Command line options

Most of this section remains to be written.

Basic options

-h, -help: displays the help message, with a summary of the main options. Running mcfost withour any argument displays the same message.

-v : displays version number, and available updates

-setup : performs mcfost initial setup (downloads the data and parameter files)

-get_para: downloads the current version of the parameter file

-u: updates MCFOST to most recent version

-fu: forces MCFOST to update to the most recent version, even if there is no new release available

-update_utils: updates MCFOST_UTILS to most recent version

-history: displays full MCFOST history since v2.12.9

-max_mem <value> [GB]: maximum memory that MCFOST can use (approx), default 8

Main options

-img <wavelength> [microns]: computes image at specified wavelength

-mol: calculates molecular maps

Coupling with other codes

-prodimo: creates required files for ProDiMo.

-p2m: reads the results from ProDiMo.

-astrochem: creates required files for Astrochem.

-phamtom : reads a phantom dump file.

-gadget : reads a gadget-2 dump file.

-limits <limit-file> : x,y,z values used for the Voronoi tesselation.

-keep_particles <fraction> (default: 0.99): fraction of SPH particles to keep for the Voronoi tesselation.

File organisation

-seed <seed>: modifies seed for random number generator ; results stored in seed=XXX directory

-root_dir <root_dir>: results stored in root_dir directory

-no_backup : stops if directory data_XX already exists without attempting to backup existing directory

-prodimo_input_dir <dir>: input directory for ProDiMo

Disk structure

-disk_struct: computes the density structure and stops: gas_density.fits.gz and dust_density.fits.gz -> density map grid.fits.gz -> radii and height in the grid volume.fits.gz -> volume per cell at each radius

-r_subdivide <radius>: forces cell subdivision elsewhere than at inner radius

-3D: 3D geometrical grid

-warp <h_warp>: defined at reference radius

-tilt: <angle> [degrees]

-cavity <h0> <r0> <flaring exponent>: carves a cavity in the the disc. Defines a surface, and empties the density above this surface.

-output_J: outputs the radiation field in each cell

-output_UV_field: output the UV radation field between 912 and 2000 Angströms in each cell. units: Habings

-puffed_up_rim  <h_rim / h0> <r_rim> <delta_r>: add a puffed up inner rim to the disc, with an increased scale height by a factor <h rim / h0> and up to a radius r. The width over the scale goes back to normal is delta_r

The updated scale height is

\[h(r) = h_0(r) \times \left(1.0 + \frac{\frac{h_{rim}}{h_0} - 1.0}{\exp(\frac{r- r_{rim}}{\Delta r}) + 1.0} \right)\]

-density_file or -df <density_file>: reads a fits file with the density (gas + dust + velocity, see section “Running a 3D model”)

-sigma_file or -sigma <surface_density_file>: reads a fits file with the surface density

-correct_density <factor> <Rmin> <Rmax>: applies a correcting factir to the density between Rmin and Rmax. Can be used to generate rings or gaps.

-gap <depth> <R> <sigma>: creates a Gaussian gap in the disc [depth is between 0 and 1, R and Sigma in au]

-Seb_F <number>: select the dust diffusion method frollowing Sebastian Fromang’s prescriptions. 1 = gaussian, 2 = cst diffusion coeff

-cutoff <number>: upper limit of the grid [scale height] default = 7

-n_rad: overwrite value in parameter file

-nz: overwrite value in parameter file

-z_scaling_env <scaling_factor>: scale a spherical envelope along the z-axis

-column_density or -cd: outputs the column densities from any cell in 4 directions: to the star, to +z, to -z, and +x.

Stellar Properties

-spot <T_spot> <spot_surface_fraction> <i_spot> <phi_spot>: adds a cold or hot spot on the photosphare. The spot surface fraction is defined between 0 and 1. The spot inclination is defined between 0 and 180 degrees: 0 degree for a spot on the pole and 90 degrees for a spot on the equator. The option currently only works if the photosphere has no extra UV and is only available in MC mode so far. If i is defined between 0 and 90 degrees, the spot is facing the observer when using the central azimuthal bin.

-limb_darkening <ld_filename> adds limb darkening (including polarized limb darkening) on the stellar photosphere. Exemples of limb darkening files can be found in $MCFOST_UTILS/Stellar_Polarization.

-age <age> (default: 3Myr). When using results from hydrodynamics simulations (e.g., SPH), mcfost will assume an age to determine the stellar luminosity and temperature from the mass. The age can be selected using:: Isochrones are found in $MCFOST_UTILS/Stellar_Polarization/Siess.

Dust properties

-dust_prop: computes opacity, albedo, asymmetry parameter, polarizability and saves results in data_dust

-op <wavelength> [microns]: computes dust properties at specified wavelength and stops

-aggregate <GMM_input_file> <GMM_output_file>

-optical_depth_map, -od: generates a map of integrated optical depths from the centre of each cell. 4 directions are considered. In order: towards the star, +z, -z and +x. Results are stored in optical_depth_map.fits.gz

-average_grain_size: computes average grain size in each cell, weighted by their geometrical cross-section; Results are stored in average_grain_size.fits.gz

-HG: uses an Heynyey-Greenstein function

-force_HG <g>: uses an Heynyey-Greenstein function and forces the g value

-isotropic: forces isotropic scattering

-no_scattering: forces albedo = 0

-qsca=qabs: forces albedo = 0.5

-phase-function <s11.fits>: uses a tabulated phase function (rt2 only)

-tau=1_surface: when computing an image, generates a fits file with the coordinates x,y,z of the tau=1 surface for each pixel. The dimension of the fits file is the same as the image fits file + an extra dimension with the 3 values x,y and z.