3b. Radiation: fundamentals
Pierre Hily-Blant
Université Grenoble Alpes // 2020-21 (All lectures here)
In defining the magnitude, we mentionned physical quantities such as the flux and luminosity without going in the details of how these quantities are defined. We now go into more details. In doing so, we will introduce a less familiar quantity, the specific intensity (also called brightness although this is a more ambiguous word and we prefer to call it specific intensity). In the process, we will review our knowledge of the black-body radiation which is so essential in astrophysics.
(1) direction is perpendical to dA:
dEν = Iν(θ,φ) dA dΩ dν dt
(2) direction makes an angle θ from the normal to dA:
dEν = Iν(θ,φ) dA⊥ dΩ dν dt
with dA⊥ = dA cos(θ)
Expose an area dA to some radiation during a time dt. The energy in bandwidth dν crossing dA from all directions is:
Fν dA dt dν = ∫Ω dEν
Detector of area 1m2 will intercept Fν W/m2/Hz from the source; obviously, the amount of energy depends upon the distance d:
Fν = Lν / [4 π d2], W m-2 Hz-1
Spatially resolved source: spectral flux density and specific intensity
How is Iν related to the radiation field emitted by the source?
Conservation of the specific intensity (2)
Resolved vs unresolved source
Reduced brightness
Using the reduced brightness also preserves the link between the area under the curve and the corresponding integrated energy:
\[ \int I_\nu d\nu = \int I_\lambda d\lambda \] and \[ \int \nu I_\nu d(\log\nu) = \int I_\nu d\nu \] so that also \[ \int \nu I_\nu d(\log\nu) = \int \lambda I_\lambda d(\log \lambda) \]
The CMB in other units
Conservation of energy ensures that Bν dν = Bλ dλ
Bλ = Bν c/λ2, or λ Bλ = ν Bν
Two equivalent formulations:
\[B_\nu = \frac{2h\nu^3}{c^2}\,\frac{1}{e^{h\nu/k_BT}-1}\]
\[B_\lambda = \frac{2hc^2}{\lambda^5}\,\frac{1}{e^{hc/\lambda k_BT}-1}\]
Asymptotic laws
Wien's law: at short wavelength, λ ≪ hc/kT (high frequency hν≫ kT)
\(B_\lambda = \frac{2hc^2}{\lambda^5}\,e^{-hc/\lambda kT}\)
\(B_\nu = \frac{2h\nu^3}{c^2}\,e^{-h\nu/kT}\)
Rayeigh-Jeans law: at long wavelength, λ ≫ hc/kT (low frequency hν≪ kT)
\(B_\nu = \frac{2kT\nu^2}{c^2} = \frac{2kT}{\lambda^2}\)
\(B_\lambda = \frac{2kTc}{\lambda^4}\)
Wien's displacement law
The wavelength of the maximum of the black-body radiation is given by:
\(\partial B_\lambda(T)/\partial \lambda = 0\) which gives
λmax T = 2.898E-3 m K (≈ 3 mm K), Bλ(CMB) peaks at λ≈ 1mm
We could have also searched for the maximum of the Bν(T) curve:
\(\partial B_\nu(T)/\partial \nu = 0\), giving
νmax = 58.8×T GHz/K (or ν/100 GHz ≈ T/2); Bν(CMB) peaks at ν≈160GHz
Substituting Wien's displacement law into Bλ or Bν gives:
Bλmax(T) = 4.1e-6 T5
Bνmax(T) = 1.9e-19 T3 ≈ T3 (in eV/m2/Hz/sr)
Black-body: generalized curve
Maximum brightness:
Bλm(T) = c1 T5 / [c35 (ec2/c3-1)]=4.1E-6 T5
Fractional brightness is a universal function of λ T:
\[b(x) = \frac{B_\lambda}{B_\lambda^m} = \frac{c_3^5}{x^5}\frac{e^{c_2/c_3}-1}{e^{c_2/x}-1},\quad x=\lambda T\]
Effective temperature
Do stars really radiate as a blackbody ?
Light propagating through a medium suffers scattering (redistribution in phase and/or frequency) and absorption (opacity):
scattering + absorption = extinction
Reflection nebulae
M45 (Pleiades)
Interstellar clouds near bright stars; blue nebulosity is light scattered by dust; dark lanes are due to absorption;
Atmospheric windows
Atmosphere absorption
Atmospheric windows
Why are observatories in altitude?
quantity of precipitable water: the column density of water molecules above the observatory: \[ w(H2O) = \int_{z_0}^\infty n(H2O) dz \] with
n(H2O) [cm-3] = 4.3x1025 P/P0 T/T0 r(z)
Effect of pwv on atmospheric transparency at mm and sub-mm
Left: NOEMA site (2 km); Right: ALMA site (5 km)
Effect of altitude on pwv
Space absorption correction
Positive correction to the apparent magnitude: A
M = m + 5 -5log10 dpc - A = m - DM - A
Important relation that you must know (Bohlin+78):
NH [cm-2] = 5.8 x1021 E(B-V)
Common features
Average A(λ)/AV curve, for 0.125≤λ≤3.5 mic, parameterized bya single parameter RV=AV/E(B-V), applicable for dense and diffuse ISM:
Aλ/AV = f(λ;RV) = a(x) + b(x)/RV, x=1/λ[mic-1]
The 2175 angstrom feature
Diffuse Interstellar Bands
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