







All Publications (From ADS)

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    Revues with referees (More recent papers first ...)


    Klotz, A., Caux, E., Monin , J.-L. and Lodieu, N., 2004, Substellar objects in star formation regions: A deep near infrared study in the Serpens cloud A&A, 425, 927.

    Lachaume, R., Malbet, F. and Monin, J.-L., 2003, "The vertical structure of T Tauri accretion discs. III. Consistent interpretation of spectra and visibilities with a two-layer model, A&A, 400, 185.

    Bastien, P., Menard, F., Corporon, P., Manset, N., Poidevin, F., Duchene, G., Monin, J.-L., 2003, "Polarization in the young cluster NGC 6611: circumstellar interstellar or ... both ?", JRASC, 97, 210.

    Ménard, F., Delfosse, X., and Monin, J.-L., 2002, "Optical linear polarimetry of ultra cool dwarfs" , A&A, 396, L35.

    Lodieu, N., Caux, E., Monin, J.-L., and Klotz, N., 2002 "Discovery of the first young brown dwarf in the Serpens cluster", A&A, 383, L15. PDF preprint available here

    Malbet, F., Lachaume, R., Monin, J.-L., 2001, "The vertical structure of T Tauri accretion disks. II. Physical conditions in the disk" A&A, 379, 515

    Geoffray, H., Monin, J.-L., 2001, "Circumstellar medium around close southern PMS binaries. New results with the ESO ADONIS + COMIC/SHARP infrared system", A&A, 369, 239

    Monin, J.-L., and Bouvier, J., 2000 "Disks in multiple systems : direct imaging fo a nearly edge-on circumstellar disk in the triple system HV Tau", A&A, 356, 75 PS file available here

    Duchene, G., Monin, J.-L., Bouvier, J., and Ménard, F., 1999, "Accretion in Taurus PMS binaries : a spectroscopic study", A&A, 351, 954. PS file available here

    Monin, J.-L., Ménard, F, and Duchene G., 1998, "Using polarimetry to check rotation alignment in PMS binary stars. Principles of the method and first results", A&A, 339, 113. PS file available here

    Giovannetti, P., Caux, E., Nadeau, D., and Monin, J.-L., 1998, "Deep optical and near infrared imaginf photometry of the Serpens Cloud core", A&A, 330, 990 .

    Lacombe, F., Marco, O., Geoffray, H., Beuzit, J.-L., Monin, J.-L., Gigan, P., Talureau, B., Feautrier, P., Petmezakis, P., and Bonaccini, D., 1998, "Adaptive Optics imaging at 1-5 microns on large telescopes: the COMIC camera for ADONIS", PASP, 110, 1087.

    Ageorges, N., Eckart, A., Monin, J.-L., and Menard, F.: 1997, ``New multiple young stellar objects discovered by near infrared speckle imaging'', A&A, 326, 632.

    Asselin, L., Menard, F., Bastien, P., Monin, J.-L., and Rouan, D.: 1996, ``The circumstellar environment of V633 Cas and V376 Cas: Evidence for circumstellar disks'', Ap.J., 472, 349.

    Monin, J.-L., Pudritz, R., and Lazareff, B.: 1996, ``Molecular outflows and star formation in the HL Tau group'', Astron. Astrophys., 305, 572. Abstract

    Boulard, M.-H., Caux, E., Monin, J.-L., Nadeau D., and Rowlands, N.: 1995, ``The flying ghost nebula: a remarkable circumstellar disk'', A&A;, 300, 276.

    Ageorges, N., Monin, J.-L., Desbat, L. and Tessier, E.: 1995, ``Phase and image reconstruction: integration of the phasors'', A&A; Suppl. Ser., 112, 163.

    Ageorges, N., Menard, F., Monin, J.-L., and Eckart, A.: 1994, ``SHARP images of the pre main sequence star V536Aql: a highly polarised binary'', Astron. Astrophys., 283, L5.

    Harvey, P.M., Lester, D.F., Colome, C., Smith, B. Monin, J.-L., and Vauglin, I.: 1994, ``G0589-04: A compact HII region with a very dense circumstellar torus'', Ap.J., 433, 187.

    Lucas, C., Pantigny, Ph., Alloin, D., C\'esarsky, C., Lagage, P.O., Ka\"ufl, H.U., and Monin, J.-L., 1994, "New 8-13 microns Si:Ga DRO Hybrid arrays for very large telescopes", Experimental Astronomy, 3, 273.

    Harvey, P.M., Balkum, S. L., and Monin, J.-L., 1993, ``Infrared Speckle Interferometry With 2-D Arrays'', Infrared Physics, 35, 147-151.

    Menard, F., Monin, J.-L., Angelucci, F., and Rouan, D.: 1993, ``Disks around PMS binary systems : The case of Haro 6-10'' 1993, Ap. J. Letters, 414, L117.

    Monin, J.-L., Mariotti, J.-M., Ghez, P., Perrier, C., and Desbat, L.: 1992, ``Pupil plane Interferometry in the near infrared II. Phase recovery and image reconstruction'', Astron. Astrophys., 260, 510. Abstract

    Rigaut, F., Cuby J.-G., Caes M., Monin J.-L., and Lena P.: 1992, Visible and infrared wavefront sensing for astronomical adaptative optics'', Astron. Astrophys., 259, L57.

    Mariotti, J.-M., Monin, J.-L., Ghez, P., Perrier, C., and Zadrozny, A.: 1992, ``Pupil plane Interferometry in the near infrared I. Methodology of observations and first results'', A&A, 255, 462. Abstract

    Lazareff, B., Pudritz, R., and Monin, J.-L.: 1990, ``Infrared images of protostellar accretion disks : theoretical models'', Ap. J., 358, 170.

    Monin, J.-L., Pudritz, R., Lacombe, F., and Rouan, D.: 1989, ``Infrared images of HLTau, scattering from an inclined, flaring disk'', A&A, 215, L1. Abstract

    Monin, J-L., Vauglin, I., Sibille, F., and Audaire, L.: 1987, ``A new infrared camera for the 2-5mic ron range'', A&A, 172, 368.

    Gerbal, D., Mathez, G., Monin, J-L., and Salvador-Sole, E.: 1985, ``Energy contents of non isothermal X-ray plasma in clusters of galaxies'', A&A, 146, 119.

    Workshops and conferences

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    Gerbal, D., Mathez, G., Mazure, A., and Monin, J.-L.: 1984, Clusters and groups of galaxies, p 147, Reidel Pub. Comp.

    Lagage, P-O., Audaire, L., Cezarsky, C., Lucas, C., Monin. J-L., and Sibille, F.: 1987, `` Si:Ga array detectors optimized for the 10m atmospheric window'', Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, p 87, Eds. C.G. Wynn-Williams and E.E. Becklin, Hilo, Hawaii, March 24-26 1987.

    Monin, J-L., Vauglin, I., Sibille, F., Merlin, P., and Guilloteau, S.: 1987, `` A 3232 IR 2--5m HgCdTe/CCD camera. First results'', Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, p 232, Eds. C.G. Wynn-Williams and E.E. Becklin, Hilo, Hawaii, March 24-26 1987.

    Vauglin, I., Monin, J-L., Sibille, F., and Merlin, P.: 1987, `` Infrared images of galaxies'', Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, p 360, Eds. C.G. Wynn-Williams and E.E. Becklin, Hilo, Hawaii, March 24-26 1987.

    Mariotti, J-M., Zadrozny, A., Vauglin, I., and Monin, J-L.: 1987, Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, p 468, Eds. C.G. Wynn-Williams and E.E. Becklin, Hilo, Hawaii, March 24-26 1987.

    Monin, J-L.: 1987, Colloque Histoire et Avenir de l'OHP, p 245, Eds. A.A. Chalabaev and M.J. Vin, 11-12 juin 1987.

    Monin, J.-L., Vauglin, I., and Sibille, F.: 1987, SPIE, vol 875, p 129, Cannes, 20 Nov 1987.

    Mariotti, J.-M., Monin, J.-L., Zadrozny, A., and Perrier C.: 1988, "A rotation shearing interferometer for the near infrared", NOAO--ESO Conference on High Resolution Imaging by Interferometry, p 281 Garching, March 15-18 1988.

    Monin, J.-L., Caes, M., Nicolas, P., Boch, R., and Chatard, J.-P.: 1990, ``Application of infrared bidimensional devices in Astronomy'', proc. SPIE vol. 1341, Infrared Technology XVI, pp 202-213.

    Ghez, P., Mariotti, J.-M., Monin, J.-L., Perrier, C., Dainty, C., and Fuensalida, J.J.: 1990, ``Diffraction-limited observations of astronomical sources with a rotation shearing interferometer in the near-infrared'', proc SPIE vol 1351, Digital image synthesis and Inverse optics, pp 689-697.

    Ghez, P., Monin, J.-L., Perrier, C., and Mariotti, J.-M.: 1991, ``Diffraction limited imaging of circumstellar shells by rotation shearing interferometry'', ESO conf. on High Angular Resolution Imaging by Interferometry. II, p521, Ed. J.M. Beckers and F. Merkle, Garching, Oct. 15-18, 1991.

    Monin, J.-L., Ghez, P., Perrier, C., Mariotti, J.-M., and Desbat, L.: 1991, ``Phase recovery and image reconstruction in pupil-plane interferometry'', ESO conf. on High Angular Resolution Imaging by Interferometry. II, p863, Ed. J.M. Beckers and F. Merkle, Garching, Oct. 15-18, 1991.

    Monin et al., 1991, ``Infrared developments in France'', Assemblée Générale UAI, Buenos Aires, juillet 1992.

    Malbet, F., Monin, J.-L., and Bouvier, J.: 1992, ``Imaging circumstellar disks around young stars by multi-aperture interferometry'', Proc. of the ESA Colloquium on Targets for Space-based Interferometry, Beaulieu, France, 13-16 octobre 1992, (ESA SP-354, December 1992), p111-115.

    Bouvier, J., Malbet, F., and Monin, J.-L.: 1992, ``Synthetic images of proto-planetary disks around young stars'' Proc. NASA Conf. Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, Detection, JPL, dec.92, ed. B.F. Burke, sous presse.

    Monin, J.-L., Ageorges, N., and Desbat, L.: 1993, ``Phase and image reconstruction from pupil-plane observations in the near infrared : Integration of the phasors.'', IAU Coll. No 158, Very High Angular Resolution Imaging, Sydney, 10-18 janvier 1993, sous presse.

    [] Monin, J.-L., Bouvier, J., and Malbet, F.: 1993, ``High angular resolution observations of protostellar disks'', IAU Coll. No 158, Very High Angular Resolution Imaging, Sydney, 10-18 janvier 1993, sous presse.

    Motte, F., Monin, J.-L., Sibille, F., and Merlin, Ph.: 1993, ``m images of HL Tau'', Infrared Astronomy with arrays: the next generation, 18-22 juillet 1993, UCLA, Loa Angeles, USA. (Poster non publié).

    Lucas, Ch., Pantigny, Ph., Alloin, D., Cesarsky, C., Lagage, P.O., Kaüfl, H.U., and Monin, J.-L.: 1993, ``New m Si:Ga/DRO Hybrid Arrays for Very Large Telescopes'', Proc. of the conference on Infrared Astronomy with arrays: the next generation, 18-22 juillet 1993, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA.

    Feautrier, P., Geoffray, H., Petmezakis, P., Monin, J.-L., Le Coarer, E., and Audaire, L.: 1994, ``The m imaging detector for the ADONIS adaptive optics system'', SPIE, vol 2268, p 386, 24-29 juillet 1994, San Diego, USA.

    Monin, J.-L., and Ménard, F.: 1994, ``Circumbinary dust disks'', proceedings du IAP Astrophysics Meeting ( Circumstellar dust disks and planets formation), 4-8 juillet 1994, Paris, France, sous presse.

    Monin, J.-L., Ageorges, N., Ménard, F., and Eckart, A.: 1994 ``SHARP Images of the Pre-main Sequence Star V536 Aquilae: A Binary with a Low Mass Companion, proceedings du Workshop ESO sur The Bottom of the Main Sequence - And Beyond, 8-10 aout 1994, ESO, Garching, Allemagne, sous presse.


    Monin, J-L.: 1987, Thèse de Doctorat, ``Conception et réalisation d'une caméra astronomique basée sur un détecteur bidimensionnel infrarouge; résultats astrophysiques'', Université PARIS VII, soutenue le 19 mars 1987.

    Monin, J.-L.: 1993, Diplôme d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, ``Très haute résolution angulaire en infrarouge ; application à l'étude de la formation stellaire'', Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble-1, présentation de travaux le 16 septembre 1993.

    Ouvrages de cours

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    "ELECTRONIQUE NUMERIQUE ET LOGIQUE ". Cours developpé pour des étudiants de Licence Physique et Application, et Licence Electronique, Electrotechnique et Automatique. Consultez ce lien

    ``ELECTRONIQUE''. Cours d'électronique ( pages) contenant le cours, les TD et les TP (texte et figures) d'un enseignement d'électronique en Licence. Plutot pour débutants. Cliquez ici pour un fichier Postscript compresse (Attention : 2.2 Mo !)

    Ce cours concerne les bases de l'électronique (Impédances, Diodes, Transistors, Amplificateur Opérationnel, Logique). De nombreux exercices sont proposés, dont la correction est publiée en fin d'année.

    ``ELEMENTS D'ASTROPHYSIQUE''. Cours d'astrophysique ( pages) enseigné en Maitrise-Magistère de Physique. J'y développe les bases de la cosmologie, de la structure et de la formation stellaire, ainsi que du cas important des disques d'accrétion autour d'étoiles jeunes.

    ``ASTROPHYSIQUE INSTRUMENTALE''. Polycopie de cours enseigné au DEA d'Astrophysique de la région Rhône-Alpes (environ 100 pages). Je présente dans ce cours les aspects observationnels de l'astronomie du domaine radio aux rayons gamma.


    Jean-Louis MONIN - LAOG - BP 53 - 38041 GRENOBLE Cedex - FRANCE