Magnetoaccretion in Young Stars : modelling meets observations

Séminaire IPAG de Marcelo Guimaraes (IPAG), jeudi 31 mai 2018 à 11h00, salle Manuel Forestini IPAG

In recent years we have seen an increase in the quantity and quality of astronomical data and it is common now to speak of Big Data, especially in the GAIA Era. However, in some areas, the theoretical and computational tools necessary to analyse these huge amounts of data did not increase in the same velocity and amount, neither did the workpower availability. Radiative transfer models focused on the early stages of stellar evolution have been challenged to evolve in order to cope with high resolution spectra, high cadence photometry and simultaneous wide wavelength range observations. In this seminar I will review the current radiative transfer models used in the study of Classical T Tauri stars and Herbig Ae stars. I will also present the radiative transfer model that we have been working on and all the improvements that we are conducting on it in order to produce intensity maps of the Brackett Gamma hydrogen line. These intensity maps will be used to create theoretical visibility curves to be compared with observations performed by GRAVITY.