Jean-Louis Monin
I am a teacher at Universit�
Joseph Fourier and I am working on young stellar objects at
the Laboratoire
d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble (call it GOAL,
in english).
I started by building instruments (mainly infrared cameras) and I
am more involved nowadays in observationnal and theoretical
studies of the close circumstellar environment of newly born
stars. I also study young binaries and their environment.
See the Web page from the Stellar
Formation (FOST) group of LAOG for more informations about this
research field in our lab. See also the Instrumental Research (GRIL)
Web page for informations concerning some
outstanding instrumental projects under development in our Lab.
Please check my publication list
below and do not hesitate to ask me a reprint of any paper that
seems interesting to you.