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Boccaletti, A., Quanz, S. P., Bonnefoy, M., Girard, J. H., Delorme, P., Desidera, S., Klahr, H., Mordasini, C., Dumas, C., & Bonavita, M. 2013, European Planetary Science Congress The lowest mass giant planet ever imaged around a star
Bonnefoy, M., Boccaletti, A., Lagrange, A. -M., Chauvin, G., Beust, H., Allard, F., Mordasini, C., Girard, J. H. V., Homeier, D., Apai, D., Lacour, S., & Rouan, D. 2013, European Planetary Science Congress Properties of the young gas giant planet beta Pictoris b
Rameau, Julien, Chauvin, Gaël, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Meshkat, Tiffany, Boccaletti, Anthony, Quanz, Sascha P., Bonnefoy, Mickaël, Bailey, Vanessa, Kenworthy, Matthew, Currie, Thayne, Girard, Julien H., Delorme, Philippe, Desidera, Silvano, Dumas, Christophe, Mordasini, Christoph, Klahr, Hubert, & Bonavita, Mariangela 2013, Protostars and Planets VI Posters A giant planet around HD95086 ?
Schlieder, Joshua, Bonnefoy, Mickael, Deacon, Niall, Herbst, Tom, Johnston, Katharine, Lepine, Sebastien, Olofsson, Johann, Rice, Emily, Berger, Edo, Skemer, Andy, Hinz, Phil, Chauvin, Gael, Bergfors, Carolina, Henning, Thomas, & Gaidos, Eric 2013, Protostars and Planets VI Posters Early Results from the CASTOFFS Survey
Manjavacas, Elena, Bonnefoy, Mickael, Chauvin, Gael, Rojo, Patricio, Goldman, Bertrand, Allard, France, Schlieder, Joshua, Homeier, Derek, & Henning, Thomas 2013, Protostars and Planets VI Posters New constrains on the formation and settling of dust in the atmosphere of young M and L dwarfs
Ducourant, C., Teixeira, R., Chauvin, G., Krone-Martins, A., Le Campion, J. F., Galli, P., Song, I., & Zuckerman, B. 2013, Advancing the Physics of Cosmic Distances Trigonometric parallaxes in the TW Hydrae Association
Delorme, P., Gagné, J., Lannier, J., Lagrange, A. M., & Chauvin, G. 2013, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Brown dwarfs or planets? . Some direct imaging detections that blur the border
Bonnefoy, M. & Chauvin, G. 2013, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Brown dwarfs and planets.
Lagrange, A. & Chauvin, G. 2012, The Messenger β Pictoris, a Laboratory for Planetary Formation Studies
Rameau, J., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Thebault, P., Milli, J., Girard, J., & Bonnefoy, M. 2012, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: VLT/NaCo images of HD 142527 (Rameau+, 2012)
Beust, H., Chauvin, G., & Lagrange, A. -M. 2011, SF2A-2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Orbital characterization of β:Pictoris b
Bonavita, M., Claudi, R. U., Tinetti, G., Beuzit, J., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., & Kasper, M. 2011, Molecules in the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets High-Contrast Imaging: A Wider View on Extrasolar Planetary Systems
Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Janson, M., Beuzit, J. L., Kasper, M., & Mordasini, C. 2011, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: MESS: Multi-purpose Exoplanet Simulation System (Bonavita+, 2012)
Bonavita, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Janson, M., Beuzit, J. L., Kasper, M., & Mordasini, C. 2011, Astrophysics Source Code Library MESS: Multi-purpose Exoplanet Simulation System
Eggenberger, Anne, Udry, Stéphane, Chauvin, Gaël, Forveille, Thierry, Beuzit, Jean-Luc, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, & Mayor, Michel 2011, The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems: Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution Probing the impact of stellar duplicity on the frequency of giant planets: Final results of our VLT/NACO survey
Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Bonnefoy, Mickaël, Chauvin, Gael, Apai, Daniel, Ehrenreich, David, Boccaletti, Anthony, Gratadour, Damien, Rouan, Daniel, Mouillet, David, Lacour, Sylvestre, & Kasper, Markus 2011, The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems: Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution The planet companion around β Pictoris
Beust, H., Lagrange, A. -M., & Chauvin, G. 2011, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 Orbital characterization of beta Pictoris B and consquence on exiting models
Chauvin, Gael 2011, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts HD196885, The Most Extreme Planetary System?
Chauvin, Gael 2011, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts Hd196885, The Most Extreme Planetary System?
Link, T. E., Flerchinger, G. N., Chauvin, G. M., Marks, D. G., Winstral, A. H., Seyfried, M. S., & Du, E. 2010, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts Application of a long-term water balance of a semi-arid mountainous catchment to understand potential impacts of climate change (Invited)
Sterzik, Michael F., Chauvin, Gael, Geißler, Kerstin, & Pantin, Eric 2010, Highlights of Astronomy Mid-Infrared Variability in Binary Brown Dwarfs
Mouillet, D., Beuzit, J. L., Desidera, S., Chauvin, G., Schmid, H. M., Waters, R.,, & Sphere Science Group 2010, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 Preparation to the scientific exploitation of SPHERE
Buenzli, E., Thalmann, C., Boccaletti, A., Vigan, A., Augereau, J. C., Chauvin, G., Menard, F., Carson, J., Montagnier, G., Meyer, M. R., Lagrange, A. -M., Mouillet, D., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Covino, E., Alcala, J., Lanzafame, A., Brugaletta, E., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Eggenberger, A., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Moutou, C., Waters, L. B. F. M., & Beuzit, J. L. 2010, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 Dissecting the Moth: Resolving the offset debris ring around HD61005 with VLT/NACO
Eggenberger, A., Cornia, A., Mugnier, L. M., Mouillet, D., Chauvin, G., Boccaletti, A., & Rousset, G. 2010, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 Testing the ANDROMEDA method for exoplanet detection on VLT/ NACO data
Chauvin, G. & Naco Large ProgrammeGiant Planets Imaging Collaboration 2010, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 Probing the Occurrence of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs at Wide Orbits, the NaCo Large Programme - Progress Report
Lagrange, A. -M., Bonnefoy, M., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Apai, D., Ehrenreich, D., Mouillet, D., Gratadour, D., Lacour, S., & Kasper, M. 2010, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 Observations of beta Pictoris b
Absil, O., Le Bouquin, J. -B., Chauvin, G., Hanot, C., Benisty, M., Augereau, J. -C., & Lebreton, J. 2010, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 A VLTI/AMBER closure-phase search for low-mass companions around nearby young stars: first results on beta Pictoris
Chauvin, G. 2010, In the Spirit of Lyot 2010 Deep Imaging of Giant Planets
Chauvin, G., Beust, H., Lagrange, A. -M., & Eggenberger, A. 2010, arXiv e-prints Planetary systems in close binary stars: the case of HD196885
Teixeira, Ramachrisna, Ducourant, Christine, Chauvin, Gael, Krone-Martins, Alberto G. O., Bonnefoy, Mickael, & Song, Inseok 2010, Star Clusters: Basic Galactic Building Blocks Throughout Time and Space Membership status of TWA22AB
Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Dumas, C., Lagrange, A. -M., Beust, H., Zuckerman, B., Beuzit, J. -L., Allard, F., & Song, I. 2010, EAS Publications Series Characterization of the Twa22 AB system. A new calibrator for evolutionary tracks?
Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Rojo, P., Dumas, C., Allard, F., Lagrange, A. -M., & Beuzit, J. -L. 2009, SF2A-2009: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Near-infrared integral field spectroscopy of young late-M and early-L dwarfs close to the deuterium-burning boundary
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Bonavita, M., Zuckerman, B., Dumas, C., Bessell, M. S., Beuzit, J. -L., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Farihi, J., Lowrance, P., Mouillet, D., & Song, I. 2009, VizieR Online Data Catalog VizieR Online Data Catalog: Search for companions with VLT/NACO (Chauvin+, 2010)
Huélamo, N., Barrado Y Navascués, D., Bouy, H., Torres, C. A. O., Quast, G., Melo, C. H. F., Sterzik, M. F., & Chauvin, G. 2009, The Eighth Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics: A Tribute to Kam-Ching Leung Search for Substellar Objects Around Young and Nearby Stars: The SACY Sample
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Mouillet, D., Beuzit, J. -L., Beust, H., Ehrenreich, D., Bonnefoy, M., Allard, F., Bessel, M., Bonavita, M., Desidera, S., Dumas, C., Farihi, J., Fusco, T., Gratadour, D., Lowrance, P., Mayor, M., Rouan, D., Song, I., Udry, S., & Zuckerman, B. 2009, Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity The LAOG-Planet Imaging Surveys
Geißler, K., Sterzik, M. R., Chauvin, G., & Pantin, E. 2009, 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun Mid-infrared imaging of brown dwarfs: Is HD 130948 BC variable?
Ducourant, C., Teixeira, R., Krone-Martins, A., Le Campion, J. F., & Chauvin, G. 2008, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series Parallax programs at sub-mas accuracy level
Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Beuzit, Jean-Luc, Chauvin, Gael, & Mouillet, David 2008, Adaptive Optics Systems Adaptive optics and extrasolar planetary systems
Teixeira, R., Ducourant, C., Chauvin, G., Krone-Martins, A. G. O., le Campion, J. -F., Song, I., & Zuckerman, B. 2008, A Giant Step: from Milli- to Micro-arcsecond Astrometry TW Hydrae astrometric parameters measurement
Ducourant, C., Teixeira, R., le Campion, J. -F., & Chauvin, G. 2008, A Giant Step: from Milli- to Micro-arcsecond Astrometry Parallax programs at the Bordeaux Observatory at sub-mas level accuracy
Huélamo, N., Chauvin, G., Foellmi, C., Hartung, M., Haubois, X., Ivanov, V., Melo, C., Nürnberger, D., & Sterzik, M. 2008, Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram Multiplicity of Early-type Stars in the Field: Progress Report
Eggenberger, A., Udry, S., Mayor, M., Chauvin, G., Markus, B., Beuzit, J. -L., Lagrange, A. -M., Mazeh, T., Zucker, S., & Ségransan, D. 2008, Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram Extrasolar Planets in Double and Multiple Stellar Systems
Eggenberger, A., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Beuzit, J. L., Lagrange, A. M., & Mayor, M. 2008, Extreme Solar Systems Probing the Impact of Stellar Duplicity on Planet Occurrence
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Udry, S., & Mayor, M. 2007, arXiv e-prints Characterization of the long-period companions of the exoplanet host stars: HD196885, HD1237 and HD27442
Chauvin, G. 2007, In the Spirit of Bernard Lyot: The Direct Detection of Planets and Circumstellar Disks in the 21st Century Direct Imaging Detection of Planets and Brown Dwarfs
Lagrange, A. -M., Beust, H., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., & Mayor, M. 2006, arXiv e-prints New constrains on Gliese 86 B
Chauvin, G. & Galliano, E. 2006, The Messenger Fellows at ESO
Ivanov, V., Nürnberger, D., Chauvin, G., Foellmi, C., Hartung, M., Hué Lamo, N., Melo, C., Sterzik, M., & Haubois, X. 2006, Visions for Infrared Astronomy, Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie Common Proper Motion Search for Faint Companions around Early-Type Field Stars - Progress Report-II
Boccaletti, Anthony, Augereau, Jean-Charles, Chauvin, Gaël, Riaud, Pierre, Baudrand, Jacques, Lacombe, François, Rouan, Daniel, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, & Baudoz, Pierre 2005, Science with Adaptive Optics Lyot Coronagraphy at the Palomar and Phase-Mask Coronagraphy at the VLT
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. M., Dumas, C., Zuckerman, B., Beuzit, J. L., Song, I., Lowrance, P., Mouillet, D., & Messel, M. 2005, Protostars and Planets V Posters Young, Nearby Southern Associations. Progress in the Search for Planetary Mass and Brown Dwarf Companions with NACO at VLT
Geers, Vincent, Augereau, Jean-Charles, Pontoppidan, Klaus, Käufl, Hans-Ulrich, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Chauvin, Gaël, & van Dishoeck, Ewine 2005, High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy TIMMI2 and VLT-ISAAC Spectroscopy of Circumstellar Dust Disks A Spatially Resolved 3.3 μ m PAH Feature Around HD100546
Chauvin, G. & Mouillet, D. 2004, SF2A-2004: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise Review of NAOS results
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Lacombe, F., Dumas, C., Mouillet, D., Zuckerman, B., Gendron, E., Song, I., Beuzit, J. -L., Lowrance, P., & Fusco, T. 2004, arXiv e-prints Astrometric and Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Brown Dwarf Companion to GSC 08047-00232
Eggenberger, A., Udry, S., Mayor, M., Beuzit, J. -L., Lagrange, A. M., & Chauvin, G. 2004, Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow Detection and Properties of Extrasolar Planets in Double and Multiple Star Systems
Chauvin, G., Flerchinger, G., Marks, D., & Link, T. 2004, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A Water Balance Approach to Characterizing the Hydroclimatology of a Mountainous Semi-arid Catchment
Schneider, G., Song, I., Zuckerman, B., Becklin, E., Lowrance, P., Macintosh, B., Bessell, M., Dumas, C., & Chauvin, G. 2004, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts NICMOS Imaging of 2MASSWJ 1207334-393254 - A Planetary-Mass Companion Candidate
Udry, S., Eggenberger, A., Beuzit, J. -L., Lagrange, A. -M., Mayor, M., & Chauvin, G. 2004, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series The binarity status of stars with and without planets probed with VLT/NACO
Beuzit, J. -L., Chauvin, G., Delfosse, X., Forveille, T., Lagrange, A. -M., Marchal, L., Mayor, M., Ménard, F., Mouillet, D., Perrier, C., Ségransan, D., & Udry, S. 2004, EAS Publications Series Low mass companions searches using high dynamic range imaging
Lagrange, Anne M., Chauvin, Gael, Mouillet, David, Beuzit, Jean-Luc, & NAOS Consortium 2003, Brown Dwarfs High Dynamical Range Observations on the VLT
Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Chauvin, G., Fusco, Thierry, Gendron, Eric, Rouan, Daniel, Hartung, Markus, Lacombe, Francois, Mouillet, David, Rousset, Gerard, Drossart, Pierre, Lenzen, Rainer, Moutou, Claire, Brandner, Wolfgang, Hubin, Norbert N., Clenet, Yann, Stolte, Andrea, Schoedel, Rainer, Zins, Gerard, & Spyromilio, Jason 2003, Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes First diffraction limited images at VLT with NAOS and CONICA
Fusco, Thierry, Mugnier, Laurent M., Conan, Jean-Marc, Marchis, Franck, Chauvin, G., Rousset, Gerard, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Mouillet, David, & Roddier, Francois J. 2003, Adaptive Optical System Technologies II Deconvolution of astronomical images obtained from ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics
Lacombe, Francois, Zins, Gerard, Charton, Julien, Chauvin, G., Dumont, Guillaume, Feautrier, Philippe, Fusco, Thierry, Gendron, Eric, Hubin, Norbert N., Kern, Pierre Y., Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Mouillet, David, Puget, Pascal, Rabaud, Didier, Rabou, Patrick, Rousset, Gerard, & Beuzit, Jean-Luc 2003, Adaptive Optical System Technologies II NAOS: from an AO system to an astronomical instrument
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Dumas, C., Mouillet, D., Zuckerman, B., Beuzit, J. -L., Lowrance, P., & Thomson, M. 2003, SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise VLT/NACO Deep Imaging Search for substellar companions around Young, Nearby Stars
Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Mouillet, David, Beuzit, Jean-Luc, Chauvin, Gael, Menard, Francois, & Moutou, Claire 2003, IAU Symposium Prospects for Very High Contrast Imaging
Chauvin, Gael, Lagrange, Anne-Marie, Mouillet, David, Beuzit, Jean-Luc, Dumas, Christophe, Lowrance, Patrick, & Zuckerman, Ben 2003, IAU Symposium Search for Young Substellar Companions with Naco/vlt
Fusco, T., Mugnier, L., Conan, J. -M., Rousset, G., Marchis, F., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., & Mouillet, D. 2003, EAS Publications Series Deconvolution of astronomical adaptive optics images
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., & Mouillet, D. 2003, EAS Publications Series High Contrast Imaging: Simulations versus Observations
Mouillet, D., Augereau, J. C., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., & Ménard, F. 2003, EAS Publications Series Protoplanetary disks and high dynamic observations
Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A. -M., Menard, F., Mouillet, D., Beuzit, J. L., Dumas, C., Fusco, F., Lowrance, P., Thomson, M., Zuckerman, G., Augereau, J. -C., & Marchis, F. 2002, SF2A-2002: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise Adaptive Optics Survey of Young and Nearby Associations
Mouillet, David, Beuzit, Jean-Luc, Chauvin, Gael, & Lagrange, Anne-Marie 2002, Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation Very Accurate Imaging of the Close Environment of Bright Objects in Visible and Near-Infrared
Beuzit, Jean-Luc, Lagrange, A. -M., Mouillet, D., Chauvin, G., Stadler, E., Charton, J., Lacombe, F., & AVES-IMCO Team 2001, SF2A-2001: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise AVES-IMCO: an adaptive optics visible spectrograph and imager/coronograph for NAOS
Lagrange, A. M., Chauvin, G., & Mouillet, D. 2001, Young Stars Near Earth: Progress and Prospects Adaptive Optics Imaging of Faint Companions at ESO and CFHT
Chauvin, Gilles & Picard, Michel 1984, Applications of Optical Digital Data Disk Storage Systems A Document Storage Application : The Sarde Project