![]() |
Snoopy Version 6.0 (Albert)
#include <snoopy.h>
Data Fields | |
double | lx |
double | ly |
double | lz |
double | reynolds |
double | reynolds_m |
double | reynolds_th |
double | reynolds_B |
double | x_hall |
double | N2 |
double | omega |
double | shear |
double | omega_shear |
double | cs |
int | particles_n |
double | particles_mass |
double | particles_stime |
double | particles_dg_ratio |
double | particles_epsilon |
double | cfl |
double | safety_source |
double | t_initial |
double | t_final |
double | max_t_elapsed |
int | interface_check |
int | interface_output_file |
int | force_symmetries |
int | symmetries_step |
int | antialiasing |
int | restart |
double | toutput_time |
double | toutput_flow |
double | toutput_dump |
int | output_vorticity |
struct VarName | timevar_vars |
int | init_vortex |
double | vortex_a |
double | vortex_b |
int | init_spatial_structure |
int | init_large_scale_noise |
double | per_amplitude_large |
double | noise_cut_length |
int | init_large_scale_2D_noise |
double | per_amplitude_large_2D |
double | noise_cut_length_2D |
int | init_white_noise |
double | per_amplitude_noise |
int | init_mean_field |
double | bx0 |
double | by0 |
double | bz0 |
int | init_dump |
int | init_bench |
int antialiasing |
2/3 Antialisaing rule. Could be removed if you assume is unimportant (untested feature).
double bx0 |
Mean magnetic field in the x direction
double by0 |
Mean magnetic field in the y direction
double bz0 |
Mean magnetic field in the z direction
double cfl |
CFL safety factor. Should be smaller than sqrt(3) for RK3 to be stable.
double cs |
Sound speed (only used when compressible is on)
int force_symmetries |
set to enforce spectral symmetries and mean flow to zero. Useful when N^2 or kappa^2 < 0. (see enforce_symm() )
int init_bench |
Init the Benchmark initial conditions
int init_dump |
Use a dump file as an initial condition (everything else, including t, noutput (...) is reinitialised)
Init a large scale 2D (x,y) random noise
Init a large scale random noise
int init_mean_field |
Force the mean magnetic field to a given value.
Init a user-defined spatial structure (see initflow.c)
int init_vortex |
Add a 2D Kida vortex in the box. Assumes S=1. Requires b>a
int init_white_noise |
Init a random white noise on all the modes
int interface_check |
Number of loops between two checks for a user input. On slow filesystems, increase this number
Set this option to force code outputs to a file instead of the screen
double lx |
Box length in X
double ly |
Box length in Y
double lz |
Box length in Z
double max_t_elapsed |
Maximum elapsed time (in hours). Will stop after this elapsed time
double N2 |
Brunt Vaissala frequency squared
double noise_cut_length |
Wavelength over which the noise is applied
double noise_cut_length_2D |
Wavelength over which the 2D noise is applied
double omega |
Vertical rotation rate (if Shear=1, Keplerian if found for (2.0/3.0). Only when WITH_ROTATION is on.
double omega_shear |
Pulsation of the time dependant shear (only when WITH_SHEAR and TIME_DEPENDANT_SHEAR is on, or alternatively WITH_LINEAR_TIDE)
int output_vorticity |
Output the vorticity field in the 3D snapshots
double particles_dg_ratio |
Dust to gas mass ratio for the particles feedback
double particles_epsilon |
Pressure gradient epsilon
double particles_mass |
Mass of the particles
int particles_n |
Number of particles
double particles_stime |
Stopping time of the particles
double per_amplitude_large |
Amplitude of the large scale random noise
double per_amplitude_large_2D |
Amplitude of the 2D large scale random noise
double per_amplitude_noise |
total amplitude of the perturbation
int restart |
double reynolds |
Reynolds number (actully the inverse of the viscosity)
double reynolds_B |
Reynolds number based on Braginskii viscosity
double reynolds_m |
Magnetic Reynolds number (actully the inverse of the resistivity) Used only when MHD is on
double reynolds_th |
Thermal Reynolds number (actully the inverse of the thermal diffusivity) Used only when Boussinesq is on
double safety_source |
Safety factor for SHEAR, Coriolis and Boussinesq terms (should be ~0.2 for accuracy)
double shear |
Shear rate (only when WITH_SHEAR is on)
int symmetries_step |
Number of loops between which the symmetries are enforced. Should be around ~20 for Boussinesq convection
double t_final |
Simulation will stop if it reaches this time
double t_initial |
Initial time of the simulation
struct VarName timevar_vars |
Name of the variables needed in the timevar file
double toutput_dump |
Time between two restart dump outputs (restart dump are erased)
double toutput_flow |
Time between two snapshot outputs
double toutput_time |
Time between two outputs in the timevar file
double vortex_a |
x dimension of the vortex
double vortex_b |
y dimension of the vortex
double x_hall |
Hall parameter