Signs of planetary formation and evolution

Conférence Heidelberg/Grenoble du 8 au 9 octobre 2012

The first Heidelberg-Grenoble inter-institutes colloquium aims at reinforcing and supporting the collaborations between the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy of Heidelberg (MPIA), the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA), in Germany, and the Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics of Grenoble (IPAG). These institutes gather experts and leaders in Europe in the field of star and planetary formation theory, observation and modeling. The topic of this first colloquium will be dedicated to the "Theory and Observation of Planetary Formation and Evolution". During two days colloquium, our hope is to emulate scientific discussions and interactions between researchers and students. On a long-term basis, we hope to prepare the scientific exploitation of upcoming European instruments (SPHERE et VLT, PIONIER, PRIMA, GRAVITY at VLTI) and strengthen our common leadership on a competitive international scene.

More information on the Colloquium web page.