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How to write an article to be published in a Dossier?

Language and length

Articles should be written in English or French. They must include two short abstracts (one in each language) each of 100 words maximum. An abridged version in the secondary language may also be included but is not obligatory. Any figures or tables should have captions.

Articles should not exceed 10 printed pages, or 7000 words. One page is equivalent to 680 words, i.e. 16 150 symbols, letters or spaces.

A standard-size figure, 7 cm wide _ 7 cm high, counts as 148 words (24 words per vertical cm) ; a figure 15 cm wide _x 7 cm high takes up 336 words (48 words per vertical cm).

In a table each line counts for 16 words and a numbered equation is equivalent to 48 words.

Technical requirements

The manuscript should be typed, double-spaced (text, abstracts, captions, etc.) and submitted in two copies. Each article should include the following items:

Ð the title in French and English (as concise as possible) and the running title (less than 60 characters, including spaces);

Ð the first names and surnames of all the authors;

Ð postal address of the author(s) or affiliation; indicate the author to whom proofs should be sent with his telephone and fax numbers and e-mail mail address;

Ð a short abstract in both French and English (100 words maximum each);

Ð two lists of keywords (maximum 7 each), one in French, the other in English, for indexing purposes, these can be chosen freely by the author;

Ð the main text ;

Ð the captions of tables and figures.


A set of original documents and/or photographs should be provided for the reproduction of the figures. Whenever possible, the figures should be submitted in their desired final size, i.e. 70 mm wide. Double column figures Ð if they cannot be avoided Ð should not exceed a width of 150 mm. No original document should exceed A4 (21 _ 29.7 cm) or US letter size. Colour figures may be included into the dossier without charge to the authors. In the case of digitally stored images a high quality paper printout must be supplied.


They are to be numbered between square brackets in the order of appearance and should be formatted as follows:

Article: [1] Camassel J., Contreras S., Robert J.-L., SiC materials: a semiconductor family for the next century, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, sŽrie IV 1 (2000) 5Ð21.

Book: [2] Beck J.V., Arnold K., Parameter Estimation in Engineering and Science, Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977.

Edited book: [3] Gil B., in: Pankove J.I., Moutsakas T.D. (Eds.), Gallium Nitride (GaN) II, Semi-conductors and Semimetals 57, Academic Press, London, 1998, p. 209.

Conference proceedings generally follow the style 'edited book' unless they are part of a regular journal series in which case the 'article' style should be used.

In the text, each reference should be numbered between square brackets. Only one reference should be assigned to each number. References should not be used for comments or unpublished results.


An acknowledgement may be added if considered necessary, but should not exceed three lines.


Footnotes are not permitted.

AuthorÕs are asked to pay special attention to the following items:

Ð no original documents must exceed 21 x 29.7 cm or US letter size;

Ð originals of figures must be submitted with letters and numbers sufficiently large that they remain legible when reduced to column width size ;

Ð SI units should be used (ISO 31 and ISO 1000); tables of international SI and derived units appear in the first issue of each volume;

Ð mathematical equations must be clearly typed, with special attention being paid to subscripts and superscripts;

Ð the meaning of less common symbols should be specified in the margin;

Ð special instructions and explanations for the printer should be noted on a separate sheet attached to the manuscript;

Ð no sentence should begin with a mathematical formula.


An article should be submitted to the dossierÕs guest editor(s).

Treatment of articles on diskette

All articles must be supplied on diskette (see ÒInstructions for the preparation of electronic filesÓ). The disk must contain the most recent version of the text, which must correspond exactly with the accompanying manuscript.

Articles without mathematical formulae or characters :

  • Software strongly recommended : WORD 5.0 or later versions.

  • Document format : DOCUMENT WORD, RTF or ASCII (avoid other formats)

Articles with mathematical formulae :

  • Software : Preferably Tex or LaTeX ; possibly AMS-TeX or TeXTURE

  • Document format : .TEX files with the corresponding macros.

  • Document in WORD using the equation editor are allowed but not recommended due to incompatibility between different platforms/versions.

Illustrations :

  • Figures or photographs can be supplied on diskette. In order to avoid low-quality reproduction owing to poor half-tone screen alignment during any reduction or enlargement, photos or other figures that include half-tones must be supplied at reproduction size (maximum size one text page).

  • Graphics must be supplied in high resolution TIFF (.TIF) or EPS formats. Graphics incorporated in a word processing format (e.g.Word) cannot be used and should instead be output to EPS format using a suitable printer driver. Documents created using other packages such as Power Point are to be avoided.

  • It is essential to copy documents on to a new diskette or zip, having ensured the appropriate formatting, with documents clearly labelled with the name of the first author, the title and the articleÕs reference. A paper printout must always be supplied.


Only the notes definitively accepted by DossierÕs Guest Editor are printed. Proofs will be sent directly to the corresponding author by e-mail along with instructions for correction and forms for copyright and ordering of offprints. Only typographic corrections can be made on the proofs. Corrected proofs should be sent to ƒditions scientifiques et mŽdicales Elsevier (ESME), 23, rue Linois, 75724 Paris cedex 15, France, as soon as possible after receipt of the proofs. Delays in excess of one week may result in the paper being printed in an uncorrected form.


Twenty-five free offprints will be sent to the author(s). Additional copies can be obtained at the authorÕs expense, provided the order form is enclosed when the corrected proofs are returned.

Return of original figures to authors

Original figures will only be returned by special request and in all cases will be held until after publication of the article.


Before sending the article to your guest editor please confirm that your submission includes the components below and attach the completed list to your submission.



p Title in the primary language.

p Title in the secondary language*

p Abstract in the primary language

p Abstract in the secondary language*

p Key words in the primary language

p Keywords in the secondary language*

p Rubrique / Sous-rubrique (see list at the start of CRAS IV)*

p Electronic text file in editable format (.TEX, .DOC, .RTF)

p Figures in hardcopy format and electronic form where available

p Corresponding author e-mail address, fax and telephone number

*Upon request these can be supplied by the guest editor.