Séminaire IPAG

Indirect detection of dark matter : status and perspectives

jeudi 25 novembre 2021 - 11h00
Francesca Calore - LAPTH
Unveiling the nature of dark matter is one of the major endeavours of our century. The search for dark matter is developed across multiple channels and with different techniques. In particular, indirect searches aim at disentangling dark matter signals above the largely dominant astrophysical background in the flux of cosmic particles, such as charged cosmic rays and gamma rays. Limits on the dark matter parameter space, and, even more, detection of tentative signals crucially depend on our understanding of the astrophysical background. I will discuss what are the main astrophysical ingredients of relevance for dark matter indirect detection and how they impact the current limits on dark matter particle models. I will finally provide some prospects for future observations.
Hôtes : Benoît Cerutti & Maïca Clavel

Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères