School evaluation: don't forget to fill in the school evaluation form, so that we can justify the school to funding agencies. Thank you!
Plasma physics plays a central role in many natural and man-made systems, from the vicinity of black holes to fusion experiments. This area of research is in fast development thanks to the strong interplay between experimental, theoretical, and numerical approaches. Long-standing challenges such as magnetic reconnection, turbulence, shocks, dynamo processes, or particle acceleration can now be tackled directly by a combination of these techniques. The goal of this school is to gather students and researchers from various communities (astrophysics, applied mathematics, fluid dynamics, fusion research) to provide a unified framework of plasma dynamics and to exchange new theoretical and experimental developments between these communities. This school is in the continuation of several plasma physics schools held in 2011 ("Dynamics and Turbulent Transport in Plasmas and Conducting Fluids"), 2013 ("The Future of Plasma Astrophysics"), and 2015 ("Turbulence, Magnetic Fields, and Self- Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas").
Registration will be open in November 2016.
Monday May 1st evening to Friday May 12 2017
12/05/17: School is finished, we hope you enjoyed the lectures and the discussions!
10/05/17: School pictures in the pictures section of the website. Send us your pictures!
3/05/17: Slides and lecture notes can be downloaded from the program section (scroll down the page, and don't forget to click on reload in your browser to refresh the page).