Special Issue of CRAS

(Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences) on the CMB

The name of the journal is now 

Comptes Rendus Physique.

The cosmic microwave background/

Le rayonnement fossile à 3K

It is edited by elsevier (http://www.elsevier.fr/gb2/html/detrevue.cfm?code=HY)

Table of contents with a list of authors

F.-X. Désert

CMB: A, B, C...W and Beyond (P!)
F. R. Bouchet

CMB: The isotropic part
F. R. Bouchet & J.-L. Puget

The Maxima Experiment: Latest Results and Consistency Tests
R. Stompor, S. Hanany, M. E. Abroe et al.

Archeops results
J.-Ch. Hamilton, A. Benoit, and the Archeops collaboration

The Planck milestone
F. R. Bouchet, M. Piat, J.-M. Lamarre

CMB Map-making and power spectrum estimation
J.-Ch. Hamilton

Cosmological Parameter extraction: methods
M. Douspis

Extragalactic foregrounds: the distant Universe
G. Lagache, N. Aghanim

Galactic emission: seeing through the Galaxy
M. Giard, G. Lagache

The CMB in the context of other cosmological measurements
A. Blanchard, J. Bartlett, M. Douspis

CMB Polarization as complementary information to anisotropies.
J. Kaplan, J. Delabrouille, P. Fosalba, C. Rosset

Polarization experiments
J. Delabrouille, J. Kaplan, M. Piat, C. Rosset

The inflationary paradigm: predictions for CMB
R. Parentani

Can the CMB reveal the topology of the universe
J.Ph. Uzan, A. Riazuelo

CMB physics: constraints on isocurvature modes
D. Langlois

Cover picture (WMAP Science Team):
All-sky Mollweide projection of the celestial sphere as recently observed by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP : Bennett et al., ApJSuppSer, 2003, 148, 1) with the galactic center in the middle. This map is a spectral combination such as to show vividly the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies which typically span a third of a degree to ninety degrees in angular scale. This map is dominated by degree-scale fluctuations with peak to peak amplitude of only +-70 parts in a million relative to the total 2.725 K emission of the CMB.

Projection Mollweide de toute la sphère céleste telle que récemment observée par WMAP (Bennett et al., ApJSuppSer, 2003, 148, 1) avec le centre galactique au milieu. Cette carte résulte d'une combinaison spectrale telle que les anisotropies du fond de rayonnement cosmologique à 3K (CMB) ressortent au mieux. Ces anisotropies couvrent les échelles angulaires du tiers de degré jusqu'à 90 degrés. La carte est dominée par les fluctuations de l'ordre du degré, avec des amplitudes pic-pic de seulement +-70 millionièmes par rapport à l'émission totale à 2.725 K du CMB.