Network used in Le Gal et al 2014 * Format R1 + R2 = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 alpha beta gamma Rtype Rid format_network_write = '(2(a7,1x),"= ",4(a7,1x),3es12.3,i4,i6)' * The last two integers are: reaction type (i2) reaction id (i6) * Reaction types: (1) : photo-reactions (2) : direct cosmic ray ionization or dissociation (3) : indirect cosmic ray ionization or dissociation (4) : cosmic ray induced desorption from grains (5) : H2, HD and D2 formation (6) : three body reactions on grain surfaces (7) : sputtering of grain mantles (8) : erosion of grain cores (9) : adsorption on grain surface (10) : Collisional dissociation of H2 (11) : All other reactions (12) : Grain neutralization (13) : Grain charging * Meaning of kinetic rates: ** For bimolecular reactions (11, 12, 13) k(T) = alpha*(T/300)**beta*exp(-gamma/T) ** Formation of H2 (or HD, D2) on grains is treated as a bimolecular reaction. ** Cosmic-ray ionization are splitted into direct and indirect (i.e. due to secondary photons). The value of gamma is irrelevant, and used only as a flag here. * General References : [1] Flower et al., 1985, MNRAS 216, 775 [2] Flower et al., 1986, MNRAS 218, 729 [3] Pineau des ForĂȘts et al., 1986, MNRAS 220, 801 [4] Viala et al., 1988, A&A 190, 215