5. Telescopes
Pierre Hily-Blant
Université Grenoble Alpes 2020-21 (All lectures here)
The thin lens equation (thickness ≪ focal length):
1/f = 1/s + 1/s'
Geometrical aberrations
Five, intrinsic primary aberrations inducing wavefront errors at low spatial frequency:
More general characterization: Zernike polynomials. See general Optics textbooks for more details.
Spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism
Spherical aberration
Spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism
Cassegrain configuration
Gregorian configuration
transverse coma
(TC), angular
(AS), distortion
(DI)Telescope foci
The Palomar (Hale) 5m telescope
This is the squared modulus of the Fourier transform of a
circular aperture of radius
I(θ) = I0 [2J1(x)/x]2,
Angular resolution
First null of the Airy pattern is for
sinθR = 1.22 λ/D
Rayleigh criterion: two point sources will be separated, or just resolved, if the peak of one Airy pattern coincides with the first minium of the other:
δθ = θR
Two point-sources are fully resolved if the distance between the photocenters of the Airy patterns is
δθ = 2θR
treating all points from the image as a collection of incoherent sources, their intensity add linearly; superposition theorem gives
I(x,y) = ∫∫ PSF(x-u,y-v) I0(u,v) du dv = Iobject ⊗ PSF
in the Fourier plane, this becomes a multiplication of the FT of the brightness distribution by the FT of the PSF
FT(Iimage) = FT(PSF) × FT(Iobject)
Fourier optics: PSF, OTF, MTF, PTF
PSF and OTF: Spatial domain
PSF and OTF: Frequency-domain
Cutoff frequency: limited pupil leads to a cutoff frequency that is the highest frequency transmitted by the system:
νc = 1/(λ F) = D/(λ f) in m-1, or D/λ in rad-1
Strehl ratio (S): ratio of effective PSF peak intensity to the diffraction-limited PSF; for a rms wavefront deformation σ,
Advantage of segmented mirrors: active control system
Active optics in the visible
The active optics system of the VLT primary mirror consists of 150 tripod supports
Active optics: the Keck
Active optics in the radio domain: the GBT
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