Welcome to MCFOST's documentation ================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: overview installation running outputs parameter_file input options 3D_models mcfost+phantom tools test_suite troubleshooting .. role:: math(raw) :format: html latex .. About this documentation ======================== This manual for MCFOST is collectively written by Marshall Perrin, Gaspard Duchene, and Christophe Pinte. Contributions of improvements are welcomed. References ========== Pinte, C., Harries, T. J., Min, M., et al. 2009, `A&A `__, `498, 967 `__ Pinte, C., Ménard, F., Duchêne, G., & Bastien, P. 2006, `A&A `__, `459, 797 `__ For the atomic line transfer: Tessore, B., Pinte, C., Bouvier, J., Ménard, F., 2021, `A&A `__, `647, A27 `__