Snoopy Version 6.0 (Albert)
Parameters Struct Reference

#include <snoopy.h>

Collaboration diagram for Parameters:

Data Fields

double lx
double ly
double lz
double reynolds
double reynolds_m
double reynolds_th
double reynolds_B
double x_hall
double N2
double omega
double shear
double omega_shear
double cs
int particles_n
double particles_mass
double particles_stime
double particles_dg_ratio
double particles_epsilon
double cfl
double safety_source
double t_initial
double t_final
double max_t_elapsed
int interface_check
int interface_output_file
int force_symmetries
int symmetries_step
int antialiasing
int restart
double toutput_time
double toutput_flow
double toutput_dump
int output_vorticity
struct VarName timevar_vars
int init_vortex
double vortex_a
double vortex_b
int init_spatial_structure
int init_large_scale_noise
double per_amplitude_large
double noise_cut_length
int init_large_scale_2D_noise
double per_amplitude_large_2D
double noise_cut_length_2D
int init_white_noise
double per_amplitude_noise
int init_mean_field
double bx0
double by0
double bz0
int init_dump
int init_bench

Field Documentation

2/3 Antialisaing rule. Could be removed if you assume is unimportant (untested feature).

double bx0

Mean magnetic field in the x direction

double by0

Mean magnetic field in the y direction

double bz0

Mean magnetic field in the z direction

double cfl

CFL safety factor. Should be smaller than sqrt(3) for RK3 to be stable.

double cs

Sound speed (only used when compressible is on)

set to enforce spectral symmetries and mean flow to zero. Useful when N^2 or kappa^2 < 0. (see enforce_symm() )

Init the Benchmark initial conditions

int init_dump

Use a dump file as an initial condition (everything else, including t, noutput (...) is reinitialised)

Init a large scale 2D (x,y) random noise

Init a large scale random noise

Force the mean magnetic field to a given value.

Init a user-defined spatial structure (see initflow.c)

Add a 2D Kida vortex in the box. Assumes S=1. Requires b>a

Init a random white noise on all the modes

Number of loops between two checks for a user input. On slow filesystems, increase this number

Set this option to force code outputs to a file instead of the screen

double lx

Box length in X

double ly

Box length in Y

double lz

Box length in Z

double max_t_elapsed

Maximum elapsed time (in hours). Will stop after this elapsed time

double N2

Brunt Vaissala frequency squared

Wavelength over which the noise is applied

Wavelength over which the 2D noise is applied

double omega

Vertical rotation rate (if Shear=1, Keplerian if found for (2.0/3.0). Only when WITH_ROTATION is on.

double omega_shear

Pulsation of the time dependant shear (only when WITH_SHEAR and TIME_DEPENDANT_SHEAR is on, or alternatively WITH_LINEAR_TIDE)

Output the vorticity field in the 3D snapshots

Dust to gas mass ratio for the particles feedback

Pressure gradient epsilon

Mass of the particles

Number of particles

Stopping time of the particles

Amplitude of the large scale random noise

Amplitude of the 2D large scale random noise

total amplitude of the perturbation

int restart
double reynolds

Reynolds number (actully the inverse of the viscosity)

double reynolds_B

Reynolds number based on Braginskii viscosity

double reynolds_m

Magnetic Reynolds number (actully the inverse of the resistivity) Used only when MHD is on

double reynolds_th

Thermal Reynolds number (actully the inverse of the thermal diffusivity) Used only when Boussinesq is on

double safety_source

Safety factor for SHEAR, Coriolis and Boussinesq terms (should be ~0.2 for accuracy)

double shear

Shear rate (only when WITH_SHEAR is on)

Number of loops between which the symmetries are enforced. Should be around ~20 for Boussinesq convection

double t_final

Simulation will stop if it reaches this time

double t_initial

Initial time of the simulation

Name of the variables needed in the timevar file

double toutput_dump

Time between two restart dump outputs (restart dump are erased)

double toutput_flow

Time between two snapshot outputs

double toutput_time

Time between two outputs in the timevar file

double vortex_a

x dimension of the vortex

double vortex_b

y dimension of the vortex

double x_hall

Hall parameter

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: