
I am a member of the CNRS Research staff in the high energy phenomena, accretion disks and plasmas group (SHERPAS) of the Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics of Grenoble (IPAG). I am also the principal investigator of the ERC-funded project MHDiscs dedicated to the modeling of planet-forming discs. My research interest includes hydrodynamic and MHD turbulence in accretion discs, disc winds, dynamo theory and planet formation. More informations, including pretty pictures and videos are available in the research pages.
Collaborators and projects
- S. Boldyrev: MHD turbulence in astrophysical objects
- P. Hennebelle: spiral waves
- M. Kunz: Hall dominated MRI
- J. Simon: MRI in weakly ionised plasmas
- H. Méheut: Subgrid scale models, magnetized vortices
- G. Dubus: colliding winds, dwarf novae
- J. Ferreira: disc winds and jets
- S. Fromang: MRI turbulence, disc winds
- A. Lamberts: colliding winds
- P.-Y. Longaretti: MRI turbulence, subcritical dynamos, shear instabilities
- G. Ogilvie: Dynamos in discs, tides, disc winds
- J. Papaloizou: Vortices and baroclinic instabilities
- F. Rincon: subcritical dynamos
My research is currently funded by CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) and ERC (European Research Council) under Grant agreement No. 815559 (2019-2024).
Former group
I am a former member of the Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics group at DAMTP where I was employed for three years (2007-2010) as a postdoctoral research associate.