The Grenoble University Space Center (CSUG)

Séminaire IPAG de Mathieu Bathelemy (IPAG), jeudi 12 mai 2016 à 11h00, IRAM seminar room

The Grenoble University Space Center aims to involve students in nanosatellites building and development. We work with students from different levels and different domains including some human science formation. It is however not only a training center. Nanosatellites are changing the paradigm of space exploration and engineering. The past 15 years have seen a growing activity in this field, with a marked acceleration in the last 3 years. Whereas the educational value of nanosatellites is well recognized, their scientific and technological use has so far not been demonstrated so clearly. The same is true for their societal relevance. The CSUG is then also a technological center which aims to develop the miniaturisation of the instrumentation for these small satellites and thus their science return.

During this seminar I will describe the Space Center, its way of working and its first projects.