6. Radio astronomy
Pierre Hily-Blant
Université Grenoble Alpes 2020-21 (All lectures here)
This lecture
Atmospheric windows
From the Moon
Thermal emission from the surface of the Moon taken 6 days apart with the JCMT.
to super massive black holes
Supernova remnants
Emission from HI gas in M81
Atomic and molecular gas in the merging Antenna galaxies
Reionization epoch
Reionization epoch
Historical perspective
The HI line
Single-dish antennas
Single-dish antennas: FAST-300m
Single-dish antennas: IRAM-30m
Single-dish antennas: LMT-50m
Bose-Einstein statistics describe the occupation number: mean number of photons per field mode (i.e. per frequency, per polarization):
<nν> = [exp(hν/kT)-1]-1
Mean-square fluctuation in photon occupancy:
(Δ <nν>)2 = <nν> (1 + <nν>)
A simple example
Simple example in one dimension
General properties of the antenna beam
Beam solid angle:
ΩA = ∫4π P(ω) dω, usually ≤ 4π
Main-beam solid angle:
Ωmb = ∫mb P(ω) dω, usually ≤ 4π
Coherence étendue: diffraction limited resolution
Effective area and the directivity of a radio telescope
The effective collecting area averaged over all directions is
<Ae> = ∫4π Ae P(ω)dω / ∫4πdω = λ2 4π, Ae/<Ae> = 4πΩA
Optical vs radio telescopes
Figure 33: The measured beam pattern of the 31 GHz and 54 GHz channels of the DMR instrument on COBE. Each channel is sensitive to two polarizations (circular and linear for the 31 GHz and 54 GHz channels, respectively). Note the reduction of the minor lobes to below -50 dB.
Gaussian beam patterns
Figure 34: The measured beam pattern of the 3mm channel of EMIR at the IRAM-30m telescope (from Kramer & Greve 2013 IRAM Report. See also Greve et al 1998).
Looking towards the reference position: the observed flux density is:
Fν(0) = ∫4π P(ω) Iν(ω) dω = ∫Ωsource P(ω) Iν(ω) dω + contamination
Convolution of the sky by the power pattern
What we sill measure, while scanning the source is thus the convolution of the brightness distribution by the power pattern:
Fν(Ω) = (Iν * P)(Ω) = ∫4π P(ω)Iν(Ω-ω) dω = ∫Ωs P(ω)Iν(Ω-ω) dω + contamination
Beam smearing
Sampling theorem
Brightness is corrupted by undersampled high-frequency which get introduced (aliased) at lower frequency;
Coherent detection chain
Two types of (superconducting) detectors
The feed horn
The mixer (or diplexer)
Non-linear mixer: general idea
A diode
Frequency conversion
Intermediate frequency (IF)
I(t) = a2 ELO Esky × cos[2π(νsky-νLO) t + φsky-φLO]
The mixer (or first detector)
Low-noise mixer designs
The beat or intermediate frequency
However, there is another frequency difference in the signal:
I(t) = a2 ELO Esky × cos[2π(νLO-νsky) t + φLO-φsky]
Modern spectra
Why using a temperature scale ?
Historically, radio astronomy was developed at wavelengths where the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation is fullfilled; the black-body radiation is thus given by:
Bν(T) ≈ 2kT/λ2
Fundamentally, any resistive circuit radiates a non-zero power in the form of heat. This noise is due to the motion of charges in the circuit. It was shown independently by Johnson (1928) and Nyquist (1928), that the monochromatic power emitted is
pν = kT, and does not depend on the resistance itself, but only on the temperature;
Consequently, dark currents of radio receivers are conventionally expressed in temperatures and not in e-/s; this makes the comparison between the measured power to the receiver noise straightforward;
Orders of magnitude
Orders of magnitude: observed at a frequency of 10 GHz (λ=3cm), a 3K black-body radiates a specific intensity:
Bν ≈ 2kT/λ2 ≈ 10-19 W Hz-1 m-2 sr-1 or 10 MJy
Simpler unit: specific intensity expressed in K:
1 K at 10 Ghz = 3 10-20 W Hz-1 m-2 sr-1 = 3 MJy sr-1
Monochromatic (and monomode) power collected by an area Ae:
pν = 1/2 Ae Fν, W Hz-1
Assume source is a black-body: Iν(T) = Bν(T), occupying a solid angle Ωs:
Fν = Bν(T) Ωs
Futher assume Rayleigh-Jeans is a valid approximation:
Bν(T) ≈ 2kT/λ2
Physical origin of the antenna temperature concept
Johnson 1928, Nyquist 1928 have shown that the expression of the radiated noise per unit spectral range only depends on T and is given, at long wavelength (Rayleigh-Jeans approximation), by:
pν = kT [W Hz-1]
When exposed to the electric field from the source, the antenna behaves as a resistor: the output voltage rms (remember that P=U2/R) can be interpreted as the monochromatic power radiated by a resistor at temperature TA
Relation between TA and the temperature of the source
Equating the two expressions of pν, one obtains kTA = Ae Ωs kT/λ2 or
TA = T×(Ae Ωs/λ2)
For diffraction-limited telescopes: Ae ΩA = λ2, hence
TA = T × Ωs/ΩA
Point-source sensitivity
The sensitivity of the antenna is usually expressed in terms of the so-called K/Jy factor:
K/Jy = Ae ×10-26/2k = 3.6(-4) Ae, with Ae in m2
Brightness temperature and source temperature
Antenna temperature: general formulation
When observing towards a direction Ω0, the telescope collects
\[ k T_A(\Omega_0) = \frac{1}{2} \int_{4\pi} P(\omega) I_s(\Omega_0-\omega) d\omega \]
Introducing the radiation temperature TR and simplifying leads to:
\[ \boxed{T_A(\Omega_0) = \frac{1}{\Omega_A} \int_{4\pi} P(\omega) T_R(\Omega_0-\omega) d\omega} \]
Beam-filling factor
The antenna temperature from a resolved source
Monochromatic power delivered (in W/Hz) when looking towards (θ0 , φ0)≡Ω0:
pν(Ω0) = kTA = 1/2 Ae Fs(Ω0)
We thus obtain (show it) the following expression for the antenna temperature, for a source of solid angle Ωs
\[ \boxed{T_A(\Omega_0) = \frac{1}{\Omega_A} \int_{\Omega_s} P(\Omega) T_R(\Omega_0-\Omega) d\Omega} \]
The antenna temperature: definition
Therefore, the antenna temperature should be calculated by integrated over the entire 4π sr:
\[ T_A(\Omega_0) = \frac{1}{\Omega_A} \int_{4\pi}P(\omega) T_R(\Omega_0-\omega) d\omega \]
The corrected antenna temperature: TA*
Main-beam temperature:
Tmb(Ω0) = Feff TA*/Beff = 1/Ωmb ∫Ωs P(ω)TR(Ω0-ω) dω
Even if looking at a blackbody, TR is not the temperature of the blackbody because TR assumes that hν≪ kT; you must correct for the neglected factor
Tbb = TR hν/k/[exp(hν/kT
Measuring efficiencies?
Which temperature scale ?
if the source size is known, the true brightness must be corrected for beam dilution:
Tmb ⇒ Tmb × (Ωmb+Ωs)/Ωs ≈ Tmb × (θmb2+θs2)/θs2
When looking at a point-like (meaning, unresolved) source of flux density Fν, the monochromatic power is
p = 1/2 Ae S
Square-law detector
Time integration: the radiometer equation
Time integration: the radiometer equation
Radiometer equation:
σT ≈ Ts / \(\sqrt{\Delta\nu \tau}\)
Observing a source with a spectral resolution δν, during a time τ, leads to a fluctuation rms of the antenna temperature:
σTa = κ 21/2 Tsys / (δν τ)1/2
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