
I am a member of the CNRS Research staff in the Interstellaire and Odyssey groups of the Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics of Grenoble (IPAG). The main objective of my research is to understand the physical process of star formation. To this end, I devoted my work to observational studies of cores of molecular clouds, which represent the earliest phases of the star formation process. In twenty years, my path led me from the formation of a solar-type (low-mass) stars to the formation of massive star clusters and the clouds that gave birth to them.
Main collaborators
- Thomas Nony: PhD on high-mass star formation, ALMA
- Fabien Louvet: co-PI of the ALMA-IMF large program, magnetic field polarization, comparison with theoretical models
- Jean-François Robitaille: structural analysis and tools, polarization
- Estelle Moraux: co-PI of the Star Form Mapper project, IMF
- Isabelle Joncour: clustering method, multiplicity
- Nicolas Ponthieu: data reduction pipeline, NIKA2
- Patrick Hennebelle: star formation modeling, AMR simulations
- Sylvain Bontemps: co-PI of the HOBYS key program, main co-I of the ALMA-IMF large program
- Quang Nguyen Luong: main co-I of the W43-HERO large program, starburst complexes
- Anaëlle Maury: magnetic field, ALMA
- Antoine Gusdorf: shock modeling, APEX and SOFIA
- Pierre Didelon: HII regions, multi-resolution analysis
- Timea Csengeri: main co-I of the ALMA-IMF large program, APEX and ALMA
- Nicola Schneider: cloud structure, SOFIA
- Peter Schilke: co-PI of the W43-HERO large program, line radiative transfer modeling
- Ken Marsh: continuum radiative transfer modeling
- Annie Zavagno: co-PI of the HOBYS key program, triggered star formation
My research is currently funded by Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program Star Form Mapper and the Programme National de Physique Stellaire (PNPS) and Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire (PCMI) of CNRS/INSU (with INC/INP/IN2P3) co-funded by CEA and CNES.