Séminaire IPAG
A four years journey on Mars with the Perseverance rover
jeudi 13 mars 2025 - 11h00
Pierre Beck - IPAG---
For more than 4 years, the Perseverance rover has been roaming the surface of Mars with the SuperCam instrument on board. I will briefly present the M2020 mission and this instrument, and our involvement at IPAG. I will also show how it has been used to reveal the presence of an ancient lake, carbonation and serpentinisation processes in ultramafic rocks, and hydrothermalism in crustal rocks. I hope these results will highlight the diversity of geological processes that have shaped the rocks of the Jezero crater, and the value of bringing them back to Earth to be studied in the laboratory (and at IPAG!?)
Salle Manuel Forestini, 414 rue de la piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères